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Everything posted by jkatz44

  1. Some video... http://m.youtube.com/index?client=mv-google&desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US&rdm=4p9mbiit5#/watch?v=Kcfznxh3xtQ
  2. Does anyone know of a reliable 22 upper that I could put on a m&p 9L?
  3. I recently shot the 2011 Factory Gun Classic. I shot pretty well and ended up placing well. I was 2nd overall and shot 95% of match winner. (a GM)
  4. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=aFfbAQ3LGZ4
  5. http://m.youtube.com/#/profile?user=cruiser6003&v=aPvz1TLulGI&view=videos
  6. http://m.youtube.com/index?client=mv-google&desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US&rdm=4of0xhsmg#/watch?v=On4ILifsGjU
  7. Thanks and yeah it seemed the best way for me.
  8. http://video.ak.fbcdn.net/cfs-ak-snc4/342709/338/166018746817060_14838.mp4?oh=0f80e3386a225e62ff3553e596d8cc8c&oe=4E851A00&__gda__=1317345792_80fba052bf3b42e661b5365c76f07e39
  9. http://video.l3.fbcdn.net/cfs-l3-ash4/348718/570/166020776816857_29121.mp4?oh=c3e520df47e0ea3d54e1f9b18662322b&oe=4E851A00&l3s=20110927181312&l3e=20110929182312&lh=0258e62d3b520eca3e320
  10. Last night, i shot a local match. I decided to switch to production for a little while. I again noticed that shooting open has improved my game in production. I shot a pretty good match and was able to win HOA. I feel pretty confident running my M&P!
  11. Thanks much. I Appreciate it
  12. Okay, so I shot the Pro Am championship yesterday. I feel like a shot a pretty solid match aside from a few minor mistakes. In the end I shot a total of 185 steel down. Overall, I was able to finish 16th out of 103 in Open and I was high Junior open. I had a great time at this match and I hope I will be able to go to it again in the future. I will try and get some videos up... Jason
  13. I just wanted to give my thanks to Phil, Manny, the Ro's, and all of the others who helped contribute to the success of this match. I had a lot of fun at this match so THANKYOU!
  14. I was able to shoot another Tuesday night match yesterday. I shot okay with a couple minor mistakes. Although they really didn't affect me too much in this local match, I know that they will in major matches. But, I was still able to win the match HOA. Here are some videos of two of the four stages...Let me know what you think.
  15. Well, last Tuesday I shot a local Tuesday night match. There were some pretty good shooters and I felt like a shoot pretty good. I only had one bad stage in which I tried to burn it down which leaded to a few misses on head shots. But other than that, I am feeling confident. I cannot believe that the Pro Am is only a week away. Im looking forward to it and I will try and get video since I haven't posted videos of myself in a while. For this match, my only focus is to just shoot. I'm going to let my natural ability take over and I will see what happens...
  16. The sunday match got rained out...Hopefully i can make the local match on tuesday.
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