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Posts posted by 2MoreChains

  1. I think it depends on the buffer you're using. For example, if you're using a standard carbine buffer you may need a spacer or about $1.75 in quarters in a stack to take up the extra space. I went with a Spikes 9mm buffer that weighs a little over 8 oz and is long enough not to need a spacer.

  2. I did it, except I went the other way. I had a 2011 in 9mm that I shot 3-gun with, but also wanted a 9mm 1911 to shoot Single Stack-minor. So I bought a 1911 frame and all the internals and took them to my gunsmith. He fit the 1911 frame to the slide (as opposed to fitting the slide to the frame) so the 9mm slide fits on the 2011's and the new 1911's frame. I shoot more USPSA than 3-gun, but for the times I need a 2011 9mm, all I gots to do is pop the slide stop out and switch frames.

    Cost-wise, its parts plus whatever your GS charges.

  3. Come join us at the Nampa Rod and Gun outdoor range. Probably about the same distance to G. Nourse range from Meridian, minus the detour for a Hep C shot at an emergency room.

    We shoot USPSA on the 1st Saturday and 3rd Sunday of the month. Steel Challenge every Monday and Weds evening from about 4-ish until dusk.

  4. Yeah, separate match always an Option. In retrospect I could have since I put all the PCC'ers on the same squad so we'd be consistent with start positions etc. Its water under the bridge, and I told folks we'd wait until July to start offering PCC. I did do an act of contrition with my AD: "forgive me father for I have sinned and offered PCC before it was approved... but it was too much fun not to give it a try!" He absolved me and told me to go clean the drool off my lower lip.

  5. Slight thread drift: if whatever DNROI comes up with migrates over to PCC, I like the idea of designating a table or section of the bay that faces into a side berm as the designated unbagging and bagging area. It wouldn't need much, just somebody to point and say "all yous over-der". Everyone with a long gun lines up their bags/case/kart with the muzzle pointing into the berm. I don't even need a table, just a patch of dirt up against a side berm. 3-gun match where everybody has 2 long guns may need more room, but PCC at a USPSA match... probably won't need much room.

    On deck shooter faces berm and unbags gun at that location, verticalizes the gun (just made up a new word), and walks up to the start position.

    At the end of the stage after Range is Clear, carries verticalized gun back to the bagging area and stows it in the bag, case, kart.

    The local 3 gun matches I've shot do it this way and have not seen a problem like the OP describes -and I am kind of sensitive to muzzles being pointed at me as well.

  6. Jim,

    the one time I added PCC as a division to a Lvl 1 match, all was fine until I went to generate the Activity Report. That's when I got blocked by Practiscore.

    Until PCC is officially recognized by USPSA (not until July from what we read), and Practiscore is updated to reflect the new division, you'll probably get an error message when you create the Activity/Classifier Report on the iPad. So what I did (right, wrong, or desperate) was to change the PCC'ers to Open in order to create the Activity Report. Fortunately that match did not have a classifier, so didn't have to worry about somebody getting a pistol classification using a long gun. When I researched my issue, two options I read about: 1. Change PCC to Open or 2. delete the PCC shooters. Had my match included a classifier I probably would have deleted the PCC'ers prior to generating the Activity Report.

    I suspect we'll have to download a newer version of PS in July-ish.

  7. amokscience, you are 100% correct and we are all working on modifying the rule.

    Have you all played with shooting a carbine one handed? It's really fun and is actually a great skill to have in your bag of tricks..

    Yep, about as often as I practice shooting a pistol SHO/WHO, which is to say not very much! But good to hear about the rule modification. Thanks!

  8. Moto is also stirring the honeypot in addition to his chilli fixin's.

    9 stages back-to-back Hi-cap / Lo-cap level 1 match is not normal for us, but something the club started doing last year and this was our second offering. 9 stages, low 200 rnd count. Day 1: match only recognizes the hi-cap divisions. Day 2: match only recognizes the lo-cap divisions. Idea is to bump up the competitive heat by attracting only those divisions on each day, plus what's not to like about 1 setup, 2 matches, 1 tear-down?

  9. I shot PCC at a local match this weekend. Had a stage where we had to engage a close target thru a port. Bottom of the port's sill was about 4' off the ground and the target was angled back 45 degrees and close enough that most shooters are not tall enough to shoot their PCC thru a 4' high port in a downward angle with it shouldered. I'm sure everyone has shot something similar and usually with a pistol we just point shoot since the target is so close.

    I can only speculate why the draft rules were written to require that the PCC must be shouldered, but I think we're going to keep running into these situations where it's going to be difficult if not impossible to shoulder the PCC for certain shots.

    Not saying this is a reason to do away with this grand social experiment, just something to consider and figure out how to deal with it.

  10. As a MD if I can talk my ranges BOD into allowing them (range policy on pistol bays) I can guarantee I will change nothing in the stages I design and set up. I believe the whole point of adding PCC is because there are shooters that want to shoot them on the stages we are presenting now. Changing the stages is the last thing those interested in shooting PCC want, they have seen (and probably shot) our stages and want to shoot them with their carbine, walls. ports, odd angled leans, weak and strong side only, all of it. So far as I can tell the only "change" that has been talked about is start positions for the PCCs only, and even I'm smart enough to be able to remember that the guys with the long guns start facing down range.

    "there are shooters that want to shoot them on the stages we are presenting now. Changing the stages is the last thing those interested in shooting PCC want, they have seen (and probably shot) our stages and want to shoot them with their carbine, walls. ports, odd angled leans, weak and strong side only, all of it"

    This ^


  11. I would say once the RO's gun is involved (be it shooting a stage or looking at it laying on the ground) then the "RO" is no longer an "RO" at that point in time. Get thee another RO to RO you while yer shooting or needing it picked up off the ground.

    As to the other matter, you mean that convenient bucket in the PP is not a gun/purse holder?

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