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Posts posted by Mistral404

  1. Shred,

    I think I have been Hoisted on My Own Petard. I had not thought about that way. Thanks for the insight.

    Statistically, in a normal distribution you will not find everyone in the 95th percentile. What you are saying is true just that the probability of it is almost nil.

  2. Shred,

    By definition, not everyone could shoot at 95% only the top 5% could qualify, no more no less.

    Not everyone can make improve beyond their current capabilities.

    A bad analogy would be, if you practice basketball enough you could out play Michael Jordan. Do you think that is going to happen?

  3. I am puzzled by the people who advocate practice more and you will move up. In some cases this is true. But by definition our classification is based on percentages. Only the top 5% of the shooter will ever make GM by definition. So our system is self-limiting to some extent. Yes I realize that once you make your highest you will not be move down. But still the basic premise is true.

    Prizes are rewards or acknowledgement for performance. My idea is reward as many people as possible. For example, Buck Rogers at IBM had a philosophy of rewarding the top 70% of the people. Having 70% people receiving positive feedback, recognization moved IBM from $50 million a year to $5Billion. He moved away from just recognizing the top ten producers, knowing that only the top ten would recognized, by acknowledging the top 70% produced far better outcomes.

    Reward people for performance in each category. Why NOT? Each earn the recognition based on their ability and performance within their classification. If I am second place C, I think I should be rewarded/acknowledged for that achievement at almost the same level as second B/A/M/GM.

    This is similar to high school sports in many states. Schools compete against other schools by districts and classes. When the state championships occur, each team plays against other teams in the same district/class. A school with 6K students probably has a better talent pool than a school with 600 students. Is it fair that 600 student school play a 6K student school? I do not think there is a state which allows for such a disparate competition. Each should be rewarded in accordance to their class.

    Discussing new approaches is trying to shift or break the paradigms. Generally this is a good thing. Find new ways to reward participation and achievement. There are decent models out there that we should seriously consider.

  4. Chills 1994,

    Remember an SD of 40 should also be in the context of variance. But I suspect without seeing the data it means that sometimes you really put together a stage and other times you have either a senior moment or a brain fart.

    I typically suffer from both maladies. Hence, my SD would be large also.

    That is why subtracting the mean and dividing by the SD should give you a z-score which will show the true percentage. I think this is called normalizing the data.

    Not the IT normalization of a data base -- for the geeks out there.

    I really like what they did at the Dual Championships in CA a few months ago. First Place won a gun (great sponsors thanks to Mike and Souzan), everything else was by drawing.

    Sorry Matt.

    I was ponderind the sandbagger situation while at the airport. The current classifier system, to me, seems to be oriented towards the original fundamentals of our sprot. Establishing levels of expertise in free style, strong hand, weak hand accurate shooting. Then add some movement in the mix. I am not saying where we are is bad but it does seem like there is a dicotomy between reality of current matches and the foundation of our game.

    I am more at ease with this dicotomy now then I was before. I do like all the suggestions on how to deal with sandbaggers with regards to them personally.

  5. Our organizations sponsors action pistol shooting.

    Any that will bring in more people and yes, sponsors to help support matches I support.

    I fully supported the SS concept. I like the idea it coinsides with the 1911 Society. Got a gun for it.

    I enjoy L10. I got there guns that can play in the Division.

    I enjoy Limited. Got a gun for it too.

    Shot a friend open gun-- if I had the money I would have a gun for it too.

    I might be a production gun soon.

    I do not shoot wheel guns-just way too much effort for me. Beside Jerry and Nils own this division.

    I pretty much agree with Chuck D original statements. If someones wants to shoot it then lets support the pistol shooting sports. We are more flexible than any other pistol association. Lets be inclusive not exclusive.

    Do not get rid of any of the Divisions.

  6. Talk with Don about the glass. He has two that he does a lot of business with-Sawarski and Khales-I apologize for the spelling. Both are big bucks but once you see those optics everything else pales in comparsion. I have shot his guns with that glass at the 550 meter ram at Rio Salado. Then I shot another friends AI with another brand X. Major difference in clarity. Now that is not to say the other brand X was not very good but the Don's was far superior. Also note that my friend wins alot matches with Brand X.

    BTW: I talked with Don on Tuesday.

  7. As a quick response to the match being the deciding factor---

    It is NOT a good idea.

    I do not know how the current classification system works but I can guess they do some statistical analysis.

    Let say on a national classifier, 100 people shoot it. One person get a great hit factor, but the next 10 highest are twenty percent below his hit factor. Statistically, he is an outlier. Some statistical routines would eliminate his score totally. Others would "normalize" the data in order to lessen the influence on 1 unusually high score. Then each score would be looked up in a statistical table (Z, F, T -for those of you who have had statistics). This is the strength of using a large number of shooters shooting the same COF and then using a statistical method to determine the appropriate or valid percentage ranges.

    A single match percentage system is not necessarily valid sample so a simple ranking is not statistically relevant.

    There is not a thirty second answer to sandbagging via match v. classifier scores. It really comes down to individual clubs managing the problem.

    BTW: I really agree if you aa A in one division you should be A in all divisions.

  8. Schuemann, Nowlin, Kart, Bar-Sto. I have all them. They all are awesome.

    All were fitted by nationally known guys. That makes all the difference in the world.

    My next is going to a have Schuemann because Wil promised the quickest delivery.

    You might want to call SV, they are now producing barrels. Wil helped set the shop up.

  9. I walk about 3 miles a day with a 1 mile run added on. I have been losing inches on the waist but my legs seem weaker. I need to add some weight training for the quads, etc.

    I just integrated a modified duck walk. I drop my butt, bend my knees alot, hold my strong arm up and try to walk heel to toe.

    I look really funny to the cars driving by but it is helping alot.

    I really need to improve on my quickness again. When I started out a couple of years ago I was moving very fast, shooting poorly, now my shooting has improved by I am moving like a slug.

    Soon I will incorporate some quick interval work-sprint about 10 yds walk 20 yds during my walking.

    Any ideas from Training for Speed, Agility, and Quickness would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

  10. Troy,

    I did see any RO at Nationals this year for our squad, that did not allow the shooter to see a Mike or No Shoot. WE always did not paste until the shooter saw their target.

    Our squad would even pause if they thought there could be an issue between an A and C. No RO complained about this. But our squad was very very good about get the stage turned around in the least amount of time.

    I do not think our squad felt any RO was anything but reasonable.

  11. I watched a guy who is probably a high A open shooter recently shooting in Limited as a B. He smoked most of the A and some Master class shooters.

    His deal is that he hardly shoots classifiers in B Limited and shoots Open all the time.

    So his performance is at a high A level even though he is classified as a B.

    He is not intentionally shooter in a lower class, he is there because of the rules.

    Another shooter I know intentionally bags the classifiers to remain in C even though he is shooting at the Master level. He is a true sandbagger and d#$%khead.

    I do not have a solution to this problem, it bugs the heck out of me because alot of D, C, and B shooters would like the recognization of accomplishment but are being denied it because of 'sandbagging.'

    Heck sometimes I wish we could invoke the dreaded IDPA "failure to do right" or "unsportsmanlike conduct" clauses.

  12. Actually at club level matches there is a tendency to let GM/M or long standing members get away with stuff. No one really confronts them or when confronted they raise a rukas.

    As a new guy to the club it is not worth the future grief.

    I was new guy at a club where an old timer in who would quote rules only to be in error and no body would confront him. He was terrible to be around when challenged, otherwise who could be a very helpful guy. Everyone just let it slide.

    I would recommend just rolling with it.

  13. I have both. My .40 is a tack driver and so is my .45. Accuracy is not an issue. Remember most limited guns are .40 --yeah yeah I expect everyone to say that is because mag capacity BUT if it was not accurate then mag capacity would be moot.

    My reloading setup is for .40 only that is why I have a SS .40. It is significantly cheaper to shoot with regards to brass and bullets.

    Reliable mags are an issue with the .40-get Tripp if you go the .40 route.

    Most people send the SS .40 off to Benny Hill or Virgil Tripp to ensure reliable feeding, especially if you use factory ammo.

    The next issue is money-custom built or factory? I feel the difference in the long run is very close. By this I mean, a factory gun that has been upgraded in better parts is almost the same price as a custom gun from Nowlin. This is something to think about. I say this because I purchase an STI Trojan then over a couple of years proceed to upgrade sights, safeties and fire control parts. I could purchase a custom gun for just a little more with all those and more. It just depends on if you want your money pain to be immediate or drawn out--

  14. You are posing an interesting question. The problem is there are no universal answers. There really is not a cook book out there that if you follow you will become a GM. There are way too many variables in life, etc.

    One practice a week for me may work out great--of course I am practicing with Taran Butler, Mike Voigt or Matt Burkett. Will it help me get a lot better fast --yes. It meets your general criteria of once a week but it is how and what we practice which determines our improvement, not necessarily the when which can help us.

    One practice a week doing fundamentals may work for me but not someone else.

    Does dry firing count as practice? If not then as others have recommended -- dry fire alot. One live fire a month plus a match or two perhaps you could see dramatic improvement.

    What does Lanny say about making a plan?

    I would suggest an evaluation of where your currently are in your shooting, make a realistic short term goal then practice getting to that goal! Then make a new one. Gee if this sounds like it came out of his book it did. This is how you are going to see dramatic improvement in your shooting. Regardless if it once a week or once a month.

  15. Shred---got to love it--leave to a windsurfer to be lazy.

    I used to rig up several sails so I would not have to change sails once the wind came up.

    I got my RF100 so I would not have to stop to pick up primers. I am probably the most lazy reloader around. I would not know how to use a flip tray and pick up tubes!

    I just open the package, dump em, and hit the button. By the time it is done, I have loaded 100 rounds on my 1050 and am ready for my next set of primers.

  16. When I was in college I worked part-time in a gun shop. Mostly as stated above because I enjoyed them. I had hunted before but was not serious about hunting. I was knowledgable enough to provide good information. I once prevented a friend or a friend from buying S&W .41 mag as a fishing protection gun. No Kodiak Bears down where I live.

    After about 25 years of not shooting, I am shooting again and still learning.

    I was in Sportsman Warehouse the other day when a young woman-good looking to boot-was asking the clerk some questions about a .45 pistol. He was inept. He could not answer her questions and for the most part was pretty unhelpful. Now the strange part is that SW is usually pretty well staffed with some guys that actually know their stuff as well as dumb ones. She unfortunately got a dumb one.

    Like the man said-to some it is just a retail sales job and to others it is an avocation.

    Oh -- I could not keep my mouth shut. I started explaining the real pros and cons to all of them 1911s and the guy walked off.

  17. I have short legs, 29 inseam so I do not like really long shorts. I pretty much like shorts that are about mid-thigh which make for easier movements.

    Columbia makes a pair of synthetic shorts. The inseam is shorter than the 5.11 Academy ( I have two pairs which I like alot of both).

    Also look at Patagonia and North Face. These are not the brands most shooters look at since they are not LEO oriented but they have great stuff.

    Look to Sierra Trading Post or Campmor for price discounts.

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