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Posts posted by Mistral404

  1. I agree. For a period of time I could devote a few days a week to practice. Now I am traveling way too much. My path and tiimelines to M have been radically changed. I may be mired in B for quite a while now.

    I may buy an Airsoft just so I can practice draws while on the road.

    It is a bummer to have work interfere with fun!!

    Have fun I Nipponland

  2. EricW,

    I am like you. I like stuff that works right out of the box. I try not to dick with it once it is set.

    Somehow that attitude change ever so slightly with my 1050. The only time I mess with my 1050 is when I change bullets, I have to check my OAL. My primer system works great, the bell on the brass is perfect, the powder measure is always within my range. I can go out and crank out a couple hundred rounds in a few minutes. Honestly, I can do almost a hundred rounds by the time my auto primer feeder finishes. And I do not even try to hurry.

    The 1050 is a lot less work than a 650!!! Buy one. If you have to fuss with it in the beginning fine but usually it runs with minor tweaking of the powder die for the right amount of bell and the seating die.

  3. The WSSSC was in AZ in Jan. It was a roaring success.

    The Dual Championship was in CA last month and it was a success.

    As in the Frontsight article about the WSSSC there were unclassified shooters participating in USPSA matches. This was true of the Dual Championship in CA.

    In local matches I shoot my SS in L10 as SS-8 round mags, holster placement etc.

    I see the SS Division as growing. Your initial assessment did still some negative feelings in me. I just found your wording offensive. Why not just leave the topic alone for a while. Let it be with out making any rash judgements or statements about it validity, future, worth.

  4. Left eye, right handed.

    I try to keep my head centered and striaght.

    I drop my right foot back a tad more on draws.

    I move the gun to my eye way more often then moving the eye to the gun.

    A couple times a year, I screw up on a stage and shoot it with my left eye closed. But for the most part both eyes are open and the left one just takes over.

    You can always put your ear protection under you chin and around your neck to practice not moving your head so much. It also helps in getting the reloads to occur higher.

  5. I had one. I liked it very much. But I was going from a single stack to a 2011. So it was nice to have that great big hole.

    After taking a class from Matt I noticed I really did not need it that much. I do a much better job of looking the mag into the well now.

    My friend in AZ really liked mine, one because it is a pretty good mag well and two I was asking about $40 for it.

    I now like the smaller SV mag wells.

  6. We have had the classifier set up incorrectly a couple times over the past few years at our club.

    Our club might be different in that everyone is expected to help setup and take down.

    Most of the time we just bring it to the squad's attention then go about resetting the stage correctly.

    I have shot at clubs where the stage is setup by other folks. Then I would notify the match director.

    I have seen the gamut for MDs that will work to make it right and others who just blow you off. It kind of depends of the culture of the club and the attitude of the MD.

  7. My eyes were stopping at the high center A zone. All rounds but a couple were high center A zone.

    I found the target, then my gun got there. Stopping at high center. The neat parts were the splits between targets showed the most improvement. At first my eyes were slow to leave after the last shot but that sped up. Then I felt the time between when the gun arrived and I pressed the trigger was getting shorter.

    My recognizing the calling of the shot was quicker and my pulling of the trigger after recognizing the sight picture was decreasing.

    It was a pretty cool feeling. It was like I did not want to stop. I generally load only one mag. The requirement to go back and load another mag helps the gun cool off. The cool part was I never got out of the flow even after stopping and reloading five or six times.

    I really wanted to ingrain the entire experience into my brain.

  8. I got some from a skate shop -- for free. I told them what I wanted to do with it. They thought it was cool so they just gave me two big sheets.

    It is ok stuff. The grit is fine and the backing looks like a medium thick paper.

    A friend gave me some stuff he had--coarser grit but the backing reminded me of 100MPH tape. It looked to be metallic like.

    Both work fine for me but I only tape under my trigger guard.

  9. I was doing some practicing with some fellows last week. The drill was draw, two shots, transition, two shots. The eye snap was critical but the distance was about 8yrds to the target and about 5 yards between targets.

    I started out around 1.9 seconds. After a few tries, it was down in the 1.7 seconds range. A few more and it was down in the 1.5-1.6 range.

    But the cool part was they were all As. I would not fire until my sight picture dictated it.

    I had previously spent a lot of rounds on shooting, eye snap and shooting. I had laid off that drill for a while. I was working on a lot of accuracy drills for a few months. Then came back to this drill to up the speed.

    My idea was to take a good foundation, sight picture-trigger pull, of shooting accurately at 15yrd-25yrds then try to speed it up. But I did not want to start any bad habits so I went closer to the target to ensure good technique. I wll start out about the same distance for the next two times or so, then start moving away from the targets.

  10. I have been using LA Police Gear lately for purchases.

    I have two pairs of 5.11 Boots. They are working out fine for me. They keep the sand out! I had purchased Superfeet insoles, they are expansive but worth to me.

    The prices were great and free shipping.

    I also use a pair of Converse 6 inch boots for work shoes from LA Police Gear. Not too bad either.

    I tried the Nike L. Sharks but they were too uncomfortable for me. I am not putting them down, they just do not work for me--and I use Nike running shoes all the time. But I am not enjoying the pleasures of a real boot.

  11. An ex-inlaw, for whom I really did not care for, said it best, "Relatives are like fish, they should be thrown out of the house after three days"

    Another great quote, "you can pick your nose, you can pick your toes, but you can't pick your relatives"

    Since I stopped drinking, I have become more intolerant. Luckily our range is open all the time. I am enjoying the holidays a lot less when relatives are around. I am using the holidays now to plan trips out of town so I do not have to put up with them.

  12. Like most things, the 30 second sound byte answer is not the best. The factors you need to consider: aerobic v. anerobic, which muscle groups.

    Your fine motor skills are reduced after a work out. I believe your muscles typically become more engorged with blood etc. as a result of the workout. I would suggest this is not a good time to practice things that require the use of fine motor skills. If your focus is aerobic this may not be a large issue as it would be if you are doing an anerobic training.

    Practice perfect technique--Saul's Philosophy.

  13. Well, I agree with both Steves. I enjoy the heck out of it. The WSSSC was awesome. I have shot many of Tuesday Night Steel with my single stack as many others have in the L10 Division.

    It would be nice if we could have SS and L10 for a while without someone calling for the demise of one of them.

  14. When I shot Norco, I used my SS and eight rounders but registgered as L10 because of the classifier.

    Lately at my local club matches I do the same thing. Register L10 but shoot it as a single stack all because of the classifier. I see a lot more shooters using the single stack guns and rules in our local matches.

    Gary is right it should be slow the first year. Things will improve over the course of time. Don't be premature in judging the success of this new division.

  15. I have the same issue, well sort of. I generally go one place at a time for a few months. So if I am staying in the same hotel, I can often leave a bag with the gun in it.

    I have also rented a storage place.

    Now I am going to buy an Air Soft and just check the luggage. It is a hassle checking luggage but it is the only way not to get hassled by TSA.

    As for practice. I do reloads, draws and transitions. I use post it notes as targets. I just place them all over the room. I will say my timer is loud. I ended up taping some cotton over the speaker so as not to disturb my neighbors.

  16. IF you are building a single stack-there are lots and lots of options. As many mentioned Caspian frame is good.

    You can also get frames from but not limited to:

    Wilson-but you have to get their ejector

    Baer-you may need to get Baer parts also since it seems as if they have their own specs.

    Rock River

    STI-I believe this is a cast frame, their bar stock is no longer available?

    SV-excellent frame and big bucks like the Baer frame

    Maybe Nowlin also.

    I think Caspian and STI frames are cast. There are some excellent writings on the pros and cons of cast v. barstock on the 1911 Forum. In summary, a good quailty frame is a good quality frame regardless if it is cast or barstock.

    Caspian will work with you, they will fit the frame to one of their excellent slides. This can range from a complete fitting to 90% where you finish it up.

  17. There are a few really good gunsmiths out there. You see their names throughout the posts on this forum.

    I shot Area 4 on the same squad as Bob. He is a great guy and has a very good rep.

    My friend shoot Dawson's guns almost exclusively.

    Tripp can make or tune you a fine gun also.

    Then there is Benny, another outstanding member of this elite group.

    I seriously doubt you could go wrong with any of these four.

    Kodiak Precision produces high end guns also.

    There might be a really good smith in your area, if so go talk with him.

  18. Every once in a while our club has a few demented stage designers that put up a very hard stage. The majority of the folks get a no shoot or penalty assessed. Yep lots of people complain. But my reasoning is that the spray em and lay em folks set up easy fast stages for their style of shooting. Accuracy has gone out of the game and speed has overwhelmed it. So hard stages are a reality check. You want to shoot a match somewhere else and be competitive learn to shoot different types of stages. Do not get complacent.

  19. Get a map! Notice the freeway system! I usually stay in Tempe AZ and catch the freeway which takes me almost to the range. It is less than a 30 minute commute. You can find cheaper places to stay in Mesa and Tempe whereas, Snottsdale can be pricey.

    It is a very expansive match but the prize table is fantastic even if you are at the bottom (like I was). Read the directions about application submittal. Do NOT submit before the correct date.

    It is cold and dark in the morning and warm to hot by the afternoon. It is by far and away the match of year. Stop by Red White and Brew for food and beers after shooting and you will see 20-30 shooters.

  20. Do a Campmor or Sierra Trading Post search so you do not have to pay retail. NOTHING is better than Gortex IMHO. I prefer The North Face or Marmot brands. 2ply or 3 ply Gortex works best. BTW: I was in WA for three of the wettest months ever, my TNF was great. It is large enough to work over a holter also. I have had a couple of different types of "water proof" jackets, Gortex has never let me down. Spend the extra money for it. Arcteryx is a great product but the cost is way to high for the value.

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