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Posts posted by Mistral404

  1. Tripp Research.

    If I understand the history correctly, STI stood for Strayer Tripp.

    Sandy, Virgil and Chip probably know how to do it right. I do not know if Chip is building them anymore but Virgil is.

    His turnaround time is more than reasonable as is his price.

  2. I agree with you about the distance.

    Some of my best matches have followed practices with the minimum distance of 25 yds for the targets


    Actually, the most fun was shooting paper and steel at 40 yds for time and score during a practice session.

    I experienced what you did, the 15 and 7 yds targets were huge during the match the next day.

    I really like to do most of my practices at 23-28 yds.

  3. I like Caspian slides so I would use on of those. Great for durability. Nowlin (Bull) or Kart Barrel (bushing). Aftec extractor. STI Titanium firing pin. How about Bomar or Wilson combat rear sights. I really like adjustable rear sights. The real question is the front sight. If you like fiber optic than Dawson is great but sometimes I do not want to see the fiber as much so I switched to Brazos. That way I can have just alittle fiber for the near and fast and a lot of black for the hard shots.

  4. 100+ reloads is fantastic.

    It is strange for me.

    But my smoothest reloads are usually my first 4-5 runs. Single Stack gun with one in the gun and four on the belt. Like I said I do 4 or 5 runs that are perfect. Smooth and fast. As I start to really push it I fumble one. I notice that is cuased by getting sloppy and taking my eye off the mag well. I stop for a few seconds, then start again, pushing myself, I usually go another 4 or 5 that are great then flub up again. I will not stop until I do at least two maybe three consecutive runs that are perfect.

    I never ever stop a practice on an error or mistake. I want the last thing I remember about the practice is doing the exercise correctly.

  5. When I was young and dumb v. old and dumb: I would go skiing on a great day every time given the choice of staying in bed with a girl or skiing. Now that I am older hence dumber, the opportunity to stay in bed with a babe has significantly decreased--so I would have stayed in bed rather than go shoot. I can shoot anytime I want now, I can not stay in bed with a babe anytime I want. If my buddies do not understand, then they do not deserved to be my buddies.

  6. This happened at a match recently. Two targets were placed one above the other in an overlapping manner. The lower target had an A hit, a hole that broke the perforation in the head B zone and body of the upper target. The upper target had an A zone hit.

    Three holes in two targets. One hole intersecting both targets.

    The competitor tried to claim scoring credit on both targets for the hole that broke the perforation. His logic was if it was a No Shoot, he would have been assessed a No Shoot and a Scoring Hit.

    What do you all think of his logic?

    I would not allow it.

  7. I purchased a stock L10 ($900) to really start shooting. I used this for over a year. I replaced:




    slide stop



    front sight

    mag release

    The factory gun was no where near the quality of a professionally built gun.

    My second gun was built by a known gunsmith-never regretted the decision

    My third gun was built by a known gunsmith-never regretted the decision

    My third gun is being built by a known gunsmith-probably will not regret the decision

    My fourth gun will be built by a known gunsmith.

    If I am going to spend over $1000 for a gun I am going to have a known gunsmith build it. It is worth the money. Read this forums discussions on .40 STI Trojans. Factory built guns need more work than a custom.

    Go to Brownells, pick your parts, pick your smith and have them do a bang up job.

    It will be a cold day before I buy a factory handgun again.

  8. I got some Land Sharks. They were fine for a couple of hours but after a day of shooting my feet really began to hurt. They were a tad bid too narrow for my feet. I did like their traction and the price was excellent. I would recommend them but spend extra time on the fit. I would recommend a size or half size larger than usual. This is because you feet will swell after being on them for a long time.

  9. The wise old man said it best! As usual his common sense approach is the best solution.

    Take the class with the gun you are going to shoot in matches. It is will be better for you in the short and long run. I took a class with a well know instructor with a new gun that was not broken in. I has a few problems. But it finally paid off. I jumped two classes in a short period of time and shot above my old average in two major matches.

    Switching platforms is really a pain.

    Remember with the exception of Benny, most guns need to go back to the smith once or twice before they run perfectly. So if you are gong to buy a new one get it done now.

    First choice should be Benny. Then talk with Dawson or Shooter's Connection for a Bedell. There are many fine gunsmiths out there. These guys are at the top and the prices are more than reasonable.

    Remember that Wally World has .40 at a cheap price. So you might want to switch to that caliber. I know it is another pain to do so. But it is better in the long run. I too did not want to switch from the 9mm and .45 mentality. I resisted it for three years. NOW I shoot almost .40 exclusively.

    Bite the bullet and do it right. Wide body .40, three mags at least. You will not be sorry.

  10. I recently shot of friend of mine's 9mm with a six slide. I shot both some hot loads and WWbox. It was a pretty slick gun.

    He might start shooting it in Limited Minor. The gun points well and the transitions are smooth.

  11. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) pretty much banned pre-existing condition clauses.

    You can check the CMS website or call them with the question. They may take away but they have alwasys returned my calls-and I am a nobody.

    Since you are paying out of pocket and not using federal money you should not have too much of a problme. I believe the state of Michigan was going to purchase drugs through Canada but the Feds got pissed off. --the federal supply about 70% of the medicaid monies.

    You might also reseach what the Unions are doing in the rust belt and as a final suggestion-go to AARP as a resouce guide. Those seniors really know how to work and by pass systems.

  12. I believe the rule book states that there should not be a requirement of more than nine rounds per station/box/position.

    Given that requirement and your mag capacity you have to plan your actions a tad bit more carefully than others. I get 19 plus on in the chamber, so when the Para guys design a course it is usually in the 20-21 round count so I generally do a reload.

    On 22 or better, then everyone in Limited does a reload.

    But we have a demented L10 shooter who designs courses that always puts Limited shooter in an extra reload mode.

    Given all that: shoot what you got!!! Remember, the challenges you face and overcome (learn from) will eventually pay off in the long run. If you get really serious about Limited and want to achieve A/M/GM level you have to get a Limited gun. But for now invest you money, time, and energy with what you have got.

    I started L10 and Limited with a BHP. Talk about a equipment disadvantage. No drop free mags, 13 or 17 round mags, no mag well, 4inch barrel, ---ugh.

  13. You guys are really fast.

    I am not any near your speed or classification. My draw to a plate is in the 1.2-1.28 at 10yds after a few draws.

    At 18-20 yds where I do most of my practice I am happy with a 1.3-1.4 average. Sometimes it is lower in the beginning but drops down pretty quickly.

    What I noticed was that in my practices, If I was going to draw and shoot two plates or two shots on one plate my time would slow to 1.5-1.6.

    So now when I practice my draws, I do about 10 to 15 singles then move to either two shots or two plates and try to get the times back down to 1.3 or lower range.

    I am pretty confident about hitting plates at 10 yds but at the 15-20 I experience slower times with more misses. So I tend to concentrate on that range for my practices.

    For S&Gs, I might end the practice with 5 or so draws on a plate at <3yds. I can get a sub second time after a try of two. I just wish I could do that time at 18yds.

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