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Posts posted by Mistral404

  1. As bad as it might sound, you might consider an outdoor storage place to put your safe for a while. I know it is a PIA but it might add some extra piece of mind.

    Once the buggers spot the safe, they will either use the information to come back later or tell someone else about it.

    A couple years ago I had a break in to my detached garage. He came in via the window, drank some booze from the refer, stole my wife bike and some tools but never saw the gun safe. It was behind a bunch of bins. But I was worried for months that he would come back. I ended up putting a heavy wire safety screen on the inside of the window. I feel your pain. It is crappy to have someone violate your home.

  2. As I remember, the format is typically half days. If you shoot late one day you shoot early the next day, and vis versa.

    The awards and prize table can eat up a lot of time. If you want you can have someone pick up your prize. Just make sure you follow their rules.

    Since I was pretty far down on the list, I think it was Monday before I walked the tables--well not quite that bad. It can go quite late, so if you are trying to catch a plane give yourself some extra time. The freeway is not necessarily crowded but if there is an accident it will back up forever. Side streets to the airport can take a lot of time. The rental car shuttle is good for another 30-45minutes. If you are flying SWA, their staff is pretty good with the firearm declaration. Other airlines are not as efficient. Wives can really enjoy shopping in the Area. Scottsdale Square, Kierland (spelling) Plaza, and Old Downtown Snottsdale are enjoyable.

  3. Just a quick side note:

    I shot the popper almost dead center and it did not fall. The RO asks if I am protesting and I say sure. So the RM is called. In the meantime the RO is joking he has not won a protest yet. With that said, the RM shoots the popper and it does not fall. So I get a reshoot.

    The reshoot is 10 seconds faster with more points. Both the RO and RM had a great attitude about the whole thing. This good attitude was typical of all the ROs.

  4. There are a lot of great ideas about how to handle this match. I would offer a few observations:

    1. Rio Salado shooters put on the match. They should be allocated x-number of slots first.

    2. It is an Area 2 match, so they should x-number of slots next.

    3. Then open the match up to everyone else.

    Is this a baised approach-absolutely. But it would be nice if shooter in their own area got to shoot their match.

    Perhaps splitting A2 into two differenct matchs. Other states might have some facilities that could handle an Area match.

    Rio Salado can still host the Desert Classic!

    The major question is through put--how to process so many shooters in a given time frame. Queing theory has been around for a long time, there should be some smart person out there who could apply some math to solving the problem.

    Perhaps reducing the total number of stages but have a couple of berms be the same stage. That is, Berm 1 and Berm 2 each be stage 1. Berm 3 and Berm 4 each be stage 2. Put some long stages in these berms. This would increase through-put. This could also be done on the far east area where stages could be duplicated. Then you could run field courses in the middle.

    So to use the Phrase "thinking outside the box" or "paradigm shift" maybe appropriate.

    Just trying to throw some gasoline on the fire so to speak.

  5. If you are going Caspian check their magazines out first.

    Their slides are great.

    I use:

    SV: Fire controls

    Brown: Safeties

    Bomar: Sights

    Aftec: Extracter

    EGW: Ejector and firing pin stop

    Schuemann or BarSto for Bull barrel because Nowlin does not make clark/para cuts any more otherwise Nowlin barrels.

    Brazos: Front sight--get the narrow one

    Sprinco: Guiderod

    Tripp: Hard Chrome

    Frames: STI is cheaper than SV, full length dust cover is shooting Limited.

  6. Don is a gunsmith. His computer keying skills pale in comparison. He reads his emails and will answer his emails but he is not at his computer very often.

    He prefers phone calls. He will answer them when he can.

    Don is assuming other responsibilities which take him away from the the phone for days at a time. Leave a message and he should return it.

    There may be other personal reasons why Don is unavailable. My suggestions is be patient. And try again.

    BTW: I talked with Don last week. So it is possible to reach him.

    "x2. Can't be more simple than that.

    Smith's/businesses that get back to me quickly get my business. I think it's a good barometer of their character/customer service as a whole. Those that don't, won't get my business unless they're the only ones that carry what I need."

    I take exception to this statement as an inference into Don's character. Don is a stand up guy. He does a lot of work for big names in the shooting business and does not brag about it. My suggestion is if your criteria is the basis for deciding who gets your busines then so be it. Don will always get my business first because 1) his work is superior 2) his service is excellent 3) his guns run!. Go to someone else - so maybe my next gun will get done sooner. Perhaps you guys have no real perception of how many emails these people get. I was talking with Angus the other day about my email to him. He explained he was at a match and he had over 250 emails to read. Get the idea that reading emails v. doing business. hmmmmm Don would rather be building customers guns.

  7. Robbie has the discpline to excel. Granted he has a lot of natural talent. From early on he had physical talents that few others possess.

    But Robbie works at his skill set day in and day out, year after year. He acknowledges he is getting older and slower but his foundation of skills is strong and deep. His experience from practicing all the time leads him to understand stages and time his shooting sequences better. At the WSSSC he knew when each target was going to present itself and was prepared to hit it. So he hit it. Another skill that Rob has prefected is that when he arrives at shooting spot, he is prepared to shoot. He is not wasting time acquiring the target, pressing the trigger etc. Watch Robbie getting into and out of a box sometime. See how soon the trigger is pulled when the foot enters the box. Or watch him on swingers and movers. When you read Brian's book, you can get a sense of discpline it took to go and practice hours and hours and hours, just to get better and better. He was always searching for a better faster way to do everything, then he went and practiced it.

  8. SS friendly means not just targets in groups of 4 or less but targets available from multiple shooting positions or angles.

    The main idea is to not have to go to slide lock on reloads or do standing reloads.

    The rule book states something about 9 shoots from a single shooting position.

    Last year's match was not SS friendly-nor was it supposed to be as the Divsion was not started-I think Dave S shooting Production w/10 rounds was 22th, Angus 28th and the first L10 was around 88th.

    This year may see a decrease in L10 and obviously an increase in SS.

  9. Tough decision. I too would like to shoot SS there.

    There are a lot of SS guys in AZ.

    But they may wait for Steve Horseman's match in Jan.

    I will probably sign up for Limited.

    We may be able to switch to SS at the match but AZ Stats Lady may have a comment or two about switching at match time. We might be able to change a couple weeks before the match when they have all the entries collated.

    In the west Steve's match is awesome for SS. The dual championship in Moro is a close second. You did pretty well there as I remember. I think next year the Dual Championship is going to rock. M&S did a great job of putting in on, the support from the industry was excellent, and the weather was excellent.

    I think 2007 is going to be a great year for the SS division.

  10. Think about 4 targets with multiple transitions . Like left to right, followed by right to left, to third target, first target, second, then fourth.

    Or if doing it in the house, couple of targets in each room, then moving from room to room.--I want to do this one when my daughter's first boyfriend comes over!

  11. I love it when hands naturally as side means, a major bend in the arm so the hand is closer to the gun. And the response from the shooter is, this is natural for ME! And they are not a weightlifter with tree trunks for arms.

    I suspect this is one of those items where mentioning it to the shooter is about a far as you can go without totally ragging on them to relax their arms more---then they start creeping. UGH!

  12. My practices are strange to say the least. When I have a bad practice the day before a local match, I smoke the match. My technique is better, my accuracy improves, etc.

    When I have a smoking practice, I do not do as well the next day in a match.

    So I can understand your feeling because having a bad practice bugs me to no end. But the results the following are always better.

    I always finish a practice on a good note--doing something right and never on a bad note. BTW: I find my next practice after a bad always has paper plate drills in them. This always brings me back in form and technique. Even if I have to slow down to get it right.

  13. Are you retiring from the Nav or is your enlistment up?

    Please beware that you can buy federal retirement for your navy years. This means if you served six years in the navy you can buy in six years of federal retirement.

    Most local governments allow you to buy up to 5 years of federal time into their reitrement programs. This is SOMETHING to think about when choosing your next move.

    If you are retiring from the Nav, I do not think you can buy into federal retirement.

  14. I shoot a .40 because my 1050 is already setup and I am pretty lazy to say the least. I can tailor my loads to whatever I desire. Minor or major.

    I can be about the same cost to build a custom gun as to buy a Kimber. BTW I have a STI Trojan, which is very accurate but has been a pain. I would buy a Nowlin as a semi-custom/custom or have Tripp or Hill build one. You would be amazed at how close their guns cost as compared to a Kimber or STI after you modify it.

  15. OPM--other people's money!!!

    Lots of folks try to get terms on purchases. This is a normal business practice. The key to doing it successful is a history with the purchaser. 50% deposit and the balance due at time of shipment is very reasonable for a new business relationship. After the relationship is established you decide how to be more flexible.

    Plan to write off a certain amount to non-pays or check stop payments. Most people build this into their price.

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