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Posts posted by Mistral404

  1. I have a 5 in S_I. I shot a friend's 6 in Dawson in a match. It was one of my best matches ever. I did not notice an adverse effects from have a six inch gun but I did notice the sighting and recoil effects. IT was an awesome gun to shot. I would definitely get a 6 inch if I was buy another gun.

  2. At the WSSSC this year had a stage that all mags and gun were on a table. I watched one guy stuff all of them in his shirt pocket only to have them not come out easily. I saw others stuff them in their pouches. Still slow. There was a faster way to do it by leaving mags on the table.......

    I think the Limited Nationals last year had the mags in the back of the golf cart. Most everyone I saw loaded at least one mag in the pouch, while they were moving to the next array.

    Unless the stage is set up where you can place your mags, it seems the surest way is to load your mag pouches.

  3. The BHP is very reliable. It is the most produced handgun in the world. It does exceed that of the 1911. The frame is the real issue. It is just not made to withstand that number of rounds a competitor shots in a year. It was designed as a military weapon not a competitive gun.

    The best trigger job comes out of Cylinder and Slide (Ralph). Mine is around 2 lbs. Robbie shot a BHPwith a trigger job by Ralph. Accuracy is a problem because of the flyer effect. C&S built mine, but Irv actually installed the barrel. No Flyers.

  4. That was not a 15 yd head shot! Well maybe if let the cart go to the end. Most people stop a pretty reasonable distance from the end to complete the COF.

    I miss the some of the small poppers but cleaned the back row. You know miss the somewhat easy and nailed the longer distance stuff.

    As the article stated most people ended with a mike on the stage with many folks flat out zeroing it.

    IF you braked too early their was not enough energy left to make it farther down the track. It was a pretty tough stage.

  5. Stefano,

    I have a couple of questions:

    Are you reloading during your movement between shooting arrays/ports/boxes etc?

    Is your reload completed before your arrive at your distinatioin?

    What is your standing reload time? One shot, reload, one shot.

    If my standing reload is 1.5 seconds and the distance I am traveling between boxes takes 2.5 seconds, I expect to have my reload completed and gun up. Is your reload completed and are you ready to shoot when you enter the box?

    If you are moving from right to left, which foots enters the box first? Is it always the same foot? I have seen guys that prefer to have their right foot down and are shooting as soon as their back foot (left) leaves the ground. Matt talks about entering with the left foot, the toes angling towards the target, while bringing the right foot around. All the GM/M I have seen shot, do not take an extra step inside the box. Extra steps cost you time.

    I like Matt's drills alot. Try this one:

    Try setting up four targets in a line - right to left, two boxes and a start box( they form a triangle). Measure the time to the from start box to first box, shoot two targets and run to the other box and shoot two. The same but run back to the first box and shoot two then back to the second box. (You can do this with two targets and save bullets, it is just as effective) Set the boxes so they are about three seconds from each other, that could be 5 feet or 20 feet just depends on how fast you are.

    The idea is lay a foundation down, get your mind and body in sync, and keep track of your times.

  6. Again, this was a great match.

    The stages were fantastic. Just enough of everything to test the shooter. Short stuff, long stuff, weak hand & strong hand. Sometimes you could stand and shoot and other times you had to run.

    Steve and crew put together the best match in the country.

    Ok - I will bemoan the weather. It was cloudy on Saturday but not too bad. Sunday--I froze. Shooting El Prez in freezing rain, sleet or snow was a bummer but Steve has no control over that.

    Again, this truly is the best match in the country. Great RO and staff. Polly and Gail were super!

    I will be there again next year.

  7. Sandoz,

    Try going back to place the holster on your side. Drop your right foot a little more back than you usually do. This may help to re-orient your shoulders square to the target and might bring your shots back on target.

    At work distance are you timing your draws? I am still learning the ropes. Ten yards or less I can pretty consistently ripped a sub 1 second draw. But I practice a lot out at 19-24 yards and my time slows down to 1.2. I suspect I am taking a pause to reassess the sight picture rather than going with the instinct. I offer this observation of my shooting because maybe you are getting the gun out extremely fast but you are wanting a better quaility sight picture at the longer distance.

  8. I just started to read my Front Sight. I read the first two letters about the SVI ads.

    I just can not believe there are folks out there with such smut in their minds.

    Finch calling the ad pornography is ludicrious. Then tryig to tie a cause and effect explanation is bad science and he should know better. Again it shows how a few slightly higher educated folks can use their "credentials" as universal authority on the matter. If he thinks that innocuous ad is pornography and he is in the business of helping sexually dysfunctional people perhaps he is in the wrong business or providing mis-guided help.

    How about the many men out there who are "NOT TRIGGERED" by such visual stimuli.

    I know that the offended are more likely to write a negative letter than those who were not offended. I hope Dave Thomas et.al., do not use the narrow minded views of a few to speak for the majority.

    Sorry for the rant. I really hate narrow minded folks--yep, I know I am narrow minded about my narrow mindedness.

    As a last note: perhaps if he met the model he would come away with a different opinion.

  9. the Converse are very comfortable. I have a pair that I wear to work everyday. I also has the 5.11 boot. Pretty comfortable, I put some superfeet insoles which makes both pair better.

    When the 5.11s wear out I will probably go with the Converses.

    Try LAPOLICEGEAR.com for great prices.

  10. The DOH looks like a great holster but with all the issues I went with Safariland, the 560 and the newer type that sits a little higher.

    I really like the 560. My draws times out of it are now faster than out of my ghost. This is only because I practice more with my 560, not due to anything else. Once you get used to it the 560 is great. Same with their mag holders. I have seen the others but Safarilanc Single Stack stuff works great for me.

  11. Tripp .40 are great mags. I did have a problem with some and sent them back with the gun. But I do not have any more problems. This goes for factory and long loaded ammo.

    Tripp mags work for me.

    Everything about a .40 S&W in a 1911 is wacky! Way too many variables just to blame the mags. JPRifles has a slide stop that is different which is suppose to help. Feed ramps on the barrels can be different which can affect feeding. So I do not have a sinlge solution other than it seems some stuff works in some guns but not others and most seems dependent upon the gunsmith who tunes everthing together.

  12. Go the .22 route first. Lots of rounds down range at a great price.

    Do the cost benefit analysis on reloading.

    You will see it can take a long time to pay off that Dillon 1050. Other loaders are cheaper but there is nothing like a 1050 to cranking out round after round.

    If I remember correctly, loading .40 with 5.0 g of VV320 costs about 8.5 cents. I did not include the cost of brass because it was free to me. So that is about half the cost of Wally World per round. I think it would take about 17K rounds to break even on a 1050. At a thousand rounds a month the break even would be about 17 months. I did an actual cost benefit model on this back a couple years ago. You might search for it.

  13. Most gunsmiths will not pin the safety. The reasons are varied but mostly because they are taught that this is something they should not do and second they do not want any potential liability issues.

    If the gunsmith specializes in competition guns and knows you he might do it.

    You can bend the spring arm if you want, if it does not work bend it back.

    Some people just tape the grip safety. This works. Some time back there was an article in AH about ugly and pretty guns. Matts qualified as ugly.

    BTW I like mine pinned.

  14. I have contacts, mono vision and cross domination of eyes, i.e., right handed, left eye. To make it worse my right is is for close vision. Regardless of the strange combinations the solution is the same.

    The dominate eye should be focused on the front sight. I change my left contact to one that is focused on the front sight. You can determne the correct power one or two ways: 1) take a unloaded firearm into the examing room after you have asked the dr's permission or 2) measure the distance from your eye to the front sight and tell the dr you want a focal length for the dominate eye at that length.

    So for two eyes I have three contacts. I switch right before the match.

    However, just to cloud things up a bit: I have notice more clarity out of the higher moisture contact lens than the cheaper ones. The Acuve 2 lens seem to provide better clarity to the point I can shoot fairly well with them as either power. I ususally drop from a 4.5 to a shooting 3.75 in my lens to provide a sharp focus. I have shoot a couple of practice sessions with the 4.5 and the focus is pretty good. So you may need to upgrad to a better lens than change scripts. Most drs will give you a sample lens of each to try out.

  15. Do not forget the weather. Since you're from NJ you are probably used to the humidity. So KY might be ok. But it has mountains. And not much IT

    LA is nice but down in the southern part of the state is more accepting than the northern. Not much IT as a general rule

    Texas is very a nice. Much IT.

    CA Much IT but stinks for shooters, yeah I know there are some decent matches but all in all, it is not a gun friendly state.

    AZ is the Mecca. Phoenix has mucho IT, Mucho everything including farily dry heat. IF you can get used to the summer it is a great place.

    AZ/NM/CO are your best bets for the total package.

    IMnotsoHO. I have worked/lived in about 8 states and those three are pretty hard to bet. No offense to the others but if you come to one of AZ/NM/CO you probably will not regret it.

  16. I always get an easy 19 rounds in both my Dawson and Grams base pads on my SV tubes. One of my Dawson's gets twenty but I consider it a non-reloadable. I can start with it but reloading it is very very hard.

    There is no mojo involved but the tubes have been tuned either by Dave or Beven. This does make a difference.

  17. I started doing a drill with the gun out and on target, one shot, reload one shot. The times started our near 2 seconds and quickly dropped to 1.7 or so.

    Now, I do a drill of draw, one shot, reload, one shot, reload, one shot reload, one shot reload. Now the times are consistently around 1.5 -1.6 seconds. This is standing about 18-19 yards from the targets. I am just a B shooter.

  18. I once shot a whole match using weak hand supported. It was an eye opener. The time was down but the accuracy was almost perfect.

    Now almost every practice has 10-15 strong hand draws and transfers to weak hand. Additionally, there are always two mags worth of weak hand shooting. My confidence on weak hand stuff has gone way up. I actually look forward to stages with weak or strong hand stuff because I know I can do it. I also do 10 strong hand draws every practice.

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