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Posts posted by Filishooter

  1. The lube is clear, not brown. Not sure what it is? I buy them from a local caster. Do you think I could tumble the lube off before loading to reduce the smoke? Also, I notice a lot more smoke in the early morning than in the afternoon, especial when shooting into the sun!

  2. There is a CO2 Model out but its NOT Gas Blow-back (slide doesn't move). I'm using a Sigma GBB airsoft that takes both GreenGas and CO2. The grip is similar enough to the M&P for me.

  3. I can't offer a critique other than to say that it looks good to me but, on a VERY DIFFERENT subject... With the amount of smoke being produced I need to assume that you are shooting lead bullets. What brand of powder are you using? And, have you switched to a "less smoky" powder?

    Thanks, yes, I'm shooting 125gr LRN from a local caster with 3.5gr of Clays. Makes around 1080fps. Best lead load I have found so far, but if you have any suggestions on powder I'd be willing to try it! I do have other loads using Precision, Berrys or MGs... I just use the cheap lead loads for local matches.

  4. I have velcro on my mag pouches and holster from my USPSA Production rig to keep them from moving around and with the velcro inner belt, they stay put.

    Is it legal to wear JUST the CR inner belt underneath a Wilderness instructor belt? Both go through all the belt loops and they are narrower than 1 3/4", I'll have to measure them, but I'm pretty sure both of them together is less than 5/16" thick.


  5. Growing up in the Martial Arts and practicing in systems that had belt rankings and systems that had no rankings (but everyone knew what skill level you were at based on fighting ability it was "understood" who the top dog was), I prefer NO rankings. In the system with rankings, in addition to belts and stripes, you also had patches for reaching certain goals. it just got the point to where to student population got so involved in chasing rank and the little patches that I wondered if anyone kept sight of why they were training in the first place.

  6. A pistol match is a match, a scored game, a contest that keeps score. The SO/RO are there to police the stages, ensure safety and make sure the score is accurate. Imagine watching a football game where the refs keep stopping and showing offensive lineman how to block without holding. Not recording a penalty or DQ earned by a shooter is cheating all the shooters that followed the rules. Remember the shooter "Earned" the penalty you as a SO didnt "Give" it to him. We need to get rid of this kinda thinking in IDPA. A match is not a class or lesson. If you want to mandate classes ahead of time or offer "How to shoot IDPA classes that's great. But a match is not the place to teach "lessons" A safety infraction was committed, you warned him, he did it again and you failed in your duties as SO. You then went on to describe how another shooter paid no attention to safety rules. Well why should he ? He's just seen examples of a complete lack of enforcement. Whats the point of safety rules if the people entrusted with the duty to enforce them, dont ? When I occasionally shoot IDPA I get so tired of SO's constantly feeling like they need to give a class. Score the game record the penalties and DQ's the shooters earn . If the shooter doesnt understand talk about it after the match.

    Joe is on the money, great post. SOs ARE ambassadors of the sport but at the same time, safety comes first. If I need to make a call, I'll make it...and politely explain why I made it. If the shooter needs further explanation I'll let someone else take the SO duties for the next shooter(s) so I can take the time to fully explain without holding up the squad. I've been on squads where the squad leader felt obligated to "teach" during the match. We were lucky to leave the range before dark. Most shooters aren't at the 3rd grade level, they need to take responsibility, read and learn the rulebook and understand what safe and unsafe means.

  7. Since it's a very common option for this gun (I've seen plenty of M&Ps without the mag disconnect) I can't see how an SO could possibly find a violation in this situation.

    The M&Ps without the mag disconnect have the lawyer warning on the right side of the slide. Although I have never verified it, I would assume M&Ps with the disconnect do not have this language on the slide. I am both an SO and a M&P shooter, so I would notice this type of detail and would make note of the shooter's procedure when holstering after completing the COF.

    Bottom line is get one without the safety or if your state requires it, shoot one and determine if you can live with the trigger the way it is and if you can't pick another firearm.


    And what if the competitor also had his M&P slide bead blasted or refinished? Are you really going to call someone out because they showed clear without using a barney mag while NOT have a small legal disclaimer on the slide? Then you have to decide if their gun is refinished or not. It IS legal to refinish the slide, but maybe the SO might think he did it to intentially HIDE the disclaimer because he took the mag safety out. Would it then be the catch all FTDR?!

    (Lugnut beat me to it!)

  8. I'm just starting to use airsoft. I'm finding it can be good, but you have to be careful. Unfortunately I don't get as much livefire practice as I would like and the airsoft is a convenient way to put rounds downrange. I found when I ONLY dryfire (no airsoft) between weekend matches I somehow "remember" what the timing of what my real gun is even if I don't fire a live round through it. Because the Airsoft has a little recoil (no much but it does have some) I found when shooting it alot I was timing myself to the airsoft gun without knowing it and it took me a few shots to get timed to my real gun during the match. Solution was to do some livefire timing drills with my real gun before a match if I shoot the airsoft alot the week before. It doesn't take many rounds or take very long, a magazine full of Bill Drills usually does the trick for me.

  9. More and more local IDPA stages I'm seeing are "Shootem as you seeum...using IDPA rules of engagement. Which I think is great. It puts the responsibility of learning the game more in the shooters hands vs being spoon fed "tactical techniques."

  10. Instead of using the big 20lb tank to fill your magazines you might want to try a MAC Coupler. It lets you fill the 1lb bottles from a 20lb tank, which you can then use to fill your airsoft gun. It would be worth it if you are getting your 20lb tanks of Propane for free. Even IF you have to buy your propane, depending on your area propane can be anywhere between $20 - $40 to refill a 20lb tank. An equal amount of camping propane would be around $60. (at $3 per bottle). How much airsofting do YOU do? I just finished my second bottle of the camping propane and they lasted for a LONG time.


  11. I wondering if the lighter slide of the "L" (with the angled counterbore) would be BETTER for competition.

    From what I understand, reducing the reciprocating weight of the slide and increasing the weight of non-moving parts like the guide rod may reduce recoil.

    I'm not sure what the weight difference is, but if you compared a stock pro vs an "L" with a Tungsten Guide rod, and if they both weighed exactly the same after adding that rod, theoretically the "L" should have less recoil because it has less mass moving back and forth but is the same weight, right?

    I was talking to a sponsored S&W shooter and he mentioned that after shooting his FS 9mm (4.25" barrel) with his 147 gr match ammo back to back with the Pro that the Pro felt a little more "sluggish", probably due to the weight of the slide compared to the shorter gun. IIRC the "L" weighs somewhere between the 4.25" gun and the Pro.

    Finally, shouldn't a lighter slide be more reliable? Isn't there is a reason why S&W reduced the width of the slide compared to the 4.25" gun and why Glock has lightening holes cut into the G34? I remember reading that many G34 shooters load well over 125PF closer to 130-135 because of reliability AND because they like the feel better.

    On paper it makes sense to me, but in reality, it might be so slight you wouldn't be able to tell since 9mm barely has any recoil anyways.


  12. Nice comparison video. We're doing similar things in the garage with the airsoft (but you have nicer props)! :wub:

    I noticed you are using a CED8000 timer. Will setting it at its highest sensitivity setting (I think its 8) allow it to pickup

    the airsoft gun or did you have to do something with the input jacks on a stop plate? Nevermind, I watch the video again

    and I see the wire going from your CED to the stop plate. Is that just a simple mini-plug microphone? I was thinking of

    trying my computer headset (earphones and microphone) to see if the microphone being up higher closer to the gun

    would work.

    I would say my dryfire to airsoft practice ratio is 50/50. There are still things that are done better using the real gun.



  13. Hats off to you guys that are volunteering to do the job of scoring, especially on top of other duties. That being said, its still a job. And if can't get done in a reasonable timeframe (which the consensus here seems to be 2 days), because you're burned out or have other things in life to do that are more important, it might be time to turn it over to someone else or ask for help to get it done for the betterment of the club. Its not just their responsibility either, if squad SO's and scorekeepers keep accurate and easy to read scoresheets it would make the record keepers job much easier, although its still a tedious task.

    On a side-note, did you guys catch that slick scorekeeping system used in the USPSA Nationals using PDAs to record scores and then having the data downloaded to the main computer? The technology is there. It won't be long before individual squads can log scores real-time online using a blackberry or iphone!

  14. Thanks, I was thinking 2 days as well. FWIW, I am involved in my local club and do what I can to help. I SO, design and setup/tear down stages, attend committee meetings, etc. Our scorekeeper does a great job and usually gets things out a day after the match at the latest. I would understand if he took an extra day or 2 though.

    The reason I bring this up is because I just recently shot at another nearby club. Great stages, great people and a good match, but not having the scores available before I shoot my next match is enough to make me think about shooting there again. Reviewing my performance after a match I feel is critical for development. If enough time goes by, the match feels more like a dream and I start to wonder if I even shot that match. Especially if I am already preparing for the next match.

  15. First, let me say I appreciate anyone who volunteers to do the scoring in IDPA!

    I like doing a post-match analysis, looking over the scoresheet while the match is still fresh in my mind. I've been to some matches where they had the scores already done and sitting in my email when I got home and also to some matches that took almost a week to post.

    My question is, for a local club match, what is a reasonable timeframe to expect to see results from the match? I know there are different factors involved like number of participants, what scoring software is used, etc. but on the average, how long is it taking you to see the results?



  16. I have some Lancer 30 rounders and they work great. Might give this one a go when it comes out!


    Lancer Systems is please to announce the Lancer L5Competition translucent magazine.

    The L5Competition (L5C) was developed for serious 3 Gun and tactical rifle competitive shooters. With a maximum capacity of 48 rounds the L5C can reduce magazine changes during long stages, resulting in quicker times.

    Utilizing a precision machined coupler (developed and supplied by Nordic Components) we’ve combined a standard L5 30 round magazine body with a modified L5 body. The coupler ensures the bodies are accurately aligned, maintaining the internal constant curve geometry, ensuring reliable feeding.

    The L5C will be sold as an assembled unit, ready for action.

    They should be available in March

  17. XRe - I hope your procedure works out for you, but after my consultation and doing my own research and considering my current condition and age, I decided I was better off leaving my eyes alone for now.

    A surgery of this sort should not be taken lightly, and everyone's choice may vary for their conditions, etc. ;) The docs will generally talk you out of this procedure if they don't think you're a good fit - sounds like yours thinks that's the case (maybe he's thinking you won't require bifocals, or that with such a mild prescription, you may be difficult to not over correct, for instance)...

    +1...every case is different, and I didn't mean to say that Lasik is no good for a nearsighted person. I REALLY wanted to do it myself and was disappointed when the doctor suggested not to do Lasik. I may get a second opinion. I know alot of people that have had Lasik and speak very highly of it. None of these people were shooters however. But I think you are right, I'm most likely not going to need bifocals and my myopia isn't that bad, and he did mention that the presobia may even correct the slight myopia that I do have. So right now its wait and see.

  18. I was considering Lasik and my doctor TALKED ME OUT OF IT after I told him what I was wanting to achieve, my age (41) and my current condition (mild myopia less than -2.0).

    Presbyopia, a lack of ability to focus up close (a natural occurrence that strikes us all in our early to mid forties) is offset by being nearsighted!!!

    So if I were to correct my current Myopic condition with Lasik, I wouldn't need corrective lenses for distance anymore and things will look great for a while, but as Presbyopia sets in, I would start needing correction for seeing up close since I would no longer be near-sighted! If I got Lasik I'd basically be trading my distance (driving) glasses for reading glasses (which I don't need to see up close right now). Screw that. As it is right now being mildly nearsighted, my front sight is pretty clear without any correction. The rear sight is just slightly crisper so I use the lower than prescription power contact to get the front sight in perfect focus.

    I did some research and this article probably best describes what the doc was telling me.

    How the Nearsighted Eye Handles Presbyopia


    "If you are nearsighted and approaching presbyopia, have no worries. You are in a better position than probably anybody else out there. If it was possible to prepare yourself for presbyopia, being nearsighted might be the best way to go."

    XRe - I hope your procedure works out for you, but after my consultation and doing my own research and considering my current condition and age, I decided I was better off leaving my eyes alone for now.

    To the OP:

    Nearsightedness is different for everyone. Ideally, shooting and being nearsighted, you would be able to see the front sight perfectly without correction. My vision is almost there but not perfect. I can see perfectly inches from my eye to about arms-length without correction and the front sight is just outside that window. It is still fairly sharp and I could make it work but its even sharper with a low power correction. Full prescribed correction needed for my distance viewing was more than what was needed to see the front sight. (I noticed my near vision is better without my contacts on than with). With some experimentation, a very mild correction worked great to extend my vision to my front sight WITHOUT disturbing my non-corrected close vision. I still use my prescribed distance correction in my non-dominant eye because THAT is the eye that is used to find the target.

    As I mentioned its different for everyone and what works for me might not for you, but it couldn't hurt trying less correction in your shooting eye. It took me a while to figure this out...I used to think MORE correction was better when it was actually the opposite.


  19. Anybody have a recommended narrower front sight for the M&P? I have the factory FO in my Pro Series. I'd like to try a narrower FO with a smaller dot.



    Try a Dawson F/O.100 Wide X .180 tall. Speedshooters has them!

    Even with the smaller diameter .040 FO I still blackout half of the rod (to reduce the glow).

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