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Posts posted by Filishooter

  1. People have different moral values. How can you impose yours onto others? If you go to Church on Sundays does that make the people who don't sinners?

    I didn't claim my competitition can only beat me by cheating...if I want a chance to hang with them, I can't be giving them advantages that I am not going to use myself. (like them doing a slidelock reload vs me doing a RWR). Like I said, its a product of the game, When in Rome... If IDPA wanted to fix it they would just make every COF Limited Vickers...problem solved.

    If you get a woody beating the "cheaters" playing the moral card more power to you!

    I have NEVER been given a procedural for round dumping even though I've had to take makeup shots to ensure I got my hits. Does that mean what I'm doing is right? Maybe, maybe not. Can an SO PROVE a crafty shooter is round dumping on a Vickers count course? I think it would be very difficult. Do shooters use this to gain a competitive advantage? Hell yes.

    In the end, you have to go to bed at night...and I have no trouble sleeping.

    To this point I think we;ll just have to agree to disagree (but I still don't like being called a loser)!

    Sorry to the OP....to get back on track >>>>

    In a match, many Experts "try" but most Masters just "do".

  2. Yes, there are many other really good tips in Vogel's video, I was just pointing out the slidelock reload because I was called out as having a loser's mentality for even suggesting such a thing. Like you said, if you want to win at the game...you have to be willing to play the game up to (but within) the limit of the rules. In that video - reloading from slidelock is and advantage vs a RWR. There are no rules preventing a shooter from taking makeup shots on a Vickers count stage. It doesn't take long for a Gamesman to put 2 and 2 together. I guess some people may say I have a "losers mentality" for using a 5" gun (that does fit in the box) vs my subcompact but I chose my equipment to take full advantage of the limit if the rules.

    I wish ALL of my competition had a "winner's mentality" and handicapped themselves by doing what they feel is the right thing to do. But for some reason, the guys who always win and beat me are all losers!

  3. I'm not saying cheat...but sometimes you have to take that extra makeup shot on a target just to be sure you (ahem) get all you -0s!!!

    That is a loser's mentality. A winner will shoot IDPA like every stage is Limted Vickers and aim and do their reloads within the rules.

    Lol...tell that to Bob Vogel...

    at 2:58. He ended up take some "makeup shots" on the steel instead to make it look better. He said his whole (super) squad shot it the same way. A bit of a coincidence that they ALL went to slide lock at the same place? The original poster asked what separates a Master from an Expert and "gamesmanship" is one of them! I guess you are saying Vogel, Sevigney, and other Champions all have a losers mentality? If YOU were an SO on this stage running Vogel, would you give him a FTDR for dumping rounds? How would you know if he's dumping rounds or if he called a miss?

    While you might score a moral victory with yourself by doing what you feel is right in your heart, you're not going to win many matches when all of your competition in MA class is playing up to the limit of the rules. It would be nice if everyone played nice, but its an unfortunate reality and product of the game. Masters have mastered the game.

  4. So shooting cleaner matches is one thing that separates MA from EX. Makes sense.

    What else ?

    Gamesmanship (wiki definition) - the use of dubious (although not technically illegal) methods to win a game, such as golf or snooker. "Pushing the rules to the limit without getting caught, using whatever dubious methods possible to achieve the desired end."

    I'm not saying cheat...but sometimes you have to take that extra makeup shot on a target just to be sure you (ahem) get all you -0s!!!

  5. Figure out what time you want to make in the Classifier factoring in your down points, break that time down into the 3 stages and break the stages down to get your par times you need to make for each string...then start practicing like hell to work your time down below that par for each and every string.

    The more aware of your own shooting the better. What is your draw speed? your splits? your transitions? your reloads? Time between positions, etc. Most Masters know this about themselves. They can look at a stage and tell you in what time they are going to shoot it in, and come really close.

    The important thing is to get an idea of what pace you want to shoot at to get your time and your hits. Put the time in before the classifier, don't try to make a time while you are shooting the classifier.

  6. Kelly impressed me. Not only the fact the he's a fast learner but that he has good focus and the mental toughness to have survived for so long. It also appears that he is sponsored by Scotch Tape. The "inexperienced" shooter coming into the game is now the most experienced with being in the most elimination challenges. Win or loose, he's already proven himself. How often do you see someone with NO classification beat not one, but two $%&@ IPSC Grand Masters?!

  7. And how was it possible for Andre to not of been told about the rear sight until the elimination training? Shouldn't that of been picked up on during his few shots during the first training session they had?

    Using Mike S. as an example...he wasn't told about the rear ladder sight on the 1903. It looks like the briefing/training is purposely not disclosing everything about the weapon, leaving some things for the competitors to find out on their own. From what I understand the training is session is also very brief.

  8. EZ loader install has already been covered in detail here. I remember finding a bunch of posts when researching (searching) before installing mine several years ago.

    Did mine myself, fit it to a 20 gauge. Not too hard but it took a lot of fitting - installing, testing and uninstalling and repeating.

    If you are going to mod it to use it "only a few times" just leave it alone and live with the score you get. The EZ Loader is a commitment in time (or money), its not a drop in part. I know people that have sold their 1100s because they couldn't get it to work. YMMV.

  9. The single biggest reason I do not shoot .308 more, is cost.

    +1 Cost, I can reload .223 for much less than .308 and shoot more. I used to love shooting my 308 when the cheap surplus stuff was available. I think I used to pay around $175 per 1000 back in 06.

  10. I've been using it on my daughter's ipod touch. Took some time to figure out how to set it, but once it's figured out it works great. I used to use my CED8000 for quite dryfire practice at night with the earphones, but this took its place. I also use it for airsoft.

    What I like....you can set custom drills, combine drills to make a regimen and add notes or info like par times. Shooter ready commands, delay, par times. It can do everything a good timer can do and more.

    What I would like to see (future updates?) a reset or back or return or pause button? Unless I'm missing it, once you start a regimen you either have to finish it or quit the app to get back to the main menu.

    A way to add custom time between drills in a regimen, sometimes they come at you pretty fast.

    Other than that, it works really well.

  11. I've been using it on my daughter's ipod touch. Took some time to figure out how to set it, but once it's figured out it works great. I used to use my CED8000 for quite dryfire practice at night with the earphones, but this took its place. I also use it for airsoft.

    What I like....you can set custom drills, combine drills to make a regimen and add notes or info like par times. Shooter ready commands, delay, par times. It can do everything a good timer can do besides picking up the sound of an actual shot, but it wasn't designed as timer. It's a dryfire tool. I setup the entire IDPA Classifier according to my custom par times and have it setup as 3 regimens - 1 per stage.

    What I would like to see (future updates?) a reset or back or return or pause button? Unless I'm missing it, once you start a regimen you have to quit the app to get back to the main menu.

    A way to add custom time between drills in a regimen, sometimes they come at you pretty fast.

    Other than that, it works really well. Thanks for making it.

  12. I've been working on this myself and this is what I've found.... You mentioned it in one of your replies, but it looks like you could be transferring even more weight shift in the direction of travel while shooting so you "fall" into the direction you want to go when you lift your lead leg.

    Second video at 4 seconds, It looks like you are lifting your lead leg and your hanging there for a second, like you are pulling it back then stepping out of the box instead of lunging forward and digging in. I think you are still too neutral, try putting so much weight on it that if some swept that forward leg you would fall.

  13. What about adding a 20-rounder to a 30-rounder for 50? Or (2)20's for 40? Or any other combination? Does anyone know if you can do that? That way you can taylor a mag to a stage for example.

    The manufacturer actually specifies it as a 60/50 round coupler. Either by using a 30 and 20 or two 30's. I see no reason you could not get a readily available 40rd spring and use it with two 20's. I plan to try this when I get mine as i would like to see if that works.

    Be interested to know how this works (2 20 rounders coupled together). Seems like a straight 40 round mag might give you feeding problems as opposed to the curved mags.

  14. Blue team should start talking about how terrible guys like Blake and JJ do at practice (even tho they dont). If the red teams gets to keep picking who doesnt get to compete, those guys are gonna be lucky to even hold a weapon again, haha.

    Yeah, team strategy should be to not talk about how the practice went. JJ had a good practice with the bow, I thought for sure he was going to sit...but if IIRC at least one of the guys for the blue team who sat out said he had hunting experience with a bow, probably why he got selected.

  15. It's not IDPA legal at all

    On EEA's website it says this "The Elite "Stock 2" is IDPA legal and meets all box requirements for competitive practical shooting scenarios."

    IDPA rulebook says this for SSP: Have a maximum unloaded weight of 39oz., including an empty magazine.

    IDPA rulebook says this for ESP: Have a maximum unloaded weight of 43 oz., including an empty magazine.

    Any idea what the weight is? It might be legal for ESP.

  16. Much of the contents of an aerosol paint can is wasted on the propellant. I wonder if anyone has tried a small automotive detail spray gun and mini compressor? I would guess it would work better than the marker paint and your paint cost would be lower buying the paint in a 1 gallon cans.

  17. Instead of knives, sticks, and slingshot competitions, they should have had everyone compete in a USPSA match, a 3-gun match, a NRA Action pistol/Bianchi Cup match, a rifle benchrest match, a trap/skeet/sporting clays type match, and a SASS/Cowboy Action match. Everyone shoots the same types of guns. Assign points somehow. Guy with the most points wins. Put cameras everywhere (on the hats, on the guns, on the props, overhead, etc.) That would be fun to watch.


    That would be awesome...probably the only chance of that happening is if ESPN or some other sports promoter started an "All Marksmanship Challenge" and made it an actual sporting event instead of a reality show.

    I used to race motocross as a kid and remember in the 80's a racing series called the SuperMoto. I believe ABC came up with it to find the best all around motorcycle racer. It was a crossover type race that was a mixture of on and off road racing. You had motocrossers vs road racers vs Enduro racers vs Flattrack racers vs Hare scramble racers, etc. IIRC it got good ratings at the time. What made it great is that you actually had current and former World/National Champions from different disciplines competing in it. At the time it was groundbreaking. I've lost touch of motorcycle racing, but a friend of mine told me that the SuperMoto is still being raced today, although as its own separate sport with new generation racers training/practicing specifically for SuperMoto.

    How cool would it be if this happened for shooting? Uniting the shooting community in competition, birth of a new shooting sport. Positive exposure for firearms...

  18. I never used the ladder sight.....and did not even know it existed or how it worked. We did not get this instruction.

    Mike, you handled it well. Sorry to see you go. I was pulling for you, JJ and Blake. In regards to your comment about the ladder sight...it looked like the resident expert did at least flip it up and down in this video at 52 seconds. Although he didn't go into detail about it, he did look like he briefly flipped it up, turn some knobs and flipped it back down. I'm not pointing this out to contradict you, but it may have been a clue that many on your team missed during the briefing. It looks like the briefing/training is purposely not disclosing everything about the weapon, leaving some things for the competitors to find out on their own.


  19. I'd rather the competition be a straight up points based tally vs the "voting off" format but when you are in it and want to win, I think you need to play the game.

    People need to realize that maybe Kelly wasn't picked for the elimination because they wanted HIM off, but because they wanted Mike off and Kelly was probably the guy that could best do that.

    While it's admirable that Mike chose Kelly to shoot against the best long range shooter, it wasn't the wisest choice if the goal was to survive to shoot another day. If Mike would have chosen a lesser skilled shooter and won, he would have been the one shooting smiley faces in the next episode.

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