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Posts posted by Filishooter

  1. They use the same spring.

    Yes, you can unscrew the nut, but I just bought a non-captive rod to make spring changes easier.

    One more spring question. On Wolf's site they don't make any distinction between the std M&P and 5 inch slide. Since the 5 inch's rod is recessed guess it's the same spring ? Also how does the spring change. Just back out the nut on the end of the guide rod ?


  2. 2.5-3 pounds is all I need from a M&P trigger;

    compared to stock, youll think it was blessed by the gods.

    Pick whatever weight you want, Im sure he will make you happy, and it wont be mushy.

    that word is used for glock triggers, not M&P's.

    Thanks Mike. I've been IMing with a guy on the M&P forums (Aaron) that you are doing work for. He filled me in on all your doing...sounds like its going to be an awesome gun!

  3. I've decided to get my trigger worked over by Kenny at Speedshooters but can't decide on the 2lb-2.5lb Competition trigger or the 2.5- 3.5lb Carry Pro job. They both have a pre-travel stop and the competition job re-hardens the sear.

    A friend of mine got his trigger done by another smith and was told if you go too light the trigger gets mushy (less crisp). Would you recommend going for a slightly heavier trigger if it were crisper or go for the lightest reliable pull? I remember reading in Brian's book that he mentioned that he likes his to break at around 2lbs and doesn't really care about "crispness." IIRC he also said that he recommends a heavier trigger for a beginner but eventually recommends going lighter.

  4. I remember when the XD first came out (I bought one). (IIRC) Springfield had it listed in their spec-sheet as "single action" and was using "single action" in its advertising as a selling point. See link below. So, if the manufacture sells the gun as a SA then IDPA had no choice but to classify it as an ESP gun.

    I notice NOW they are calling the trigger ULTRA SAFETY ASSURANCE (USA) SYSTEM. If Springfield would have used this name way back when they first came out it probably would have had a chance to shoot in SSP. But now its tagged due to a stupid marketing error on Springfield's behalf.

    " Part of the problem with the XD is that in its first incarnation as the H-S 2000, it was described as a single action gun. "It was advertised in Europe as a single action," says Walt Rauch, a founding board member of LDPA, as he explains the organization's decision.

    In the November/December 2000 issue of American Handgunner, Sebestyen Gorka wrote-up the H-S 2000. He said, "The trigger is single action only with a long first stage..."

    As late as June 20, 2002, the perception continued in some quarters of the firearms press. That date's New Gun Week carried an article by Scott Smith titled "Springfield XD Pistol Works For Duty, Defense, Competition." Smith describes the XD as "Having ... a crisp single-action type trigger for accurate follow-up shots..."


  5. I have 4 9mm M&Ps (2 Fullsize and 2 longslides) and every one of them drops the slide when you inset a mag with enough force.

    You can get pretty light with the trigger, I've tried a few that were much lighter than mine, but they didn't feel as crisp. On the M&P I'd rather go with a crisp 3 or 4lb pull then a mushy 2lb pull but thats personal preference. Could be a good smith can get you a crisp sub 2lb pull.

  6. I am looking to switch out of my Glock 34. It is a great gun, a dream to shoot, cheap and easy to work on, but I just can't get used to the grip angle. If it is all I shoot I can start to index well with it, but mixing it with my other guns causes me to point high. I want to shoot in production.


    You might want to take a look at the M&P Pro or 9L. Its closer to your G34 than the Sig or the CZ but with a different grip angle that will play well with your other guns. Cheaper too plus they are pretty easy to work on and setup for production.

    Not that the SP01 isn't a great gun, I almost bought one myself!

  7. 40 is more versatile but 9mm is cheaper to shoot. If you plan to only shoot IDPA and Production get the G34.

    If you want the EEA get the 40 to shoot in Limited Class. There is no point in getting the 9mm Limited unless you want to shoot Limited minor, the gun isn't on the Production approved list so you can't use it there. Not sure if you can use it in IDPA either (maybe in ESP class?) Look at the EEA Witness Elite STOCK in 9mm, Ithink its both IDPA and Production legal.

  8. Does anyone know if there is a difference in the pro and Ls barrels? Are they the same barrels, is the pro a better/tighter fit, does one have a tighter chamber ect?

    I have both the 9L and the Pro. From the looks of it, they have the same exact barrel.

  9. I've shot both a 12 and a 20. I'm using an 1187 20 gauge right now setup with a mag extension and modified EZLoader and its working fine. Its a good cheap setup. I have no problem taking down any steel. The 20 has a smaller shot radius (given the same choke) but a longer shot column. I've taken down long steel that some under choked 12 gauges have trouble with. Whichever you chose be sure it has choke tubes and you know your patterns at different distances. One time a guy with a "tactical" shotgun with an open bore had trouble with a popper not going down and asked for a calibration, the 20 knocked it down easy and there wasn't much he could say after that.

    20 gauge advantage:

    Lighter weight = faster swing

    action cycles quicker, reliable with 7/8 and 1 oz shot

    I can fit 4 or 5 shells in my hand when reloading vs 2 or 3 12 gauge

    20 gauge disadvantage:

    Lighter weight = more recoil (but still not as much as a 12 IMHO).

    Pattern isn't as wide as the 12s

    Not as much aftermarket parts (besides the EZ loader, extended tube, 3 gun side saddle and modified Shell carriers I'm not sure what more I need though?)

    ammo selection ( I don't think you can get larger then #2 or #3 buck for the 20 but my club shoots 7.5 and/or slugs only)

    For me the reloading advantage of the 20 makes up for any disadvantages. I can load 2 handfulls of 20 faster than 3 hand fulls of 12. Reloading speed is the name of the game with the shotgun.

  10. I tried this drill at 25 but didn't have time to shoot it closer and didn't have access to 50 yards at the time.

    I found out that my hits with a target focus were not as bad as I made myself believe they should have been! I had built up in my head that it was near possible to shoot accurately at that range with a pure target focus even though I've never really tried it. I had tighter groups with a front sight focus but I was surprised that I was getting decent hits (for me) at that range with a target focus. I guess this goes under "focus on SOMETHING and you should be ok". I didn't try it, but I imagine breaking a shot in that grey area, while they eyes are switching between the 2 would yield poorer results than either?

    Besides this realization, i would say I felt more aware of where my focus was and I was aware of that "crossover point" where target focus becomes acceptable front sight focus and vise-versa. I think towards the end of the drill my eyes were focusing faster between target and front sight then when I started.

    Now this was "only" at 25 yards...my results might be totally different at 50!

  11. What do you expect living in Florida? :rolleyes: Move out here to the Rocky Mountains where it is bone dry and you won't have that problem! Even living here I make sure I wipe down those older blued M&P mags, you're right the finish isn't very durable, if your hands are sweaty when handling them you've got to wipe them down soon after.

    I guess wiping down the mags is a small price to pay for year round sunny shooting weather! After a couple full seasons the bluing is pretty well worn in the high areas. I'm thinking of sending them out to be Robar'ed.

  12. I believe that Dawson Precision has FO front sights.

    Yep...the first mod done on my M&P 40 was a Dawson FO on the front. The rear Novak factory sight I can live with, but the factory front was awful for this game IMO. Give KenD a call and he'll hook you up.

    Thank you for the information,

    I was also thinking of using a Dawson front and Novak too but didn’t know if there is something better out there or not…..

    Anyway, how did you remove/replace the front sight?

    I also use my M&P 40 for Limited and love it!!! :roflol:


    A brass punch and a BFH (Big Hammer). Mine was on tighter than a ....

  13. I have heard a few very good shooters say that "after making the 5" it seems like the 4" gun is pretty much pointless.

    I started with the 4" gun and now have the 9L. Going to use the 9L for Production. I still use the 4" gun for IDPA (since its closer to my carry gun)...but man, its so hard to NOT shoot the 5" gun instead!

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