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What do you guys think of this stage?


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We do a monthly three gun match at our club. Nothing sanctioned, just for fun.

We have a 10 round loaded in magazine rule.

Start Position: Seated at table. Handgun unloaded on table with magazine loaded with 10 rounds on table. Additional magazines and shotshells on person. Shotgun unloaded on left barrel. Rifle unloaded on right barrel.

Stage Prodcedure: At start signal, load handgun and engage T1 and T2 with two shots to the body and one to the head while seated at the table. Move forward and engage T3 from the right wall and T4 from the left wall with two shots each. Move forward while reloading handgun and engage T5 through T9 while keeping feet behind cover. Place empty handgun on blue barrel and retreat uprange to retrieve shotgun.

Load shotgun and engage three poppers and three clays with shotgun from left port. Reload one round at time only if necessary due to missed targets. Place empty shotgun on left barrel when finished. Move to right barrel and retrieve rifle. Load rifle and engage T10-T14 with two shots each from right port.


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Stage is ok but what the heck is up with the WSB ? Way to wordy and way too restrictive, If your match is a 10 plus one round match anyway people will figure out they have to reload, They might even figure out they need to load to begin with and the load this load that only one if this that and the other, needs to be scrapped also,

Try this:

Start position , Seated at table. Handgun unloaded on table. Additional magazines and shotshells on person. Shotgun unloaded on barrel 2 Rifle unloaded on barrel 3. (number barrels)


On the signal engage targets with 2 shots each as visible, from the shooting area, Paper must be engaged with rifle or handgun, steel must be engaged with shotgun, Pistol must be on barrel 4 unloaded and down range before before retrieving shotgun.

A foot fault on the right side would get people using the port, a few vision barriers and noshoots along with longer range targets will get people using the rifle, on the right targets.

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Upend the barrels and dig them in tot he ground at a 30 degree angle (if possible) or put some legs on them and a base to hold them at this position, put some padding in them to cushion the guns. they are now proper 'dump barrels' OR take two 2 x 6 and a piece of 1/2 or 3/4 plywood a foot wide and make a trough, line it with carpet fasten this tot he top of the barrels. Place unloaded rifle.shotgun in these. For pistol get a dishpan, screw it to the top of a barrel, put a piece of carpet in the bottom, dump box for pistol.

As stated above, utilize a few vision barriers to force the rifle shots. Make all SG targets steel or clay.

I am OK with the three shots on the paper. BUT put a 1" piece of black tape across the C/B line so that one hit can't be counted in both zones. Now you NEED one clean hit in the AB and two in the ACD zones to fulfill the WSB otherwise some DRL will hit the CB line and claim it counts as either a C or B, whichever he might need. might even argue that since there is a hit in both the C & B that this one hole counts for both, same as a NS D hit might count.


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Upend the barrels and dig them in tot he ground at a 30 degree angle (if possible) or put some legs on them and a base to hold them at this position, put some padding in them to cushion the guns. they are now proper 'dump barrels' OR take two 2 x 6 and a piece of 1/2 or 3/4 plywood a foot wide and make a trough, line it with carpet fasten this tot he top of the barrels. Place unloaded rifle.shotgun in these. For pistol get a dishpan, screw it to the top of a barrel, put a piece of carpet in the bottom, dump box for pistol.

As stated above, utilize a few vision barriers to force the rifle shots. Make all SG targets steel or clay.

I am OK with the three shots on the paper. BUT put a 1" piece of black tape across the C/B line so that one hit can't be counted in both zones. Now you NEED one clean hit in the AB and two in the ACD zones to fulfill the WSB otherwise some DRL will hit the CB line and claim it counts as either a C or B, whichever he might need. might even argue that since there is a hit in both the C & B that this one hole counts for both, same as a NS D hit might count.


Jim, no comment about using all three guns in one stage? :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

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Upend the barrels and dig them in tot he ground at a 30 degree angle (if possible) or put some legs on them and a base to hold them at this position, put some padding in them to cushion the guns. they are now proper 'dump barrels' OR take two 2 x 6 and a piece of 1/2 or 3/4 plywood a foot wide and make a trough, line it with carpet fasten this tot he top of the barrels. Place unloaded rifle.shotgun in these. For pistol get a dishpan, screw it to the top of a barrel, put a piece of carpet in the bottom, dump box for pistol.

As stated above, utilize a few vision barriers to force the rifle shots. Make all SG targets steel or clay.

I am OK with the three shots on the paper. BUT put a 1" piece of black tape across the C/B line so that one hit can't be counted in both zones. Now you NEED one clean hit in the AB and two in the ACD zones to fulfill the WSB otherwise some DRL will hit the CB line and claim it counts as either a C or B, whichever he might need. might even argue that since there is a hit in both the C & B that this one hole counts for both, same as a NS D hit might count.


Jim, no comment about using all three guns in one stage? :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


It is not our match. 3-Gun stages are inherently slow to shoot and reset. If three guns are used, then the total time shooting has to be reduced in order that the shooter through-put on the stage is not compromised. When a match is 'Designed' the number of stages, number of shooters per squad, time to reset and time to shoot a stage are all variables that need to be figured in. If one stage takes 6 minutes Beep to beep and all the rest take 4 minutes, you will have a major back-up. There is a way around this. You run for two days with a stand down for each squad between stages and then you can actually schedule one stage for two time slots, but it is a real probability of a back up no matter how it is run. It does help if there is dedicated staff. A three gun stage will usually require at least 3 staff and possibly 4. THis is especially true if we are to pre-load guns. Loading on the clock as the OP indicated for this stage, will add additional time tot he time it takes to clear the stage.


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