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2nd Annual Western States Single Stack Championshi

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We have been using a scoring system that TGO created, in our monthly single stack match for the past 6 months. It has been well received since we made a more user friendly score sheet. We had 48 shooters at our last monthly single stack match.

The scoring is similar to what IDPA uses. The stages are NOT IDPA stages, they are USPSA type, but like last years match since we are not affiliated with anyone we have more freedom to create our stages.

If you shot last year's match, the stages will be similar to you. If not, and you shoot USPSA, you will feel right at home. At last year's match, we had alot of guys I know that shoot nothing but IDPA and they all said they had a great time and will come back. Alot of them will not shoot any of our local USPSA matches but will shoot our mothly single stack match.

Our scoring system leans more toward accuracy than speed. We still score the best hits on the target, but for a C, you add .5 seconds, for each D you add 1.5 seconds. So basically it is .5 seconds added to your time for each point down. If you shoot minor, you will add 1 full second for each point down.

If anyone has any other questions, let me know.

Steve H

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we use IDPA targets, so there is no B zone. The whole head is a Zero. It is kind of difficult to explain here on the computer. The way Rob and I came up with this is, it is a IDPA target, with similar scoring but the stage is more like an USPSA match.

All of our faithful monthly single stack guys and gals really like it. It took me a while (with the help of my computer buddy Kyle) to get a score sheet that the shooters and I liked. I think it is in its final form.

When we got the scoring on the match, we realized that it forced the shooter to be more accurate! For the old time IPSC guys you will really like this match and scoring system. It forces you to aim.

I has taken a few months to get the bugs worked out with the scoring system and the score sheets, and it has been a learning experiance to say the least.

Flex, also check out the points down for minor in my last post. Each point down for Major is .5 seconds added, and for each point down for minor is 1 ( a full ) second added. It is a total time scoring system.

I guess the bottom line is this, the fastest, most accurate shooter will win.

Steve H

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sorry for the delay in answering your question regarding the RO's.........they will shoot on Sat and Sun, when they get a break. It was pretty fast moving last year, some or most of the shooters could have finished on Sat. I will have enough RO's so that breaks during the day will allow for them to shoot several stages at a time. I would like to get them to shoot on Friday, but am unsure if that will work.

Steve H

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Everything is shaping up well. Entrys are coming in daily. One thing that is not mentioned on the entry flyer (my mistake) is that lunch will be free both days! The stages are designed and it all looks good. I look forward to seeing everyone there.

Steve H

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some quick updates, the match is progressing well, and all 10 stages have been finished up well. Some questions have come up with the locals in the last week or so. Just to remind everyone, this will be a cash payback, like last year, as well as plaques for the top 16. I will also give a plaque for each special catagory. If you do not know if you fit into a catagory, let me know. We shot the monthly match today and it was about 78 degrees and perfect (just rubbing it in to all you folks living somewhere cold!) hopefully the weather next month will be just as nice. If you have any questions let me know.

See you all next month.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Rob is doing a class on the east coast during the match, but I am going to work on Brian! I will recruit Arnt M. and Frank Glenn to come shoot again this year. That is if Arnt in in town. He has to have about 5 million frequent flyer miles!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update about the match. Things are coming along well, it looks like we will be right around the 100 shooter limit. I have been asked by a few of the local folks if they can enter after Jan 15th, as it was posted as the deadline for the match. And my answer is YES. I don't anticipate to many walk-up's, but we had a few locals do that last year. So, if you have not signed up yet and want to shoot the match, I would like to to know prior to the match, just so I have a head count for the food and such.

Thanks, Steve

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Bob H........I know I sent you an e-mail a while back, you guys can sign up at the match.

At our recent Tueday night match, some more questions came up. The match will start at 0800 on Sat. If you are going to sign up at the match, I would appreciate if you pay by cash. As no banks will be open and we are giving cash back! If you need to sign up on Sat. get there by 0700 or so. We should finish around 1700 on Sat. and hopefully be finished by 1500 on Sunday. Last year we were done at 1400 hrs.

This coming weekend (17 & 18) is the weekend of our monthly single stack match, and it was going to be cancelled so the other groups at our club could have a match since the 2nd Annual WSSSC was going to displace them, but I had no takers. So the monthly match will go on! Lets try to start at 0800 if we can, but you can sign up as late as 1000.

I am sure I will post more as I get questions and think of things.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, sorry for not getting on the page in the last few days, I checked the other day, but to no avail. I was in NO shape to check yesterday, we were pretty busy setting up yesterday and today.

We will start the shooter briefing at 0800, and hopefully start shooting no later than 0900.

As far as brass back, I am going to say no. If you really need it, have some shooters you are with pick it up as soon as you finish. Contact me after the shooter meeting and let me know.

I look forward to meeting you on Sat.

Make sure you come up a say hello.


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It was an awesome match!

Our group had the back 6 stages (5>10) done by noon and had the last 4 done by 1600.

Spent about 260 rds for the whole deal .

Next year I'm shooting major pf though , won't hurt so bad on points down ;) .

Way to go Steve and crew!


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Yeah...THAT was a great match. Lots of fun...great stage designs....great staff...and very efficiently run. It was nice having open squading and no fixed stage schedule. Our squad was able to move from stage to stage with little or no wait. Often the RO's were happy to see us and eager to run us through!

This was my first WSSSC match....I'm planning on returning for the 3rd Annual WSSSC....makes a great get-a-way from the Seattle weather in the middle of winter!

Thanks again Steve!!!

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Mark and Steven, thanks for the remarks. This was quite the learning experiance for me. The match ran well. I know what to improve for next year, and it will make it even better. The whole idea with this match is to make it a shooting contest. Dave Passch started it with that idea and I plan to hold true to that. I will continue to feed you all, and next year probably get some cool match T-shirts. I will have someone at the chrono most of the time so no one misses it. Keep it open squading, and make it one of the "must shoot" matches of the year. Next year. I want to keep the match fee reasonable, and keep it a great little match. I will post items if interest throughout the year here at BE.com regarding scoring and the such. One thing regarding scoring, some of the shooters convinced me that the "no shoots" and misses should count 5 seconds, insted of the 2.5 that they did this year. That will be a go!

If anyone else can offer some feedback about what they liked and did not like I truly want to hear it.

One more thing, any kind of match CANNOT run well without good RO's and set up crew, and I want to thank my guys here at Rio Salado, they are truly great, and I will always respect them and stay true to my goals with this match. They are the best. A special thanks go out to Dave Paasch, who started this whole thing and designed most of the stages, Bob LaMarca, who set up the RO crew and especially Rich Makay, who showed up on Thursday to set up, and really made my job eaiser! Thanks Rich, you are the MAN.


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