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Shooter Grrl

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The need to smell gunpowder and throw lead downrange overwhelmed the Littmans this weekend, so against all better judgement, we decided to go shooting!

First problem was the ammo... we found it all, counted it up and then had to "decide" which one of us was going to shoot the last 200 rounds of open! I shot Limited :)

Then we had to find a club having a match, good 'ole uspsa.org to the rescue... but we had to expand the search to 120 miles radius to find one... and voila' MSSA was having their Practical Pistol match Sunday... hmmm, cool, that's Lynn Jones club.

Next problem was figuring out how to get to the range... we haven't been able to find a map of the area yet and have been relying on aaa.com and yahoo.com for our directions. Only 2 small snafus and one BIG snafu (the name of the offramp was changed), but we finally made it to the range, even early! Thankfully, there's no o'dark start times out here - the match started at 11:00 (Grrl likes sleep!)

We pull into the range and get a few quirky looks (we still have CA plates on the truck!) but finally spot Lynn who welcomed us warmly and the day just got better from there.

The stages were well thought out and with 3 or so designers, there was a decent variety. We got to help them test some evil new spinning target that really ate some people up, both of us included!

The Memphis range is just awesome! I still can't get over trees and grass at shooting ranges :)

But best of all, was the shooters. Super duper nice guys. I felt really comfortable with them and they were all helpful and worked their butts off. We shot with Lynn and BKeeler.. if there were other forum members there, I didn't get to meet them.

So all in all, the Littmans are happy today - David won the match, and Lynn says we can even come back, once David's not in B Class anymore :)

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Just blew into town and took the match...Im suprised they will let you back. Either that or you are going to have that club to yourselvs because no one else will return for fear of loosing. The Littmans will be a great asset to any club they decide to join. Im still sad they had to leave mine.

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It's time to reveal the secret reason they left California...

During the drive to/from the 2003 b2b nationals, David was ragging on my old Italian CZ-75 clone Open gun. (As if I didn't hear enough from him when I was actively competing with it.) I told him I could take it out of the safe, blow off the dust and cobwebs, load up some 9x21, sign up at a local match, and beat his sandbagging ass until he cries for his momma. He seemed to welcome the challenge. But before the next match, they had packed up their things and snuck out of town in the dead of night like the Baltimore Colts.

Lynn, here are some tips on how to stop the B-Open juggernaut. Most importantly, pick a classifier with a lot of match points at stake. :D Don't make any shoot-on-the-move stages. Have lots of speed shoots and standards. When you manage to get the right combination to stop David, that's when Kathy will fly in under the radar and whoop y'all.

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