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TSA Locks

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Have any of you ever had your luggage cut open by TSA, even while using TSA locks? My son travelled to Ecuador this weekend and arrived to find the zipper catches on both of his bags cut (TSA locks intact). Everyone seems to think TSA is the culprit but there is nothing to support that. No decal or form indicating that TSA opened the bags. Nothing appears to be missing other than the suitcase are damaged/ruined. Whats worse is that because he's in Ecuador, he will have to pay more to get new luggage if the bags he is using (mine) can not be repaired.

Would TSA cut the zippers or the locks if they could not open the bags? My only doubt that it was TSA is the fact that TSA locks were used and I have never had problem with them since they were created.

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yes i have had TSA cut off my TSA approved locks :angry:

and they leave a small slip of paper inside stating they removed locks for inspections

both times i was traveling with out firearms , nothing missing but odd they had to cut them off

when i asked TSA why they had to cut off and not unlock and relock

i got the official " i dunno "


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yes i have had TSA cut off my TSA approved locks :angry:

and they leave a small slip of paper inside stating they removed locks for inspections

both times i was traveling with out firearms , nothing missing but odd they had to cut them off

when i asked TSA why they had to cut off and not unlock and relock

i got the official " i dunno "


I wouldn't mind as much if they cut the TSA locks, but they cut the zippers on the luggage! :angry2: the luggage will have to be repaired before he comes home or he will have to buy new luggage. That is what really has me P.o.'d.

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Face it.. John just has that.... shifty look about him :ph34r:


Yeah, you have to keep an eye on him...

Funny, I asked him if anything was missing....his reply: "No, both of my knives were still there." So, I ask about anything else. His reply, "Like what?" :wacko:

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Zip-ties. a traveller's best friend-- you can loop 'em through the zipper stubs to get some semblance of lockability. That's what I usually do on my outer bags these days since I assume TSA lock keys are probably all over the internet by now. TSA does not require the outer bag to be locked if there's a locked inner gun case, but it should be sealed somehow.

FWIW, when I left Ecuador from the WS they tried to slap the 'steal me' sticker on the outside of my bag. I peeled it off, put it inside and reminded them it goes on the inside now. They weren't too happy about it, but let it slide.

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Yeah, I have gone back to the zip tie method too. Heck, I even zip tie my carry-on just to make sure things stay closed (I tend to sleep a lot on planes and the chance someone could riffle through my luggage while sleeping has occurred to me).

I stopped using locks because the baggage equipment kept grabbing the damn things and tearing the zippers pulls all to hell.

I had a couple non-TSA locks cut off several years ago right after the TSA locks came out. Inside was the form letter with a hand written "Sorry we had to cut your locks." along with two brand new TSA locks.

The first time I used zip ties after 9-11 I was flying to the east coast. I got in to my hotel at about 0200 and just wanted to grab a shower and hit the sack. Got up to my room and was faced with the necessity to cut off the zip ties. I quickly realized I had nothing useful to remove them and there was nothing in the room that was of use. Called the front desk and they sent a maintenance dude up who found the whole thing humorous and then offered to help me find any drugs or "companionship" I needed during my stay. :wacko:

The next day I went to WalMart and bought a crappy little multi-tool thing for $5 that now lives in an outside pocket on my checked bag that doesn't get zip tied. It is such a crappy tool that it has never been touched.

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