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STI Grandmaster Cmore screw size/length


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Trying to mount a CR *thumb rest [generic]* on my STI Grandmaster. The screws that came with the *thumb rest [generic]* are too big (screw diameter too big). Does anyone have any info on the type of screw used on the grandmaster?



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Check with Chuck at Shooters Connection. You will need the 1/2 inch or 3/4 inch long screws. I think they are 5x32x1/2 or 5x32x3/4.

He has them for sale.


I called STI and a nice guy helped me out. turned out they are 5x40. I ordered some online that were 25 for $1 and also some hex nuts to help with the threading after I grind 'em down. the shipping cost more than the screws and the nuts. (normalling when I talk about screwing and nuts it gets me into trouble...)

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I just took one in to the local hardware store. Found a nut that it threaded in to and then worked backwards from there. I've found a ton of stuff there:

- stops/guide screws for the CasePro

- Cotter (spelling) pins for Dillon Powder Measures and Primer pick-up tubes


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It's a 5/40 screw. Get them .750 long and trim the length to fit your application. If you remove the slide and screw the screw in you can see how much length needs to be taken off the screw from inside the dust cover.

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It's a 5/40 screw. Get them .750 long and trim the length to fit your application. If you remove the slide and screw the screw in you can see how much length needs to be taken off the screw from inside the dust cover.

Thanks KG. That's exactly what I ordered and plan on doing. Just gotta make sure to trim the screw just right so it doesnt whack the slide.

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FWIW, you have a really good hardware store if they stock #5-40 screws.

I get mine from a local bolt supply house (worth looking to see if there's one in your town if you need a lot of or a weird size-- they're cheaper and have a ton more selection than any hardware store)

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Where do you order those screws ironb?

I actually found them on a place on amazon:


and then I also bought some nuts so I could use them to fix the threading after I cut the screw down.


The store is called smallparts.com

I havent received them yet, so I dont know if they will work. I'll let you know after I get em.

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