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If youre talking about your home computer, use a program such as Outlook Express, or Thunderbird. Then you enter your username, password, etc. ONCE and sit back and relax while it checks your email for you automatically & repeatedly. Mine does it every 1 minute or so.

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Or mainly my E-mail account.

Half the time I can't get it to let me in !!!!

Looking for suggestions for ease of E-mail.


Is it your internet provider or the mail service you are using? If it's your ISP, then it won't matter what e-mail service you are using. What is your current ISP? (Cablemodem, wireless, etc?)

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first you need to figure it out if it's the ISP you're using for connectivity, or the mail service provider your using that has the issues. if it's your ISP, then it wont matter what mail service you are using, because it will all suck. however, if you use outlook or outlook express in conjunction with gmail, and set it up for pop3/smtp, i think you'll find it's a nice solution even if your ISP sucks. you can do all of your emailing "offline" and when the connection becomes available, it will sync. probably a good solution for you.

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