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IDPA Classification Badges

Duane Thomas

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The breakdown of classification badges for Defensive Pistol shooting might look like this, from lowest to highest:

Marksman - Blue shield/bull's-eye/wreath.

Sharpshooter - Blue shield/bull's-eye.

Expert - Blue shield.

Master - Red shield.

5-Gun Master - White shield.

the point is that a whole lot of people would improve their skill levels in pursuit of the badges
I've noticed that most of the newer and lower classified shooters are extremely externally motivated. You should hear the uproar if we forget to send out ribbons after the monthly match. Once they reach a certain level or have "figured out" the sport of IDPA, their motivation become internal...and then they leave to go shoot USPSA forever.

I started off as one of the ribbon collectors. If I didn't get my ribbon, I'd e-mail the MD and ask him why I hadn't received it yet and to please send it to me. I hung them on my wall for all to see. Over time, my goal became Division Championships.

Then one day I got a bug up my ass to become a 5 gun master. I made master in CDP, ESP and ESR. I didn't own an SSR or an SSP gun so I'd have to borrow those to get my name listed on IDPA.com's 5-gun master list. What an honor that would be (after I paid the $50 dollars of course).

However, my goals all changed one day when I attended a USPSA match and got my ass handed to me. I drove home very confused. How could I be such a powerful IDPA master and still get my ass kicked??

I think the badges would work just so long as the IDPA shooters stay in their own little world. Just as soon as a white shielded individual showed up at a USPSA match, they'd leave feeling very foolish. I hope nobody would actually wear their white shield to their first USPSA match. :roflol:

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That depends. I don't - repeat DON'T - want this to descend to a "USPSA shooters are better than IDPA shooters" debate, or vice versa - but the fact is that, while the skill sets required by the two sports are a bit different, there are just a whole lot of people in the world who excel at both sports. It just ain't that hard for the same person to be a great IDPA shooter and a great USPSA shooter.

Now, back to our reguarly scheduled "discussing the possibility of IDPA classification badges" thread. :)

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We are already behind the curve...

From another thread:

I'm brand new to this game, except for having just taken a 2-day IPSC Black Badge introductory course (400 rounds fired) that included a mini-match attended by regular competitors. I travelled 150 miles for this course, and paid $225. dang it..... :ph34r:
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If you guys want badges, get yourself some badges...but for most of the really serious shooters, it revolves around strapping on your stuff, kicking the snot out of all the rest of the shooters, then letting them see you smile quietly as you get into your vehicle to leave, leaving them with the thought of you doing the same thing next month.... :P

Edited by tightloop
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I think whether or not someone is a serious shooter really doesn't have a whole lot - if anything - to do with whether or not they also have the Merit Badge Collector gene. I do, but I'm really not suggesting the possibility of an IDPA classification badge system because of that. This is not about ego - or proving we're a "serious shooter" because we're somehow above the need for rank badges. It's about motivating improvement in as many shooters as possible. If badges will do that - and they would - then sign me up.

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Badges may motivate some newer shooters, but in MHO it is about seeing who is the best on a given day. Beating the best was the thing that kept me going...gauging my performance against the person who won the match...takes different things for different people....some people show up just to hear the pistol go off, I don't believe that a blanket statement covers everyone's reasons for participating. :)

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Along the same line as the badges for each division, I was just thinking this week about patches in various colors for different classifications of 5-Gun. I sent an email this week to Robert Ray and IDPA HQ, suggesting that very thing. I mean, we already pay to be a member so that we can play, so an additional $50 seems a little steep just to have my name added to a list on the web site that not many people would go and see anyway. He replied back and said that they are looking at the sew-on patch thing for 5-Gun classifications (based on the previous suggestion of another member), and that there is also a framed certificate that the shooter will receive from IDPA HQ if they go for their 5-Gun classification.

Regardless of whether I get beat in matches on a regular basis or not, to me, attaining a 5-Gun in ANY classification (I'm currently working on Expert - just barely missed the mark in ESR and CDP the other day) would be an accomplishment that is worthy of recognition, however trivial it may seem to others.

Oh, and I will add that while I am very competitive and love to look at the scores as soon as they come out, I don't get bummed out if I lose, nor am I so elated when I win as to become "snobbish"....I shoot because I like it, I feel that I'm relatively good at it, and for the friendships that I have gained on the range. While badges, patches, pins, etc, might not motivate some shooters, I doubt it would discourage anyone - and if it did, maybe that person needs to find another game to play.

Just my .02 on the subject.... :)

Edited by 2kcrewcab
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  • 2 weeks later...
"Black badge"?

In Canada, in order to shoot IPSC, there is a prerequisite course which has come to be known as the 'Black Badge Course'. It covers safety, the rules of the game, and a series of live fire drills which have time and accuracy criteria (ie: from 7 metres, draw and fire two rounds in 2.5 secs or less. Hits must be 'C's or better)

Upon successful completion of the course and succesfully competing in a Level II or higher match, the individual is awarded a pin in the shape of an IPSC target (black).

I can take a picture of mine and post it if anyone's interested.

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:roflol: (humor, think humor)

Hey this could be just like boy scouts.

To add to this topic:

When a shooter gets to master level...BERET!

That is right...you have to wear a beret!

Black...with a "master" badge on the beret of course.

The only greatness above that you ask?

Once you become a master in all 5 divisions, you earned the right to have 5, 5in x 5in badges on your beret, but wait!

There is more! (humor, think humor)

You get the ultimate badge ever created in the history of all shooting sports...the "I WON IDPA" badge which covers the entire back of your vest and it is made of plate steel!

You also get an invite to a select BBQ held only for badge and beret wearing x5 gun masters. What goes on at these BBQ's and what ceremonies

do they perform?

Nobody knows! :ph34r:

Now if this does not terrify noobs into training harder for that hard earned and heavy weight, neck and back debilitating man iron...I can't fathom what will!


I vote Duane Thomas as the ultimate troll/prankster. I think he had quite a few of you guessing and had me going too! :cheers:

This was damn funny Duane!

(humor, think humor)

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:roflol: (humor, think humor)

When a shooter gets to master level...BERET!

That is right...you have to wear a beret!

Black...with a "master" badge on the beret of course.

The only greatness above that you ask?

Once you become a master in all 5 divisions, you earned the right to have 5, 5in x 5in badges on your beret, but wait!

(humor, think humor)

5 5X5 badges? Wouldn't that be crowded?

Instead, for the beret -- why not have the coveted black "5 Gun Feather"? :o

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