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Earned my first classification!


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Made C!

It's a minor milestone compared to a lot of things in life, but this one is... somehow very gratifying. Shot my first match in Sept, became a USPSA member in Oct, and made C in SS Div as a result of matches I shot in Nov and Jan (December was decidedly wintery).

A few observations:

-The first couple times out my main goals were not to DQ or get yelled at.

-Slow was smooth, and smooth got me high points but a low HF.

-Kicking the speed a little resulted in lower points, but HF's in the 4's and 5's. Hmmm....

-I wonder what would happen if I could shoot A's all day long and do so quickly.... Gee, wouldn't that be a concept!

-There are some great people in this sport (and on this forum). Quick to welcome, quick to assist, and damn are they quick on the trigger!

-I've learned a lot, and expect to learn a great deal more.

-Watching some of the people I shoot with is like watching a maestro at work. Very inspiring, and lots to learn as far as footwork, strategy, and sportsmanship.

-The quest for the ultimate .45 acp reload may be as elusive as the end of the rainbow, but can anybody think of anything better to occupy one's spare time?

-I was waiting to earn a classification before registering for the Area 1 Match in June, but have to confess that the thought of a large match is daunting as hell. But I'm still shooting it. If work gets in the way, I'm quitting work!

In all seriousness, I'm having a great time, and because of USPSA my gun handling skills are probably better than they've ever been. Why did I wait so long to start USPSA? I got my wife started, and have a couple of co-workers interested in trying their hand in Production and SS. I'll keep working on them even if I have to loan them gear and help them work up a load.

This is a great sport.

Cheers to you guys for promoting it!

Edited by 2MoreChains
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CONGRATS! :cheers: Nothin' like your first classification. So have you figured out what percentages you need to get to B yet? :rolleyes::goof: Keep havin' fun, believe it or not, it actually gets to be more and more fun ;)

Percentage for B? ummm... I know what the rulebook says, but methinks it'll take a while...!

Lookin' forward to more and more fun!

Thanks for the kind words.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Made C!

It's a minor milestone compared to a lot of things in life, but this one is... somehow very gratifying. Shot my first match in Sept, became a USPSA member in Oct, and made C in SS Div as a result of matches I shot in Nov and Jan (December was decidedly wintery).

A few observations:

-The first couple times out my main goals were not to DQ or get yelled at.

-Slow was smooth, and smooth got me high points but a low HF.

-Kicking the speed a little resulted in lower points, but HF's in the 4's and 5's. Hmmm....

-I wonder what would happen if I could shoot A's all day long and do so quickly.... Gee, wouldn't that be a concept!

-There are some great people in this sport (and on this forum). Quick to welcome, quick to assist, and damn are they quick on the trigger!

-I've learned a lot, and expect to learn a great deal more.

-Watching some of the people I shoot with is like watching a maestro at work. Very inspiring, and lots to learn as far as footwork, strategy, and sportsmanship.

-The quest for the ultimate .45 acp reload may be as elusive as the end of the rainbow, but can anybody think of anything better to occupy one's spare time?

-I was waiting to earn a classification before registering for the Area 1 Match in June, but have to confess that the thought of a large match is daunting as hell. But I'm still shooting it. If work gets in the way, I'm quitting work!

In all seriousness, I'm having a great time, and because of USPSA my gun handling skills are probably better than they've ever been. Why did I wait so long to start USPSA? I got my wife started, and have a couple of co-workers interested in trying their hand in Production and SS. I'll keep working on them even if I have to loan them gear and help them work up a load.

This is a great sport.

Cheers to you guys for promoting it!

Congrats, "chains"! Your having made C quickly is impressive to me, I'm still a C after 25 matches over 2 years! Did you shoot handguns before or were you a true "newb"?

I have to tell you though, and post it, that my last practice session I truly finally saw and understood "seeing my sights lift"! I was fuzzy on the idea before, but after working on my grip and sight picture I finally got it- the gun looked and felt like it was on a hinge and it was moving up and blocking my view for a second then on the way down I could see the target again and I felt that I was just unconsciously pulling the trigger as the target appeared again. I was shooting at a 7" circle steel plate (angled down) at 21' and a 1/3 size IPSC steel at 30' and I was double tapping those suckers! I know I have a long way to go, but what fun!

Awesome feeling to "get it", thanks to the Benos forum and the great people on here!

(I hope this is not in the wrong forum too...)

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I just started in Production in December, and I'm shooting my first qulifier, if not this Sunday, then next... I'm excited, as all I've been doing the past month is drills, drills, drills. My work schedule has not allowed matches, and my local matches are not qualifiers...

I'd love to make the "jump" to C this month, and get on the board. My long-term goal is A by the end of the year. At 300 rounds per week, mostly simulated USPSA shooting, I think I can do it. At 1000+ live rounds per month, and 2000+ dry-fires per month... we'll see. I was a pretty good "slow-fire shooter" before I even discovered USPSA.

All you newbies out there... POST your progress. This board is just as much for us, as it is the vets!


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I just got my classification in IDPA, I shoot SSP and am classified as a Sharp Shooter

Just shot my second match last weekend..I feel like I am making progress....I was 2nd most accurate out of the 32 people there that day, and finished 8th overall...much better than my first match were I finished 18th over all out of 41 people and was now were near the top ten in accuracy.

I slowed down a lot from my first match, accuracy was the biggest improvement...I need to learn to combine the two....I have noticed that smooth is fast kind of like racing cars....I need smooth transitions between targets, better reloads, better stage planning, and accuracy at speed......looks like I have a big hill to climb....

there is a hugh gap between me and the master class shooters that won my division and the match, but I will keep workin on it....

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Did you shoot handguns before or were you a true "newb"?

I have to tell you though, and post it, that my last practice session I truly finally saw and understood "seeing my sights lift"! I was fuzzy on the idea before, but after working on my grip and sight picture I finally got it- the gun looked and felt like it was on a hinge and it was moving up and blocking my view for a second then on the way down I could see the target again and I felt that I was just unconsciously pulling the trigger as the target appeared again. I was shooting at a 7" circle steel plate (angled down) at 21' and a 1/3 size IPSC steel at 30' and I was double tapping those suckers! I know I have a long way to go, but what fun!

Awesome feeling to "get it", thanks to the Benos forum and the great people on here!

(I hope this is not in the wrong forum too...)

I've been shooting, reloading, and into pistols since the late 80's... which makes me wonder why it took me so long to discover USPSA... Used to shoot 'competitively' w/ my room-mates in college for bragging rights, beer, and to see who got to use the garage for the week.

I had the same epiphany last week, when I saw my sights lift during bill drills. Actually modified bill-drills: I set up a popper-sized steel plate w/ shooting boxes at 40 yds, 20 yds, and 12 yds. I'd start at the 40 yd box, fire 6, run/reload to the 20 yd box, shoot six, run to the 12 yd box, shoot six.... 18 rnds total. By the second drill, started noticing my sights lift at the 20 yd line, then really started seeing my sights bouncing at the 12 yd line. So then experimented with 'driving' the gun back on target even faster. I don't have a timer (need to get one), but feel like my splits were coming down. Shooting Steel Challenge once a month has helped, and and am getting consistent times in the 5 sec range, occasionally breaking into the 4's when all the stars line up. Far cry from some of the other guys in the sub-3's... but am happy to report that however slow, however painfully, there is progress. OTOH, I seem to be stuck in the mid-50% with all my classifiers, so even though 'B' is a mere 4-5% away, it might as well be a mile.

But it's all good. 'C' is just fine by me. I'm hooked. Helps that I live 5 mins of one club, and 45 mins of two others.


Edited by 2MoreChains
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there is a hugh gap between me and the master class shooters that won my division and the match, but I will keep workin on it....

That should be the motto of the Eternal Order of the C-class/Sharpshooter Gang

Can anybody translate that into Latin? :roflol:

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