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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

UH OH......


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I know he went back home for Ryan's wedding, but......

An international flight was forced to return to Darwin airport in Australia after a fight broke out between five drunken passengers.

Nah, I am sure that my fears are for naught, as he is always the voice of reason and restraint........ :roflol:

Just ........couldnt........resist......... :cheers:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Whew....I am back.......and no it wasn't me ..........this time. I am a lover, not a fighter, but don't get any ideas....I can fight too. :roflol:

My trip was uneventful, with the exception of a bout of real bad food poisining at teh airport, which put me down for the count and off the free booze for 24hours. ( now that is sick ) :wacko: It is incredible how much easier travel is when you don't take your guns.

After a harrowing journey, I landed in "God's Country", had a slice of toast at my parents house, and went and shot the local ICORE club match. It wasn't a stellar performance, but still managed to sneak in front of the other guys. Pretty cool really, and I won a sausage.....( No Doug, the kind you put in your mouth and chew )

Later in the week, 8 shooter and I went and shot the Pan Pacific Masters Games ( 1920 Bianchi match ) in pouring rain, where

I won the rimfire and he won the centrefire, coming in second behind each other respectively. Then we headed to North Queensland ( Great Barrier reef ) where we drank all day, every day, til he got married, coincidentally, that was when the fun stopped. We quit drinking and I had to come back to work.

Oh well, better get myself ready for next years matches and start loading ammo. :ph34r:

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