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Tite Group Powder Problem


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I have a RCBS powder measure and I didn't even keep Tite Group powder in the powder hopper for 12 hours and the flakes of powder were sticking to hopper where it had contact. First I thought it was static then when I tried to scrape it off with a piece of paper it was stubborn enought to where I had to use a piece of plastic rod to dislodge it. Of course I didn't get all of it off and two days later I was gonna use a different powder and realized I didn't get all the Tite group off, so I decided to use the same soft plastic rod technique to get it off. Nope, it was fused to the plastic. I had to use something harder to knock most of it off then I went ahead and scrubbed the hopper with a scouring pad with dishwashing soap. Anyone else had this problem? josh

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Never, and I use TG all the time and leave it in the measure for extended periods.

1. Are you sure you haven't exposed your powder measure to MEK or Acetone or some other solvent? That could be what is attacking the plastic.

2. Keep in mind that you just may have a bad piece of plastic. (The manufacturer will, of course, swear on a stack of bibles that this is impossible.) All plastic ain't the same and occasionally you don't get what you're supposed to be getting. Most low-volume plastic parts in the US are made by flunky subcontractors and you wouldn't believe the stupid sh*t those guys pull. You could have got a polycarbonate tube instead of acrylic, vice-versa, or little of both. It all depends who at the subcontractor is hung-over/still drunk and how badly the day your part was made. Plastic can also be left molten too long during the manufacturing process, which will change it's characteristics for the worse.

3. You powder may be contaminated somehow with a solvent. You could try just leaving the bottle uncorked for a day or two and see if it evaporates.

Failing that, call Hodgdon and see what they have to say. I know that I do smell a solvent-like smell when I open a sealed can of powder, but I thought that was from the nitro and not an actual solvent. Maybe they use solvent in the manufacturing process and your lot just didn't get dried adequately.

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I have run 2 lbs of titegroup through a Dillon measure's hopper without reaction. I would suspect that RCBS is using a different type pf plastic than Dillon & that it is reacting w/ Titegroup's unusually high nitro content as opposed to other powders (just speculation however). Duane - are you still in contact w/ the tech you spoke w/ at Hodgdon? Perhaps they could shed some light on this.

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I actually have 2 RCBS powder measure and this is the first time I've seen a chemical reaction with any powder and I'm not about to ruin the other hopper for experimentation (newer hopper is the ruined one). I've used WAP, HS7, VvN350, IMR 4350&4381, several AA powders through the hopper before being ruined by TG.

lynn J, I agree Dillon equipment is nice but the RCBS stuff has been very good to me and have no reason to switch yet.

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I have had TG stick to the sides of my Uniflow powder measure. I don't know what it is but I have to take an old toothbrush to get it all out before changing powders. What is up with bad mouthing RCBS? They have a better warranty than Dillon. :o:o I know, I know, Dillon has better presses, but RCBS warranties all their presses for LIFE! No exceptions. As some of you may know from my posts, Dillon does not. I have run nothing but TG through my Dillon and it has begun to discolor the plastic hopper(kinda yellowish color). Best advise, don't leave your powder in the hopper. I do, guess I will see how Dillon warraties their corroded plastic!? Just my $.02! TXAG

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Wow! The plot thickens now. So it's not just one type of powder hopper that is getting plastic and powder chem reaction from TG. I solved my problems by just adding a paper liner to my powder measure that I use for 40 reloads. I extend it all the way to the bottom where it will meets the metal portion, but all I have to do is check the inside for proper level to keep gravity helping out for consistent powder drop-meaning I try to keep the darn thing at least half empty or half full depending on how you look at it. Bad mouthing my equipment doesn't really bug me anymore, I had a friend with a 650 and he was throwing a fit one night because he couldn't continue reloading due to a part that was busted and even if overnight delivery gets there in time it was too late for one club match. Anyway I have 2 RCBS progressive reloaders that cost me maybe 150 dollars more than his 650 set up. If one breaks I have another I can transfer my dies and shellplates to. Not putting down Dillon equipment now, green is just my choice of a path to follow. Thanks for the inputs guys. josh

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I have run nothing but TG through my Dillon and it has begun to discolor the plastic hopper(kinda yellowish color). Best advise, don't leave your powder in the hopper. I do, guess I will see how Dillon warraties their corroded plastic!? Just my $.02! TXAG

Powder Hoppers discolor with age. The discoloration in no way affects the structural integrity or operation. .... just like Tupperware turns red if you leave tomato sauce in it. This is not "corrosion."

Why should this be a warranty issue?


I have to wonder if Redding and RCBS are using clear polystyrene for their hoppers. I think those are simple, extruded tubes, so you should be able to replace them with something else. That's pretty lame.

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