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Why cant I down load my photos! Have taken photos for over 6years of

action sports with three Nikons. Newest D200 Still cant down load. My new

system is Vista and Photo shop- I hate this system-never had problems

for the past six years-Till I made the change!

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hk_mtbr beat me to it! I don't download from the cam any more (it eats batteries in SOME cameras). Just pull your memory card from the cam, insert it into a USB card reader (or a card reader slot on the computer if your computer system offers one) and extract your images from that USB drive (which will automatically map itself as a drive). Very efficient, requires no batteries.

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I also use a card reader in my desktop. The laptop has it built in. I HATE plugging the camera in... seems like crisis waiting to happen. Too much $$$ in camera.

Card reader and Photoshop works flawlessly with my Vista premium.

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