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Bitchy Musicians


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I really hate all this crap about downloading music. Do I think it is stealing? Maybe. I really have no pity for these musicians who now only make 40-50 million per album. Whahhhhhhhhhh! I got an idea! Dont charge $15 for a cd and then people wont steal them. It just pisses me off. THe theifs will always be ahead of the companies. Sony spent millions to develop technology to stop hackers and then someone figured out that all you had to do was use a black pen to cover the code on the cd. They need to give up and think about why people are stealing music. CD's are too expensive!!!!

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When a musician records an album, the record companies don't provide the recording studio and tech crew out of the goodness of their hearts. They charge plenty, and the artists owe them the money. Kind of like going to college on student loans. It's quite possible for a "rich recording artist" to have a hit album, or even two or three, and still owe their souls and checkbooks to the record companies. Even if that weren't true, I have zero problem with people who expect to be rewarded for exercising their talents, and resent being stolen from.

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Duane has the right spin on this. This is privately owned, copyrighted material and the prices are where they are more because of middlemen and distribution costs than because of greedy musicians. Very few artists get much more than a few cents per item sold. In fact the best artist deals net them 25-35 cents per, and there are few folk with clout it takes to get deals like this. The lions share is eaten up in P&R, Distribution, and so on. The actual recording sessions are a not a big portion of the cost load here either. It's the record companies that have to make big bucks off the big artists to afford spending anything on the little artists before they hit (it's called development). Most artists that are big draws on tour actually make most of their money touring because there are a lot less pigs at the trough there. You have to sell an awful lot of records (CD's nowadays) to get much back if you are an artist. (read many million copies plus here)

It's not a pretty business no matter how you slice it. With Apple paving the way toward a direct download without the packaging route, the distribution end of the music business is in for a real big shakeup, real soon (IMO anyway).


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A decade-and-a-half in both radio AND record promotion told me a lot of what I needed to know about the immense area of "middle men" in the biz. The artists themselves (especially smaller names) made nearly nothing. The costs of promtion and PR alone could often be staggering. As promo folks we, too, were lucky to squeeze our pay out of the record companies in a timely manner. :angry:

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I agree that Apple has the best idea because honestly most people dont like every song anyway. If they arent making much off the cd's and the tours are where the money is then they should like the free music out there. I also think that a lot of people that are stealing music never would have bought the cd anyway. So they actually lose anything.

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Apple's new service may be the only thing that keeps the music industry from totally imploding and keep me from downloading for free. People, myself included, are pissed about being asked to pay $15-20 for a CD with two, maybe three decent songs. I really think the file-sharing revolt was necessary not only to return fair pricing to the market, but right a wrong that's lasted over two decades. I actually remember buying 45's - when I only wanted that *one* hit song and not the 7-9 other mediocre tunes that came with it. The record industry got very greedy with advent of the CD and decided that the consumer could buy the entire album or go to hell.

[Please don't inform me of the existence of the CD single. I've seen CD singles exactly three times. Twice inside a box of soda as a freebie, and once under glass at record store. As far as I'm concerned, they effectively don't exist.]

I'll bet a decade from now, that the Napster (et. al. services) revolution is seen as the savior of commercial music. If people only buy what they feel is the artist's best work, you can bet that artists are going to put a lot more effort into turning out quality albums or forgo the album and just release their best work on a single basis.

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I also think that the record companies are sh*tting bricks over downloadable music for another, not-so obvious reason: Who will need them anymore? Short answer: nobody. An artist with maybe 5-20K in capital can now easily be their own studio, marketing agency, and distribution center -- all without a record company becoming involved. I had a buddy that wrote, recorded, and distributed his own album for $3K - on CD.

The record company as we know it is dead. Hopefully they'll stop convulsing soon and we can all go on about our lives.

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From the perspective of someone who played music for quite a while, and was lucky enough to have played with, recorded and live mixed for many great musicians over the years, creating great music isn't an assembly line thing. The need to fill the space provided by the record company in the established medium has driven the inclusion of much dreck on albums over the years. The artist is usually driven to fill up an "Album" not as much by his creative bent, but more often by the demands of the media container, and the pressures of the record company to release, release, release. With CD's holding more music than previous formats, the problem has become a little worse in recent years.

We always knew the difference between what we really liked ourselves, and what was done to flesh out the session when I was doing music recording. If most artists really had their druthers, they would only release what they truly loved (some artists do blindly love everything they do, thats why record producers and double albums came into existence).

I am hoping that this direct music download thing that is coming down the pike will do what most of us have always dreamed about, which is letting the artist get their output directly to their audience without too much in between.

Heard the one about the Polish musician, he was in it for the money!


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Having paid my dues with a decade in the music business I feel qualified to profer the following list of authorized Musician Jokes:


What's the difference between a violin and a viola?

The viola burns longer!

How many bass players does it take to change a light bulb?

Only one - but the guitarist has to show him first.

What's the difference between a cello and a coffin?

The coffin has the corpse on the inside.

What is the difference between a clarinet and an onion?

Nobody cries when you chop a clarinet into little pieces.

How can you tell when there is a drummer at the door?

The knocking speeds up.

How do you know if there is a percussionist at the door?

The knocking slows down.

Heard the one about the bass player who locked his keys in his car?

It took him an hour to get the drummer out!

What do you call someone who hangs around with musicians?

A drummer.

How do you get a guitar player to turn down?

Give him sheet music.

What's the definition of a minor second?

Two lead guitarists playing in unison.

What do you call two guitarists playing in unison?


How many guitarists does it take to change a light bulb?

Twenty. One to change the bulb and nineteen to say, "I could have done that."

What does a guitarist say when he gets to a gig?

"Would you like fries with that?"

What do you call a drummer without a girlfriend?


Why is lightning truss made of aluminum?

So it won't rust while you wait for it to get off the ground!

(Touring sound technicians lament)

How many lead singers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

a- Lead singers screw in the green room.

b- One, they hold the light bulb up and the world revolves around them.

What do you do if there's a lead singer at your door?

Doesn't matter. They won't have the key or know when to come in.

What’s the difference between a frog found dead in the middle of the road and an accordian player found dead in the middle of the road?

There‘s a good chance that the frog was on his way to a gig!

What do bass players use for birth control?

Their personality.

How do you tell if a drum riser is level?

The drool is coming out of both sides of the drummer's mouth.

Whats the difference between a bass player playing in tune, and a poltergeist?

There's no difference! They are both figments of your imagination.



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