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Standing In Box!


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Classifier stage, standing in box is start position. Is there a point where a person is crouching "too much"? Can the Range Officer make them stand up straighter?

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Just when I thought it was safe to go back into the forum ........................... ANOTHER LITTMAN .................. Yikes!

David, jokes aside, welcome to the fray. I just hope you behave yourself better than your good lady, because I often need to make her go stand in the corner for being a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad Grrl.

To answer your question, yes, an RO can direct that you correctly observe the Start Position stated in the written stage briefing, if he feels you're not in compliance. What did the WSB say? Hopefully it said "Standing upright, with arms and hands hanging naturally by your side, while facing downrange".

If it just said "Standing in Box A", then whoever wrote the WSB needs to be spanked, and not in a fun way ;)

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I think this speaks to ethics -

Standing in the f*ckin box and when its time to shoot draw your blaster and go.

Shooters who try and maximize every quantifiable advantage possible and who lose focus on the critical piece (ummm . . . .the shooting) will let their heads get in the way long before the match is over.

Stuff like this yanks my crank. I'm certain I used to do it - now I know is simply doesn't matter. One miss and all the advantage of some stealth stance is taken away (aside from the Egret of course)


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He did it right, I told him he did right, Erik Warren told him he did it wrong!

Hello, McFly!?! He said classifier stage. He's concerned about forcing Vince to stand up straight while he was ROing Vince. Me ROing David on the hands-at-sides stage was another issue.

I swear I read something in some rulebook that specifies a default ready position of standing, hands at sides, for a course without a written start position. Can't find it. :(

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8.2.2 The competitor assumes the start position as specified in the written stage briefing. Unless otherwise specified, the competitor must stand erect, facing downrange, with arms hanging naturally by the sides.

This is from the proposed next IPSC rulebook, which is gonna be The Mother Of All Rulebooks, even if I say so myself :ph34r:

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This is from the proposed next IPSC rulebook, which is gonna be The Mother Of All Rulebooks, even if I say so myself :ph34r:

Am I going to need a larger range bag to carry this in, or will it have it's own strap and carry-all? :P

If it's that big, ALL of us will be standing in the start box hunched over, leaning to one side....

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He did it right, I told him he did right, Erik Warren told him he did it wrong

Hello, McFly!?! He said classifier stage. He's concerned about forcing Vince to stand up straight while he was ROing Vince. Me ROing David on the hands-at-sides stage was another issue.

Um I know what he's talking about - you gave him crap about making Vince stand up straight!

But since you brought up, Mr. Pinto, oh great guru of the rules - what do ya do if an RO starts a competitor in the wrong start position?

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Hey guys,

Now I know why my ears are burning - I thought it was the numerous rum 'n' cokes I had tonight to celebrate the last 9 months of 10 hours per day rules work coming to a conclusion .............. HALLELUJAH (hic!).

Anyway, vluc, with every rulebook you buy from IPSC, you get a free wheelbarrow! Actually, you piqued my interest, so I just did a check and the current rulebook has 20,356 words (with the contents page and index), but the proposed new rulebook has 18,500 words (without the contents age and index), so I think we "done good".

Oh God ............ I've still got to do the damn index ................ MORE RUM 'N' COKE!

Shooter Grrl - if an RO starts a competitor in the wrong position, it's a reshoot, but it would need to be "clearly" wrong. For example, if the COF required the surrender position and a competitor was started with his arms by his side, or if the COF required a seated start and a competitor was started standing, these are definitely cases where a reshoot is mandatory.

The key to good stage briefings is "keep it simple", where minor variations will not create an advantage.

One thing which drives me totally nuts are COFs where you start seated and they use an armchair! Apart from the fact that I don't qualify for Mr. Body Beautiful, it's ridiculous using an armchair when people have guns, magazines and other equipment on their belts, which means they (OK, me!) take off after the start signal with the bloody chair attached.

Of course if the armchair is anchored to the floor ............ :angry:

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