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Finaly an outdoor range where I can shoot USPSA matches locally. 3rd Sunday starting in Aug.

I may even try the IDPA matches on the 1st Saturday. I've never shot IDPA before.

Shoot, I don't care, I just want to shoot something LOCAL. :cheers::cheers::cheers:

East Alabama Gun Club


Edited by ima45dv8
Fixed link to club's website
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Thanks for the post and PR work Ronnie. It's kinda ironic though that a guy has to sell most of his guns and basically stop shooting to get a gun range going. I am hoping things will settle down soon so I can get back to what got me started building the range to begin with. Thanks again for the kind words and I still need an IDPA match director if anyone is interested.

Alan Lavender


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I have been lucky enough to be in on the ground floor with Alan on this, and have been practicing out there at least once a week.

What would really help move this range along, would be some more club members. We all have to spread the word.


AND Ronnie - get this, it is a place you could actually PRACTICE!!

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Mark I have plans to set up a table at the gun show in Columbus the same weekend as the first match and try to get the word out to some more local shooters. I plan to be at the gun show till close then rush to the range and try to get maybe 3 of 6 stages mostly set up Sat evening. I will then have someone man the table at the gun show so that I can finish setting up Sun morning and shoot the match. Ronnie and I discussed a few ideas today for the first match. I think we would all like to attract a lot of shooters and really see this thing get going. If you have any ideas that would help make the first match a memorable experience let me know. We discussed some stage ideas, and I think Range Contol is going to have a table with some products and a gunsmith at the match but that may not be possible being its gun show weekend. John the Blackhawk Rep may also be there. If we could get the AMU guys there that would be great. I may have to give Greg a call and see if any may be able to come. That would make a great inaugural match if Max showed up. I am also kicking around the idea of having my nephew cook steak and shrimp hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone.


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Mark I have plans to set up a table at the gun show in Columbus the same weekend as the first match and try to get the word out to some more local shooters. I plan to be at the gun show till close then rush to the range and try to get maybe 3 of 6 stages mostly set up Sat evening. I will then have someone man the table at the gun show so that I can finish setting up Sun morning and shoot the match. Ronnie and I discussed a few ideas today for the first match. I think we would all like to attract a lot of shooters and really see this thing get going. If you have any ideas that would help make the first match a memorable experience let me know. We discussed some stage ideas, and I think Range Contol is going to have a table with some products and a gunsmith at the match but that may not be possible being its gun show weekend. John the Blackhawk Rep may also be there. If we could get the AMU guys there that would be great. I may have to give Greg a call and see if any may be able to come. That would make a great inaugural match if Max showed up. I am also kicking around the idea of having my nephew cook steak and shrimp hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone.


Cool, My mind is working on it. I think we should be able to troll around and get some good stuff for a Raffle, and/or maybe some good prizes.

Of course, you can count on the Old Guy and me to help with the setup, etc.


Edited by Mark K
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Email sent about another range/match not to far away with steel out to 1000 yards. Might be a good place to pick up some new shooters.

Yea, I need to check on it. It may be a good place to practice for the Ft. Benning match too.

What a great looking range! And it sounds like a friendly fun place to shoot! If I ever get up that way, you can be sure I'll stop by for a match. Best of luck!

Thanks, it's nice shooting at a range owned by a USPSA member.(Alan Lavender) You don't feel like he would run us off for shooting to fast. ;) Nice guy, he started building this range to have a place to practice and got a little carried away and made a place for all of us to shoot. You can't beat that. :cheers:


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Thanks, it's nice shooting at a range owned by a USPSA member.(Alan Lavender) You don't feel like he would run us off for shooting to fast. ;) Nice guy, he started building this range to have a place to practice and got a little carried away and made a place for all of us to shoot.

Ronnie - Actually Alan already had a really nice setup to practice, right outside his back door/loading room. Joe and I used to occasionally go and shoot with Alan. At one point we asked him if we could pay him to come out and shoot occasionally when he was at work (since he does shift work). When that did not work, we asked if we could lease some of his land away from the house to build a practice range. He thought about it, and then next thing we knew, he was up on top of a bulldozer building this great range. The man saw a need......

See you Saturday (I am probably coming out to practice, and will stay out of the way of your class).


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Thanks for the kind words on the range guys. Mark I do blame you and the old guy for all this. ;) I hope everyone will be able to enjoy the range for a long time and I look forward to some great matches on the back 40. I can't say thank you enough for the support from everyone and it would not be possible without people volunteering. Louie Abney for the help with the berms, Billy McCullough for going above and beyond and helping with more things than I can name, Ronnie Shores for being match director and recruiting new shooters, Mark Kauder and Joe Kersey volunteering for more work than they realize yet. :lol: I have to put you guys to work soon so maybe I can actually fire a round on the range. This turned into a little more than originally planned. :wacko: I know things will settle down soon and I can get back to the shooting. Thanks again everyone.


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All I know is that when this old distinguished gentleman was teaching me how to shoot he referred back to his early days of IPSC when he was shooting his tricked out, S_I, matchlock, heater. The targets all had red coats and the matches were always in big open fields for some reason. :P The sad part is that even though he grew up with rocks he still kicks my butt. :bow: Thanks for all the tips buddy.


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