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How about:

I think the appropriate question is "how do I maintain cognitive function over long periods of stress?" Few shooters are actually stressing their metabolic systems so much that they are physically exhausted by the end of a 12-hour match day. But as they become psychologically tired, the body responds as it is in the habit of doing.
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This quote isn't the answer...but it's a good read nonetheless.

What you know does not matter - what you do matters. Physical training produces physical memories - not simply muscle memory but a psychophysical imprint, knowledge that is instinctual rather than intellectual. This is useful knowledge. Automatic (instinctive) action and reaction is always faster and more energy efficient than intellectually induced action or reaction. There's already plenty to think about in confrontational situations so any response that does not require conscious thought spares intellectual energy for decisions and actions that do demand it. Train yourself to the point that particular, common actions and responses may be executed automatically.

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Too tough, huh? :roflol:

Only because I've read so much good, inspirational, quotable WFMFT material, I suppose... ;)

Well... there's that, and then there's that whole settling copyright disputes "out of court" thing... ;):lol:

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Too tough, huh? :roflol:

Only because I've read so much good, inspirational, quotable WFMFT material, I suppose... ;)

Getting people to read (or re-read) a bunch of his stuff might be an part of the motivation for the vagueness.

Look at all the good thoughts coming through.

Well... there's that, and then there's that whole settling copyright disputes "out of court" thing... ;):lol:

Ha...he knows where Brian lives. lol

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Figuring out the WFMFT can be done by doing a search on this forum.

Figuring out the quote will take a bit more work. It is on his forum.

No quote is bad though. If we don't get the one that is in my head (which is more administrative than performance based) then we might just defualt to the best fitting "other quote".

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good stuff...to me anyways

"The point to posting any of this is to show a different way, stimulate thought, and to push those who are ready to be pushed to start their own line of inquiry and walk the path toward self-directed training."

"Commitment, you either have it or you don't. Saying you have it means nothing. Talk – Action = Zero."

Edited by HoMiE
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"And I love how my comfort with my animal nature separates me from my fellow man. Up there I'm not necessarily Nietzsche's superman but I excise the disharmony caused by struggling against domestication. I do things of an uncommonly high order. While these may not make me a better man, on the days when my ego soars I feel superior. No wonder it's so hard to fit in when I come down from the mountains"


I'm sure this is not what your your thinking of, but I'll be thinking about it for a while. Thank you Flex for inspiring some great research.

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Here is one I ran across. I have found many good quotes researching this. Here is just one:

"A bad attitude or unsettled mind will destroy focus, guaranteeing failure regardless of training and preparation."

- Mark F. Twight, "Extreme Alpinism"

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Bolts neben Rissen, fixe Standplätze. Es waren Homos, die sie eingerichtet haben. Ich spreche nicht von Homosexuellen, ich spreche von homogenisierten Menschen. Ich spreche von jenen blutleeren Nasenbohrern, denen jedes Wertgefühl abhandengekommen ist, und die den Respekt für die Natur und die Tatsache, dass nach ihnen fähigere kommen werden, verloren haben. Es sind Kletterer, die vergessen, dass homogenisierte Touren wieder vergessen werden, weil sie ohne Einsatz zu begehen sind. Die wirksamste Methode das Abenteuer zu töten, besteht darin, es in eine Ware zu verwandeln."

Mark Francis Twight

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