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I am competitive in all things, but I have learned not to be an asshat in doing it (I think I have anyway and I do try not to let it come out that way) like some others I see. Individual sports suit me better than team sports, accountability is far more important to me than team sports tend to allow...

I strongly dislike people that are competitive to the degree that they can't be gracious in defeat AND in victory.

Great comment..that is why for all his ability, I am still not on theTiger Woods band wagon...sometimes not very gracious in defeat or when describing how he won it...

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What a great post. I guess with me, it started in The Marines. Almost everything you did was a competition. Division Vs. Division, Batalion Vs batallion, all the way down to fire team vs fire team. It kind of rubs off on you. Success is Rewarded and failure is heckled. I think we all Need something in life that pushes us to be better, If you dont have a hobbie, or a sport, it is Probably money making amongst your friends. I know it is not really talked about, but I have a friend who is always trying to outdoo me,and me him, with toys, Everything from Guns to Snowmobiles to cars. I think USPSA is great avenue to see how good you are, or how good you can become, it is all there in black and white in your classification, and the results sheet. I know I hate to lose, and Spend as much time, and $ as I can spare to avoid it.

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I won life's lottery many years ago. And that win produced two fine successful college grads. I've won and lost more battles in business and sports than I care to remember. All of them worth it, no question. I'm 53 in June. My great sport "accomplishments" are behind me. But many new ones are still ahead. Don't for a second get me wrong. I still love kickin' ass. It's just that the asses I'm kicking these days are getting a little flabby. :)

I frickin love this game...

Jim M

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I strongly dislike people that are competitive to the degree that they can't be gracious in defeat AND in victory.

That is the truth.

However, I think it's a complex. Many of the posts here, yours included, are of the nature: "I am competitve in all things," etc. Yet in my experience, many of these people are not competitive in all things, but merely selectively so.

How many athletes will work themselves sick on the practice fields, wake up at 4:30 to shoot hoops, or whatever, yet are marginal (at best) students? Why not be competitive in the classroom, too? Or in anything that's not perceived as 'fun'?

I've met people that are downright obnoxiously competitive a**holes in league softball/bowling/golf, whatever, yet they have zero competitive drive in being a better parent, or spouse or provider.

It's an interesting subject.

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I strongly dislike people that are competitive to the degree that they can't be gracious in defeat AND in victory.

That is the truth.

However, I think it's a complex. Many of the posts here, yours included, are of the nature: "I am competitve in all things," etc. Yet in my experience, many of these people are not competitive in all things, but merely selectively so.

How many athletes will work themselves sick on the practice fields, wake up at 4:30 to shoot hoops, or whatever, yet are marginal (at best) students? Why not be competitive in the classroom, too? Or in anything that's not perceived as 'fun'?

I've met people that are downright obnoxiously competitive a**holes in league softball/bowling/golf, whatever, yet they have zero competitive drive in being a better parent, or spouse or provider.

It's an interesting subject.

You have to be selectively competitive...can't be #1 at everything...Tiger can't soar like LaBron, can't even bowl like Walter Ray....bet he can't even shoot as well as you...if you notice the over achievers are seldom broad in their current interests...after they max themselves out on one thing, usually they find something else...got to be that way or you'd die at 25 from the stress...LOL

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I don't know so much about that.

I'd like to think I don't have that much of an ego.

I learned a while back that a good shooter does not a better person make.

Maybe it was just me in my newbie ways but when somebody else said that Bubba over there was a good shot I (erroneously) inferred that he was a better person or a good person.

Yeah, I would like to see my name closer to the top of the list.

There were some things in my life that I was just naturally good at that I guess I didn't have to work on and placed where I placed, at the top. I guess to the people who finished below me, they might have felt competitive with me.

I just did my thing, I did my best, and I guess at times I didn't give my best because I didn't have to and still placed up top.

I have some other opinions that are better left off a public forum such as this. If anyone here reading this thread is interested in my opinions you can PM me.

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I strongly dislike people that are competitive to the degree that they can't be gracious in defeat AND in victory.

That is the truth.

However, I think it's a complex. Many of the posts here, yours included, are of the nature: "I am competitve in all things," etc. Yet in my experience, many of these people are not competitive in all things, but merely selectively so.

How many athletes will work themselves sick on the practice fields, wake up at 4:30 to shoot hoops, or whatever, yet are marginal (at best) students? Why not be competitive in the classroom, too? Or in anything that's not perceived as 'fun'?

I've met people that are downright obnoxiously competitive a**holes in league softball/bowling/golf, whatever, yet they have zero competitive drive in being a better parent, or spouse or provider.

It's an interesting subject.

Those obnoxious loudmouth asshats are not what I would call competitive. They are insecure to a huge degree and simply need some external approval/validation that they are worthwhile. Think about that guy at men's league softball wearing a full uniform and eyeblack on Thursday nights. Although they exist in all venues they are noticeably absent from individual sports with less exposure (shooting) or if they exist they exist at a very low level.

I have noticed that those individuals who have an "true" competitive drive tend to be incredibly intrinsically motivated, and in general do drive themselves to the best of their ability in most of their endeavors. They also tend to be those who have many admirable traits not just competitiveness (think Cal Ripken or closer to home TGO).

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I've guess I was raised to be competitive. I think it first started when there was a race to be first to that egg. Then as I grew up, I participated in sports. I realized not everyone got a trophy at the end of the season (now everyone gets a trophy). After not being on a winning team and getting a trophy, I didn't want to participate anymore. My father said something to me that made me realize what "winning" is about. "Winners never quit and quiters never win. Quiting is easy, anybody can do that. Winning takes a lot of work." I didn't recognize the full impact of what my pops said until many years later. But what I did understand was that I had to be willing to do more, what ever it took. I think it was more about setting goals and how to attain them. Figure out what you want, then go get it. When I was younger I used to hate not winning. Since then I don't see everything as a zero-sum game. You can't win all the time and nobody likes a sore loser. But when you get knocked down, you have to get back up. Then figure out how to not get knocked again.

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Those obnoxious loudmouth asshats are not what I would call competitive. They are insecure to a huge degree and simply need some external approval/validation that they are worthwhile. Think about that guy at men's league softball wearing a full uniform and eyeblack on Thursday nights. Although they exist in all venues they are noticeably absent from individual sports with less exposure (shooting) or if they exist they exist at a very low level.

Like Mangenelli from Beer League? :cheers:

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I'm competitive in pretty much everything. If I'm doing something I want to do it better than everybody so that I'm doing it the best. If I'm not doing it the best then I keep at it. Somethings you will never be numero uno at but if you keep at it your just better for it.

I'm not out there to just win A class, I really want the whole damn thing. Now I know at my current skill level that is asking a lot but by damn I'll give my best trying.

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