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Chris Conley

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Nice work, Shawn ;) Fran is kind of the El Pres of CrossFit. There's even an El Pres like fascination with breaking a certain time... Keep working, and you'll be doing prescribed weight under 10 minutes in no time...

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Maybe this should be a different thread but hear it goes anyway. Started back (for real) doing Crossfit again full time this week. I tried some different things that I thought would work for me a little better, fit into my schedule, bla, bla, bla. I tried just weights, weights with sprinting between sets, etc. Came back to Crossfit to find out what a puss I am. Today's WOD just about wiped me out. I used to be able to do it and it wasn't that bad. Goes to show how far I have slipped doing other types of workouts. I feel like a sinner. :roflol: I'm back for good.

Chris C.

On a side note, after yesterdays WOD my right knee is sore as hell again. I might need to take it easy on those squats.

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How's your form? Properly executed squats are the safest exercise you can do for your knees.

Post a video?

Back is straight and feet are flat on the floor. I really focus on my heels staying on the floor and not getting on my toes. I hurt my right knee before during a jump while I was in the Army and again roping in on a roof top about a year later. It will be tuff to do a video most of my crossfit is done while I'm at work. No cameras allowed. It will be something I will have to be careful about. It's good to be back!

Chris C.

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had an MRI on Friday...so the rush to a torn meniscus is pre-mature but the doc said "WTF are you doing 400 lb deadlifts for? At 45??!!" He said it can be easly rootered. Just doing mini-thrusters where I dont go down all the way, and it is sore by and under the knee cap for a couple of weeks...again and again. Will know for sure soon. But no cross fit with the legs for now. Losing my metcon. DOH!

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I'm more concerned about your foot/leg angle and depth if you're having knee pain.

I bet I'm going to deep. I'll use a medicine ball to train myself from getting too much depth. Man that doesn't sound right. :goof:

Chris C.

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Well, with any luck today I'll be off the injured reserved list. I see the doc this morning. It feels like I'm healing up okay. Fingers crossed. Although I wasn't supposed to, I've been doing some very scaled back stuff - mostly push ups, dips, and sit ups.

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had an MRI on Friday...so the rush to a torn meniscus is pre-mature but the doc said "WTF are you doing 400 lb deadlifts for? At 45??!!"

Docs are funny, that way... In the course of my PT that I've been going through, I was told by a couple of different people that they'd prefer I never do another powerlifting or Olympic lifting move again in my life.... :roflol:

The guy who won CrossFit Central's Fittest Games Challenge, and is getting a free ride to the CrossFit Games in a few weeks? He's 49 years old. He deadlifted 430 in the CFT event, and had a total of 970-ish.

The problem is... we tend to push beyond our abilities, and with that much weight flying around, the penalty is pretty severe. Loss of form during the lift equals bad juju. And, the reality is that your body may not be up to working at the weights it can physically move - it needs time to strengthen all of the secondary and supporting muscles.... I've had a lot of time to reflect on what that means, and how to avoid it - I think slower progress, and generally not having a bunch of ME days in a row and that sort of thing is a safer approach. Work with intensity - if you can't get intense enough at the weight you're at, bump it up. But, otherwise, heavy isn't always best, IMO. Of course, I'm not a physical trainer, and my opinion is exactly that, so... take it for what its worth.

That said, for most things, working at prescribed weight shouldn't really be an issue, but there's something to be said for backing off of prescribed to get a harder metcon hit, too... Say, maybe, do 75# thrusters rather than 95#, or something.... I crushed my shoulders one time working that exact way - I was able to do the thrusters with much more intensity and actually worked the muscles harder than I would have at 95#, even though I technically would have done more work at 95#.

Anders, you can still do a bunch of stuff that doesn't involve legs - and you can probably make it metcon, too, if you keep the weights moderate and the intensity high. I can give you some ideas if you need 'em ;) But, yeah, anything that takes out your wheels is going to make it hard to really bump up the metcon intensity... Hang in there, dude :)

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The standard sub for muscle ups is 3 pullups and 3 dips per muscle up - so, 150 pullups, 150 dips. Obviously, ring dips would be better than bar or chair dips, but do what you can do.

Dude, if you can do 50 muscle ups at this point, you have far eclipsed me... :D

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I was just talking to another Crossfit guy here at work. We were saying 50 muscle ups.... Holy crap ain't no way bla bla bla. 150 pullups and 150 dips. Dips should be no problem but 150 pullups. That will be a stuggle. I better go start writing my will. :wacko: I'll do what I can in an hour.

Thanks Xre,

Chris C.

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Make sure you're doing full ROM on the dips - I mean upper arms above parallel. The idea is to use this WOD to train up to be able to do full muscle ups later, and the only way to do that is to start that dip from the same position you'll be doing it in the MU...

That said, most of the folks I know admit that actually doing the MUs is easier than the sub, but takes coordination and strength that most of us don't have for a while, so... :lol:

Break them up as you need to - and you can swap sets of dips and pullups back and forth as you need to, as well. The trick to hammering this sort of thing out is to just keep moving. And, as much as possible, avoid working into failure - the CNS hit you take at failure is actually amazingly devastating. You'll be more effective by breaking into smaller sets and avoiding failure, as strange as that sounds...

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The dips I do up in the gym at easier than the one we do on the operating floor on the machine. There is a set of rails leading up to platform that I have to stand on about every 45 min. The rails are a little wider than the up at the gym. Every set that the machine kicks out I do 10 dips. It's usually 14-15 sets a shift. Let's say low end is 140 dips a shift. Breaks up the hum drum of work. This week I have to work 6 out of 7 days. That's 840 dips this week plus the 150 I fixing to do today.

Full ROM I try to do. Sometimes it makes my right shoulder a little sore the next day.

Chris C.

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12:30!!!! Sweet Mary Jesus. Around 25 min for me and I'm wiped out. Can't lift my arms above my head. That's a good thing. 150 dips and struggled with 150 pullups but got them done. Good stuff. Should be hanging with Jake in a couple of years. :bow:

Chris C.

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Looking at my records, on May 12th, I did 30 Muscle-Ups for time in 10:56. Today I did 50 in 13:06. My split at 30 was just under 8 minutes. I'm happy with that improvement.

Anyone who disagrees with the methodology of CrossFit - the proof is in the results. ;)

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