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New Classifier CM 08-01 Not Pulling UP.


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I am setting up the stages for scoring tomorrow but when I try to set the classifier CM 08-01 is does not appear in the drop down box. I am running version 3.02 and I think I have downloaded all the uploads. Am I missing something or are they NOT available yet.



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I am setting up the stages for scoring tomorrow but when I try to set the classifier CM 08-01 is does not appear in the drop down box. I am running version 3.02 and I think I have downloaded all the uploads. Am I missing something or are they NOT available yet.



You will need to download the new update to the software, however, the new update for the ezwin scoring system is not out yet. It should be in a few weeks. Several of us are waiting for it.

(we just shot "seven" and were told to use the paper forms to submit the classifiers.)

PAPER?? :blink::rolleyes:

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I am setting up the stages for scoring tomorrow but when I try to set the classifier CM 08-01 is does not appear in the drop down box. I am running version 3.02 and I think I have downloaded all the uploads. Am I missing something or are they NOT available yet.



You will need to download the new update to the software, however, the new update for the ezwin scoring system is not out yet. It should be in a few weeks. Several of us are waiting for it.

(we just shot "seven" and were told to use the paper forms to submit the classifiers.)

PAPER?? :blink::rolleyes:

I'm with you on the Paper thing, I would not even know where to begin....... :blink: Guess I'll just pick another one and wait for the update.

Thanks for the info.


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Well I guess I got caught too. I picked one of the new "effective Jan 1" classifiers for our match today. Got to the range and got it set up but then found it wasn't listed in the classifer drop down in Winscore. Figured I just missed a "patch" so I went ahead and let everyone shoot it and entered it as a normal stage thinking I could change it when I got home and got the update. Worst case scenario I would have to delete that stage, create a new one, and re-enter the scores. Guess that's not an option. I'm excited as hell to see some fresh classifier's out there, but I think if the program we're supposed to use to score matches isn't ready for them yet, perhaps it's a little premature to post them on the official website marked as effective Jan 1? I'm a computer guy, been doing the scoring for our club for six years and I've never once used a paper form to submit classifier results. Guess I'll see if I can find one of the dinosaurs who still remembers how to do it. Any chance of the update coming out in the next week or so? If so, I'll just hold off.



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We shot 08-02 and 08-04 on weekend of January 13th; no patch yet. Paper form are on USPSA website, choose bottom LH choice "Additional Content", then under "USPSA information" choose last item "forms". You get to print off one form per division shot, as well as the summary sheet "Level I Classifier Activity Report". Next catch a goose, yank out a quill and open the India in bottle to start scratching. No huge deal.

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Not gonna happen (paper forms that is)......I will just continue to use the "old" ones until the patch is available....Good thing I keyed in the stages BEFORE the match or I too would have been caught....

Thanks for the input


Edited by DrawandDuck
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Yep, we shot seven over the weekend. I just entered it as a normal stage and will have to re-enter the scores after the update is installed. Paper?

You will NOT have to re-enter the scores, fortunately. Instead, when you finally get 3.03, you'll just go into the stage definitions, select the appropriate stage, and change it into the corresponding classifier. I tried it; it works. The reason it works is that the specifications of the stage don't actually change, rather it just flips on a couple of bits that say this is a classifier.

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