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Strength vs. Flexability

Chris Conley

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the quote in my signature is even from him.

I really dig Mark's writing. It was his Kiss or Kill, and Pressfield's Gates of Fire, that finally got me off the couch. Is that quote from KoK or from the GJ website? I know I've read it, just can't remember where...

Also I think the reason Mark has been doing so much cycling is because he has started competing in that field.

I agree - that's why I'm saying that, if you engage in long, aerobic endurance events, you might need sport specific training for that... Here's a guy who could probably kick all of our asses combined doing MetCon stuff in the gym, and he's doing a crap load of bike training to be conditioned for that sport, so.... The CF/GJ/whatever methodology addresses general fitness, but is not typically a replacement for sport specific work, as well.

Of course, aside from some extra sprint work and maybe some added med-ball stuff, I think its pretty darn close to perfect training for our sport...

For me personally, I don't want long aerobic work outs and I think their benefit for you as an all around athlete is much less than most people think.

Based solely on my experience with CrossFit for the past 4 months, I'd have to agree ;) I'm obviously an expert, though, so... :lol:

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I can't do 150 in a row without stopping for quick rests. Not by a long shot. Judging by the comments on the Crossfit board, 20 minutes to complete 150 burpees seems to be pretty average. If you can only do five before having to rest a bit and it takes you 30 minutes to complete 150 reps, then so be it.

+1. Most of mine were done in groups of 5-7, with groups of 2-3 at the end. I started with 20, did several sets of 10, and then dropped back to fewer reps and shorter rests... That's all I could do with the jumps and the pushups without having muscle failure, so....

I suspect Jake was going at them a lot harder :D

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I really dig Mark's writing. It was his Kiss or Kill, and Pressfield's Gates of Fire, that finally got me off the couch. Is that quote from KoK or from the GJ website? I know I've read it, just can't remember where...

Yeah that is from Kiss or Kill. After surfing the GJ site for awhile and reading everything that was put on there I decided to pick the book up. Fantastic read.

I agree - that's why I'm saying that, if you engage in long, aerobic endurance events, you might need sport specific training for that... Here's a guy who could probably kick all of our asses combined doing MetCon stuff in the gym, and he's doing a crap load of bike training to be conditioned for that sport, so.... The CF/GJ/whatever methodology addresses general fitness, but is not typically a replacement for sport specific work, as well.

Of course, aside from some extra sprint work and maybe some added med-ball stuff, I think its pretty darn close to perfect training for our sport...

Yeah I for sure wouldn't want to challenge him to anything MetCon. Ouch. Sport specific training will always take precedence like you said. For example, you can't become a great shooter without shooting. It just can't happen. But for the physical aspect of this sport, CF (and CF style workouts) are the best possible thing you can do when you add in some workouts to maximize your explosiveness from your lower body.

I suspect Jake was going at them a lot harder biggrin.gif

I did them in sets of 30....although like I said earlier, at around 120 I was running for the toilet. They were a bit slower after that. ;)

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Just did Barbara.

Round 1 - 2:23

Round 2 - 2:17

Round 3 - 2:17

Round 4 - 2:24

Round 5 - 2:48

Didn't have to break up sets until the 5th round. Man this one killed me.

Yur my hero....took me 38 minutes of Bonking.

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Didn't have to break up sets until the 5th round. Man this one killed me.

Nice.... :D I was quite a bit slower.... Did it down at CrossFit Atlanta (driving home tomorrow). The sit ups just killed me....

times were something like:






4th round had a one minute-ish, unintended rest <_< I'm thinking I might've done the math on the splits wrong on the last one (and it was a minute faster), but.... eh, probably not. Almost all of that time was consumed on the Abmat - so, situps are something in desperate need of attention, apparently. I already knew that, but.... painfully obvious now :D Oh, pullups were done jumping - but judging by my lats and shoulders, I pulled plenty hard, too.

My times were fairly solid against the folks at the gym who'd already posted, but the elite level times (like Jake's) are gnarly. Totally kicking my ass... ;)

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5k today.... 21:06. I'll take it. I haven't really ran in a couple of months. Did dips 15x5 with a 15 sec. rest in between after the run. I guess I didn't run hard enough. Still sweating but feeling good.

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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Today's WOD really kicked my ass. Legs were bad sore from the 5K run a couple of days ago. Had to modify the workout some due to no rowing machine at work yet. Still a real ass kicker. Took about 50 min. to complete. Now I have to go to work.

Chris C.

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What'd you sub for the row? Typically, a 500m run would be fine... I don't have a GHD, so I've got to figure out a sub for back extensions - shouldn't be too hard, if I can figure out a way to anchor the feet. Unfortunately, I picked up the flu or something when I was in Atlanta. Its not crushing me (like it has my wife, and her whole family there) yet, but I'm not feeling all that great right now, either. Ugh :(

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We have a bunch of weight machines here at work. I can do rows with 50 lbs x 50. I can also pull the pin and the seat is on rollers. I could have went up in weight but I'm already very sore. Didn't want to push it that hard with 50 squats x 5. Plant manager is going to buy us a rowing machine and have maint. guys build a pull up bar. I suggested the C2. "Consider it done" is all I got out of him after that. Good guy. Run 500m never thought of that one.

Chris C.

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No weight.

Put a medicine ball behind you and make sure you touch it for every rep to ensure proper depth.

If a WOD calls for weight they will usually specify a weight or specify back squat, front squat, overhead squat, etc.

Wished I would have known that. I just used the bar with no weight. It was weight enough. Thanks for the tip. I remember that in the future.

Chris C

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thanks guys; I will augment my lifting on MWF with Crossfit style workouts on TT.

A fav of mine is 10 Deadlifts (at about 60% your 1RM - add more if you think you need it) followed by 25 box jumps and repeat X 3. Go for time and beat it next time. It's a vomit comet for me most times I do it. ;)

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Derrick - a CF version of that workout would probably involve a little less weight (typically, 135 for DLs in a met-con workout), just for what that's worth. The idea would be, go even faster (with good form, obviously). Alternately, they'd use a different exercise that doesn't push the same muscle group - say, pushups or pullups, or a run, or... Sounds like a nice one, though - its more of a strength workout, for sure. How big of a box are you using?

Note that you might want to hit the CF site and watch some vids on squats - or air squats, they might be called. You need to make sure you do full range of motion, so you're really popping your hips forward at the top, and make sure you stay on your heels the whole time. If you want to find out how sharp your anaerobic systems really are, do tabata intervals (20 seconds of work, followed by 10 of rest, rinse and repeat - typically times). You go for max reps in the time allowed. Your score is usually the lowest number of reps in any of the rounds - you can also count totals. ;) If you can average more than 1/sec over 8 rounds, you're doing real good :D Stack up 5 exercises in a row (so, 20 minutes of tabatas, total) and you get a wicked workout. If you pick two exercises, and alternate (20 seconds of one, 10 second rest, 20 seconds of the other, 10 second rest - repeat 8 times), and you get a "mashup" - which is also a pretty taste way to meet Pukie the Clown ;)

Chris, runs and rows are typically considered to be interchangeable, although I personally find the row a little harder. As Jake says, unless otherwise specified squats are considered to be air squats. Pullups are allowed to be kipped (you have to do the same amount of work, either way - get your chin above the bar - and kipping allows you to go more quickly). The CF FAQ is a good read for this sorts of things :) No reason to make things harder than they already are :)

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Derrick - a CF version of that workout would probably involve a little less weight (typically, 135 for DLs in a met-con workout), just for what that's worth. The idea would be, go even faster (with good form, obviously). Alternately, they'd use a different exercise that doesn't push the same muscle group - say, pushups or pullups, or a run, or... Sounds like a nice one, though - its more of a strength workout, for sure. How big of a box are you using?

The box is 24" high. I tried on the 36" box and nearly busted my ass on the last set missing the box. I figure I can build up to it. ;) Got that workout off of the GJ site - it's short and not very sweet. It's a less than 5 minute exercise, but it sure gets the blood flowing. I would usually finish a footwork session with that exercise and that would be it for me. I like it as I figure it is good for that explosive first step coming out of a box or getting up from a sitting position.

And, as for your other suggestions - pain is cleansing, sounds like fun! :cheers:

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There is one thing I would like to add about the pull ups. When I kip I only go to chin above the bar strictly for time and power output concerns, however I also work extensively doing pull ups at the full range of motion. Full range of motion means arms straight at the bottom (with active shoulder position) and pulling up until your elbows pass the centerline of your body. If you do this it opens your chest up at the top of the movement. You get almost an extra foot of elevation.

Whenever possible, exercises should be done through the full range of motion.

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The box is 24" high.

Plenty high - the standard box we use is actually 20"....

There is one thing I would like to add about the pull ups. ...

Whenever possible, exercises should be done through the full range of motion.

Yeah, totally a good point.

It seems like a lot of the crossfit workouts are kind of similar to plyometric stuff I have seen. What kind of exercises are good for working on balance?

Some of the exercises can become plyometric in nature - box jumps, for instance. You have to be careful w/ plyo stuff, though - make sure you're on a cushioned surface (rubber mats, or something). Plyo box jumps are apparently pretty good for developing power and speed on foot....

Balance - stabilize anything... ;) ie, standing shoulder presses, olympic lifts and their development, deadlifts, squats.... on top of that, add in stuff like agility ladder stuff, targetted balance work with cones, tossing a med-ball in various ways, all kinds of things - anything that has you on your feet, and off-center. Pretty much doing any of this stuff will improve balance, but there are some things (like some of the stuff I mentioned) that are direct balance exercises, too...

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