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Why is BJ Penn fighting Joe Stevenson for the LTW title?

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I get spam emails from the UFC announcing upcoming fights. Today I got one for UFC 80. It says that BJ Penn fighting Joe Stevenson for the "Interim" lightweight title.

What the heck? What happened to Sean Sherk?

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I like Sherk too. Good guy, but I believe he used roids though. I have seen him train on SpikeTV and it was in-sane!

Really superhuman. So it wouldn't surprize me if he used.

BJ will hold the belt, even if he goes against Sherk.

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I also heard Sherk would NOT be stripped and Joe and BJ would fight for who gets Sherk.

Sherk's a monster @155, only two losses to GSP and Hughes, that's not too shabby.

I'm an MMA fan, but Zuffa has the UFC so screwed up they have no credibility.

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Penn is probably the best fighter in the world pound for pound when he wants to be. There have been times in his career when BJ hasn't really been all that interested in fighting. If that Penn shows up, like he did in the first fight against Jens Pulver, there is a chance he could lose. If he has his act together, like he did for the Pulver rematch, he is all but unbeatable. Your guess is as good as mine which Penn will show up on fight night.

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The only way I can see Penn losing is if he shows up out of shape and underestimates Joe. I think he needs to train pretty hard to make LW, so he should be in good shape.

Agreed. I hope that the Sherk thing gets worked out. Sherk v Penn would be a fight I'd pay to see.

BJ could catch Sherk with his incredible BJJ, but Sherk is an animal in his conditioning and strength.

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The only way I can see Penn losing is if he shows up out of shape and underestimates Joe. I think he needs to train pretty hard to make LW, so he should be in good shape.

Agreed. I hope that the Sherk thing gets worked out. Sherk v Penn would be a fight I'd pay to see.

BJ could catch Sherk with his incredible BJJ, but Sherk is an animal in his conditioning and strength.

This would be a great fight. I was really hoping to see it. Especially if BJ was in shape and ready to fight. Sherk is an animal with the most insane conditioning.

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true dat. He's a smaller version of Hughes, and I like him (at least what I've seen so far of his fights).

That being said his recent record shows he doesn't finish fights like you think he should.

I'm not sure you can pack more power onto a 155# frame. Sherk Penn should be a good one. Joe Stevenson is good too, but I don't know if I see a title shot yet. But then again, no one asked me.

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Basically the whole deal worked out like this .... Dana said they would strip Sherk when the CSAC ruled on his appeal. Since the CSAC is corrupt beyond all reprieve (read the articles about the Baroni hearing), there is very very little chance of Sherk getting off even if the Pope came in and swore a solemn oath that he was clean. So Dana set up the Penn/Stevenson fight as a title fight to take the interim title. Then the CSAC keeps postponing the Sherk hearing (Oct something, Nov 1, Nov 14, now Dec 4) so Dana gets hoisted. His solution Penn/Stevenson, dual title holders, winner fights Sherk to unify (suspension should be up by then), lots of ways to hype. A fairly smart solution to a problem he has no control over.

While Joe Daddy is definately skilled, I am not sure he is ready for a "I wanna fight" Penn. But a "Oh who cares" Penn will go down ugly.

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damn that is more complex than I ever imagined.

So, how do you see the kuhrayzee 205# class? We have like 15 top 5 contenders.

205 is stacked but 185 sucks. I really don't know who can handle Anderson.

Edited by mjbine
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damn that is more complex than I ever imagined.

So, how do you see the kuhrayzee 205# class? We have like 15 top 5 contenders.

205 is stacked but 185 sucks. I really don't know who can handle Anderson.

How about Hendo dropping too 185 or Lindland if they ever sign him?

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damn that is more complex than I ever imagined.

So, how do you see the kuhrayzee 205# class? We have like 15 top 5 contenders.

205 is stacked but 185 sucks. I really don't know who can handle Anderson.

How about Hendo dropping too 185 or Lindland if they ever sign him?

that would awesome if Hendo drops to 185 :cheers::cheers: ....not that i dont like Silva but he can def use a worthy opponent now..

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Yeah 205 is crazy right now, like a minute ago Chuck was unstoppable and now it's a crap shoot. Who gets the next shot? Houston Alexander? Keith just beat the ex champ for three solid rounds. Forest just choked out Shogun, Bisping and Rashad are both "undefeated" but haven't fought anybody, and what if Randy came back, I think he's a favorite against anyone but the REAL Chuck.

170 is pretty tough, and I can't wait Hughes / Serra. :goof: I never liked Serra on the last TUF show, and now he's convinced he's finally arrived. I think Hughes comes off like a surly jerk due mostly to editing. I kinda like Hughes, but they really seem to go to great lengths to make him look like a bad guy. That is one guy I would not want mad at me, and Serra has pissed him off. He made a speech about a renewed fire in training, and if the old Hughes shows up, it might be SPECTACULAR!!!!

155, 185 and HW are kinda loose, esp with Randy and Fedor out of the picture. I like Spencer Fisher and he looked great in his last fight. He and Stevenson would be a good fight, but I'd give the edge to Fisher. Other than Penn I don't see anyone who SHOULD beat Sherk, he's an animal, but I would like to see him finish more fights.

As for 185, I think I probably can't name 3 fighters. HW is the same. At least not any good ones.

Hell maybe Franklin should bulk up to 205, like he used to. He'd be right there in the mix.

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Why is Evans and Bispring headlining a fight that is a PPV? Honestly, I think both of these guys are overrated. There are better fights on the undercard that are much more interesting then the headliner. You can never count out Karo at 170. He has the same problem as Penn. Which Karo shows up at this fight will be a toss up. His last fight, he kicked Josh Burkman a$$.

Hendo and Silva would be a great fight for that division but after that they need to got some recurits.

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There's a lot of talent in 185. It's just not in the UFC :(

Paulo Filho, Matt Lindland and Denis Kang coem to mind

BTW, I just read Evan Tanner just resigned with the UFC. Hope he keeps his act together. He had some nice fights.

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The UFC has also signed Brock Lesnar at HW. Now, setting aside all the "wassling" days, Brock was a legit wrestler, is powerful and quick, and by all accounts is very hard working and dedicated. He has Frank Mir for his first UFC fight. Now Mir has his troubles, but he has been getting better in his fights since his return. This fight could prove Mir is back or that Lesnar is for real or both. A real three round fight with Lesnar powering out of Mir's submissions and showing a good strike and ground game, with Mir pushing and not gassing while working Lesnar hard could be good for both of them whoever won.

And Anderson Silva ... Wow! Dana really needs to bring in some talent to face him. Not that I want him to lose, but at the moment he has pretty much dominated the division. The only other choice is to keep throwing the contenders at him until one finally progresses enough to beat him. Bring some of the WCF (? the brand the UCF owns that is on Versus every week) guys up as well.

On the rumor mill side, word is that Kurt Angle has signed with the IFL as a coach with maybe a special event match in 12-18 months. Regardless of the financal issues, looks like the IFL is settling in for a long haul. This is a good thing, competition among brands usually is. But I think letting Kurt, given the medical reports floating around, in the ring for a real fight might be a bad thing.

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Wow, I think the Benosvere needs to add an MMA forum.

Penn Vs. Stevenson- I dunno. Power, speed, endurance wrestling and Jui Jitsu top game go to Stevenson. Gaurd game, striking and experience go to Penn. I think Stevenson makes this a lot closer than people expect. For the record, I hate em both. Sherk destroys them both in the next fight.

Other Random shots:

Anderson Silva is not unstoppable, he is not totally dominating 185. He is a top flight fighter that has Franklins number. He will have the success he is due, win fights, and be respected as the great fighter he is. He is NOT the 2nd coming of Jesus, Santa, Chuck Norris, or Luciano Pavarotti. I like Franklin a lot, but he (like a lot of fighters) has this idea that you gotta be a stand up fighter to be a man. Going to the ground doesnt make you a pussy, it makes you well rounded.

Evan Tanner is my all time favorite fighter. NO ONE, without exception, has more heart. If he comes back, he is a real threat to Silva. Tanner is a bigger threat than Franklin was. Tanner and Lindland both have a clinch game better than Franklin and as good as Silva. Hendo is also gonna shake up 185 as soon as he gets a fight. It isnt even dropping wieght for Hendo. He is a natural 185.

205 is stacked. It has a couple top tier fighters and a few very close to top tier fighters, all mixed together. Who can hold the title? Houston might, but not for long. Jardine could, but wont. Bisping cant. Rashad wont (though i really wish he could). Chuck might hold it again, but he wont get it from Rampage. Jason Lambert can, but he is gonna have to fight 31 fights to get to a title shot.

170 is also stacked. Who can hold the title? GSP can, and might. Serra can, and I think, will. Hughes can and might. Karo never will. Burkman was never going to. Sherk could come back to 170 and hold it. Diego wont. Fitch can and will, someday.

HW is dead without Randy and Fedor. No one cares about Sylvia anymore. Which is sad, but true. There arent any other HW's on the scene until you start diving into the Pride guys. Cro Cop, Big Nog, Gonzaga, and Randleman will be nessecary to keeping HW from disappearing.

Feel free to discuss if you disagree with above stated opinions

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