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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Endless supply of idiots with guns


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I feel your pain. Yet another reason I avoid these sites as a waste of time. These stupid people were always out there, just usually only seen by an unlucky few. Of course stupid shooters are greatly outnumbered by the other thousands of stupid people on these sites.

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Who knew there were this many stupid well-armed idiots? Thanks to Al Gore & his invention (the internet) we now have some idea:

No eye protection and shooting at steel wheel rims from 10 feet. What an ass...

Uh, dude, you didn't record that, did you?

Another ass...

Ballistic masterbation.

Wow. :surprise:

I wish I was surprised.

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I'm feeling a little antagonistic this morning some I left him comment just because I'm sure it will piss him off and he'll post a response worthy of only someone with an IQ lower than their show size that's laced with profanity. :devil:

Its smack tards like you that are going will fuel the fire to get our guns taken away after you hurt yourself or someone else. Learn some muzzle discipline and stop waiving those things around like they are friggin magic wand. If nothing else learn to keep your finger out of the trigger guard when you're not shooting. At least that would lessen the chance of you shooting yourself or someone else.
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IPSC and IDPA kinda seperate the wheat from the chaff. So many darn rules and they send you home if you screwup.

In most of life you just blame somebody else and move on. Being held accountable for you actions even on our little scale of things is more than most of idiots out there can put up with.

Even more scary is that most of them are parents!!!!!!!

Thanks to Jerry Springer and Internet these people are proud of there dumbness! They even want to try and out do each other. Dumb and Dumber and be proud!

Edited by cking
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I feel better after reading the responses here. After I made that post last night, I kept viewing after doing a "youtube" search on the term: "accidental discharge." The samples above are just the tip of the iceberg, I am sad to report. And these days, youtube is but one of many such sites out there. :o

I think these folks have much to learn, but little understanding of how badly they need basic safety instruction. Makes us all look bad.

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