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Having Teeth!


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Some of you might remember this thread from late last year: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41951

Well, the journey has ended! I got the crowns put on the implants today. They look good - and just in time for a little vacation next week ;)

For those that missed the story, a little over a year ago, I noticed my front teeth feeling sore up above the gum line, and they started to feel loose. Long story short - I'd developed what's called a naso-palatine duct cyst, which typically appears right at the front teeth. In my case, the cyst had managed to absorb part of the root of each front tooth - the teeth were dead, and mobile. In theory, they could have been root canaled, and then crowned, but the surgeon felt the chances were high that they'd still have to be extracted later down the line. The cyst was removed last June, and we put off doing the rest until after the Open Nationals last year.

In December (the thread above), I had the front teeth extracted, and dental implants installed, and for the past 6 months have been wearing what they call a "flipper", which is basically a partial denture. The song "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...." definitely applied ;) Implants have to heal for several months - in my case, 5 months, because a bone graft was involved, as well (and, yes, there's a really small chance I might have ended up with some kind of nasty, fatal disease from that, but... less likely than dying in a car accident or whatever, so...).

Last month, I had the implants uncovered, and then went in to have impressions taken and to have a color match done for the crowns. Today, the crowns were installed. I have "real" front teeth again!!!

Of course, the downside is that I can no longer tell fanciful stories about my hockey playing, or the "Yeah, but you should've seen the other guy!" thing... ;) Small price to pay, I guess... ;)

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Yes, some before-and-afters would be entertaining. ;)

:cheers: Congrats on the new teeth. I felt that way when I had full-mouth periodontal gum surgery with bone material grafts all-round. It all worked and solved a nasty problem at the time. Technology is good.

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I don't have any pictures of the "interim" states... just didn't think to take any :D I'll post a pic of the new grill when I get a chance to snap a shot :D

Yeah, technology... geez, not too long ago, and it would've been a bridge across the front, and eventually dentures due to the bridge destroying the teeth on either side of it... :sick:

Jay, the biggest ouch was really the first surgery... everything after that really wasn't all that bad, in the end.... In fact, though I was given prescriptions for pain killers, I only actually used them once, and that was right after the implants were put in - I took, like, 3 Vicodin total, and that was more than enough... The first surgery got gnarly cause he had to be pretty invasive to get the whole cyst out - and I ended up with a popped stitch that night that resulted in a big edema in my upper lip. I looked like I took a hard shot from Mike Tyson, and then I couldn't really smile for a couple of weeks after that, either...

I went through far worse when I had to have a root canal on a molar, and that was only bad up until the root canal itself (which just took a long time...)... ;)

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You guys crack me up... :D I am not taking a picture in the Pillsbury Bikini to demonstrate my comeliness as compared to the young lady in the ad :goof:

Looks good - different, but good. Gotta see how the gum line moves in and all that, but... I think they'll work ;) Not quite movie star quality, perhaps, but that's mainly due to the other teeth.. have to go full tilt veneers or crowns for that action....

edit to fix stupid spelling error ;)

Edited by XRe
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