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Shooting Minor


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...and I am seriously considering shooting Limited minor. What are your opinions on this?

You would get your ass handed to you on a platter.


Partials and swingers alone will eat your lunch. You drop 40% of the points availble for B/C hits. Can you shoot 40% faster on those shots shooting minor?

I tried it at the Crazy Croc (where each stage is 50+ rounds) last year and realized quickly, it wouldn't be a wise choice if I care about my score.

Edited by Loves2Shoot
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Why would you tell anyone you were 2nd A at a major ............. ?

Win your damn class!

Never settle for 2nd best.

Again, that's a worst case scenario. I've already won the match in my mind...I've been rehearsing it since our trip back from Area 6 :cheers:

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+1 to having your ass handed to you on a platter.

My wife gets eaten alive shooting Limited minor. If she ever starts calling her shots this may get better, but it will always hold her back until we get rid of the G35 and build a heavier gun that she can shoot major in.

I usually shoot 95% - 97% of the points, but immediately drop to 90% or less shooting minor. Good way to lose for no real reason.

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I shoot production and limited minor with my G34. Just have to get A's or shoot the stage faster than your competition if possible to make up for dropped points. It's fun to hose a stage and not have to reload!

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It is fun to hose and not have to worry about reloads. And, there is learning to be had by playing the game differently.

But, if you are shooting a Major match to do well...and I would assume that is why you've been practicing so much/hard...then you probably ought to shoot what you know and have been practicing. A Major match isn't the best time to play around with something new.

And, if any thoughts of winning (match or class) are playing a part in your decision...well, that just sucks, IMO. Bruce Lee likely has a good quote or two that might apply here (fire up your various search engines).

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Competition is a crucible.

Bad ideas and wishful thinking get burned away until we are left with what works.

There are plenty of guys that like to experiment in hopes of finding some kind of an edge.

There's nothing wrong with experimenting, thats how we learn.

Sometimes we find something useful but mostly find ourselves swimming upstream.

Try whatever you like.

At the end of the day, 40 major rules Limited.

There is a reason for that.


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I say do it!

Well... I only shoot limited minor so I may be biased.

They way I do it is to plan my Cs. I have a char that tells me how many Cs I can have to 90% & 95% and I plan accodingly. I just have to know where it is acceptable to get a C.

Know your limits.

You will have to play conservitively cause the room for error is so much smaller but I see no reason why you cannot win you class shooting minor as long as it isnt GM. I think the trick is knowing how to plan differently btwn limited major and minor. You have to know where to dial back the speed and get the accuracy. But on hoser targets you can open it wide and go crazy.

Plus, when you beat someone in your class whist shooting minor they are going to know they were beaten by a superior shooter because minor wins dont happen by luck it is all skill.

Show them what you got. Good Luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got done shooting the Limited 10 Nationals shooting minor (shooting minor was not my intention). I figure I lost at least 10% of my match points maybe more, due to minor scoring. If you slow down to shoot Alphas, you get your butt kicked on time, if you shoot your normal pace and shoot some Charlies and a few Deltas, you get your butt kicked on points. You just can't make up the difference.

Bottom line is, you may get away with it at the local level, but it is impossible to score well at the Major Match level.

Edited by Dave C
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