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Micah's Range Diary


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-one hour of cardio

-full dryfire session


It was a cold rainy day, but perfect for shooting a match indoors. I got up early this morning to get my work finished before going to the range.

I had some issues with my mags dropping free, but found myself doing better with speeding up my shots. There are a few things that I saw in my video of today that I need to be sharpened up...but that's what the "off season" is for!

There were 3 no-shoot covered targets in each array here:




Big thanks to Chris for cranking out the results in record time, and Mark and Mike for creating the stages.

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-one hour of cardio

-full dryfire session

-500 rounds livefire

-Monday match

I went to the range early today so that I could get some practice in before setting up the Monday club match. Range diary in hand, I recorded my draws from 5 to 50 feet in 5 foot increments, as well as my 2 shot draws. After that, I worked on pure speed, seeing only what I needed to see to collect my Alphas. I found that by double plugging (even though I'm shooting my 9mm loads) I saw more of my sight tracking. When I remember to let my weak hand do all of the heavy lifting, my index is dead on. Today was the first time that I recorded .13 splits with my Glock...a complete revelation to me ;)

After practice, I set up the match and shot that sucker. Big thanks to Sunuva for taking such great video of me tonight! If you are not getting video of yourself, I submit to you that you are missing out on a HUGE training tool!

BTW- My shoes suck! Gotta find something more "grippy"!




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-one hour of cardio

-full dryfire session

A rather poor spot of bad luck with a net loss of $830 forced me to cancel my 9000 bullet order from Precision...I took it hard for 2 days, but after a bit of deep reflection, I'm over it. The show will go on, the band will continue to play, and I still have tons of ammo already loaded.

Chris is selling me his AA conversion, and I plan on shooting the hell out of that during the "off season". There is much to be learned at the range that can be studied with the .22, and I am fortunate to have the opportunity to attend said class with inexpensive ammo. I have an extra Heinie rear, but will also add a Dawson front sight (once I find one) to the conversion to copy the sights that I use on my competition gear.

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-1000+ rounds at the range

Following the advice given to me by Steve Anderson, I have been shooting the hell out of the AA conversion that I recently acquired. 1000+ last Tuesday, and 1000+ more today, I am loving this new training tool! With Heinie rears and a thin fiber optic front sight, I am able to obtain the exact same sight picture as my competition gun.

Working on targets 70 feet out, I focused on movement and speeding up sight alignment while moving into positions. Since my covered Glock fits perfectly in my holster, I preformed these drills with the gun in the holster, as well as table starts. Although the recoil is extremely tame (and makes my 9mm loads feel like the most nightmarish of 40 loads) aligning the sights is universal.



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Funny that you say that Derrick...I've seriously thought about turning it over to Mike Hendrick (Duracoat guru) and letting him work is magic. The original coating on the aluminum slide doesn't look like it's up to the workout that I plan on giving it.

1100rds of .22 =$22.00

1000 bullets of 147 9mm=$67.00

I am certainly no math wizz, but I likes them numb3rs ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, it's been a full year since I started the online range diary. Although I've gotten away from daily postings here, I am continually writing in a paper journal what I see in daily dryfire, as well as writing out my goals and directive affirmations.

This past Tuesday I filled up my old paper journal and bought a new one. While filing away the old, it was very interesting reading back to when I was new to the sport. Struggling in D class, never shot an outdoor match...

The pages of the 2008 season are blank, but already written.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm taking a page out of With Winning In Mind for my 2008 goals. In my Directive Affirmations, I have already achieved my goals. The only thing that remains is syncing the two timelines together ;)

I'm wishing the best of success to you as well Jane! I am thrilled and honored to be working with you at the IN match :)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Still going strong! Although I am teaching in the mornings and am in classes for the remains of the day, I have still been able to successfully dryfire and work out each day. I find that my resolve is not faltering as I remember quite vividly where I would be without the daily practice and workouts.

No excuses and no remorse. The sacrifices that we make today will most certainly pay off tomorrow.

I'll see you at the range.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Time Until Area 6 (first Major of 2008)

Time until Saturday, April 19, 2008 (EST time)

58 days

1403 hours

84196 minutes

5051791 seconds

With the flurry (fury?) of teaching and going to classes, I have taken the past two weeks exceptionally easy in regards to my dryfire and workout routine. Here are some things that I learned:

Last Sunday was the monthly Miamisburg match. I literally had not put any rounds through my competition gun for two months until that day. I was amazed at how much better my shot calling, draws, and weak hand grip strength has become in those two months! Furthermore, for the first time ever, I did quite well with a weak hand/strong hand classifier! (Obtaining a 76%! MUCH better than my previous droll results).

I miss dryfiring daily. It was always my time to focus on myself and the shooting....therapeutic, productive, and satisfying. Since the disruption in my routine, I have thought about the shooting all the more.

Area 6 is right around the corner, and I have much to prove. I am now wearing these "Master" shoes, and now I need to fill them the best that I can. I will do everything that I can to give my best performance at every match...so much so that if I am not on top after the last shot is fired, that I will be able to look in the mirror and say "You did absolutely everything that you could to prepare for this, so hold your head high."

I have always believed in the accountability that the online range diary provides. Paper journals certainly have their place in shooting sports, but now I feel the need to be accountable to the forum and its members. In the weeks, days, and hours leading up to my trip to Atlanta, I will be posting here about what it is that I am doing to prepare.

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-full dryfire session

-75 minutes of cardio

I'm in the process of adding new drills to my daily set. One step reloads after leaving an awkward position(insert sister joke here ;) ) have been less than smooth for me, so I'll be working on that. There also seems to be a plethora of steel in the upcoming majors, and although I have been strong in that skill set, I will be working on swifter transitions between steel at various distances.

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-full workout

-full dryfire

Felt good about the practice today. Reloads seem to be more automatic and unthinking, yet dead on. My hands had the shakes today though...probably a mixture of low blood sugar and the freakin' cold.

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-30 minutes on the treadmill

-full dryfire session

-2 hours sledding!

Ahh sledding! Tapping in to such a youthlike adventure was pure joy today. Jumping hills, banging bodyparts, meeting the dares of 10 year olds...who could ask for more!

I found my body achy and tired after all of that during my dryfire, but regarded it as match strain. It's important to fight through whatever pain/fatigue signals your body is sending you when you are making ready at a stage. Things started off rough, but quickly snapped back into place.

As a side note, I changed the course of my Masters studies from an MS in clinical mental health to an MEd in intervention specialties. Although I began teaching as a way to get my ass to graduate classes on time, I have found that teaching satisfies my scholastic and vocational desires quite well. Not only will I be shaving a full year off of my program, but by being a specialized educator, I will get my weekends off as well as the summers to shoot major matches that extend beyond my 14 hour radius. Looks like I will be a lifer in this game that I love so much! My wife, who is currently an educator as well, will have the pleasure of being suckered into going to said matches with me...and maybe there will be the opportunity to vacation as well (so long as there is a match long the way ;) )

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...and maybe there will be the opportunity to vacation as well (so long as there is a match long the way ;) )

that's my plan... find a hotel with a pool and my other half will be happy. just so happens her parents are 60 miles from Summer Blast. She'll be visiting, I'll be shooting. good combo

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