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Micah's Range Diary


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Flex set up a 4 classifier and two field course of fire for us today, and I had a BLAST! The weather was hot and sunny, and I am shooting better than I ever have. My dryfiring has evolved into a new feel and area of practice, where I am literally seeing my sights and transitions with infinite newness.

Onto the videos:


Works For Me


Raw Deal


Take Your Choice

And the funniest video that has been taken of me at a match to date! (watch it to the end)


Times Two

Something was different today. I had a devil may care attitude, and was really just enjoying the shooting, fellowship, and sun on my bald head. Not trying to shoot fast, rather trying to relax and BE in the moment.

Must...get...some...sleep! Setting up the final touches on my match tomorrow in Miamisburg. Without the skills and diligence of Keen, Sunuva, and mda, setting up this match would have been nearly impossible. Thanks guys :)

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-full dryfire session

-an hour of cardio that almost killed me

Apparently I am still dehydrated from the weekend, because I thought I was going to die while working out today. I'm glad that I pushed myself to finish-I perceived the situation to be analogous to shooting a long and tiring match...you have to finish strong!

Dryfire today was excellent! I am doing things a bit differently now...by placing a tiny piece of notecard between the slide and barrel, I can continually depress my trigger without the need to reset. Although the trigger feel is infinitely different to that of its normal pull, I am able to better practice slapping the trigger and making sure that I am not disrupting my sights. One of my largest opportunity skills is hammering down on close open targets. This new method is assisting me with this skill.

By my and Chris' calculations, after the update my National percentage will be 84.5% in Production. When I started this range diary and my dryfire routine, my ultimate goal was to make Master. As my voyage continued though, I realized that I had my sights on the wrong thing. I train to become a better shooter. This has given me the immediate pay value needed to keep me hungry to get better, as improvements can be seen at every match, but with infinate room to improve. When I make Master, it will simply be another mile marker on my quest for excellence.

how come you don't have blue mags? :P

Blue mags? Now that's just silly :rolleyes:

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Dry fired for 19 hours this morning in the hotel ;)

Exercised until my heart rate was 244 and I had a heart attack. :o

Looked over all the stages for Area 8 ............. 2009 B)

By the way ......... never leave your laptop open & signed into the forum's under your name while your taking a shower and your roommate is still half drunk. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Pretty funny Keen...
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Just got back from the range...we were able to stealth the stages during the lunch break, and this match looks awesome! We shoot tomorrow morning...Todd Jarett is one of our squad mates, so it should prove to be an excellent match as well as a learning experience.

I'm looking forward to winning my class. I need a few A plaques before I drudge up Mt. Master ;)

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-one hour of cardio

-full dryfire session

Summer Blast was an excellent match that proved to be more challenging while shooting than stealthing it the night before. After it was ll said and done, I was 9th overall and 3rd A **not 3rd C like I first typed :blink: **, and although I am trying to be positive about my shooting, I cannot help to feel otherwise.

On the first stage, I drilled the same no-shoot twice (my only two penalties). Although I feel that I did a good job dumping this incident out of my conscious mind, looking back I can say that it affected me on the subconscious level. For the remainder of the match, my shooting felt stiff and not fluid. While moving into positions, there was a built in hesitation before shooting (I identify this is mistrusting my sight alignment). Although I had excellent points, my time reflected these pauses and it dragged my hit factors down.

In the end, the two no-shoots were not the deciding factor in me winning my class, and aside from them, my only other bad hit was one delta all day.

I still have miles to go. I will continue to dryfire the way that I have, and will do more with working on my mental game. I will also do more drills with moving in and out of positions to make them more fluid.

To end this post on a high note, I have an interview with Reynolds & Reynolds today at 1:30pm. Wouldn't it be special if I were to finally obtain a job :cheers:

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Summer Blast was an excellent match that proved to be more challenging while shooting than stealthing it the night before. After it was ll said and done, I was 9th overall and 3rd C, and although I am trying to be positive about my shooting, I cannot help to feel otherwise.

To end this post on a high note, I have an interview with Reynolds & Reynolds today at 1:30pm. Wouldn't it be special if I were to finally obtain a job :cheers:

'3rd C'? Looking at the results it looks like you were 3rd "A"! That ain't too bad. And 9th out of 70 considering in the 8 places above you there were 4 GM's and 2 M's and 2 A's, I'd be pretty happy with those results. Not saying there can't be improvement but...

Now if my lowly 'D' finished ahead of you .... :)

Good Luck today!

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Hey PB, that's what makes this game so much fun. I gaurantee you that you are a better shooter than you were in January. But you (and I) still have so far to go.

Never gets boring, Amigo.

How was shooting with TJ??

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-Full dryfire session


Beautiful weather for shooting today here in Ohio. The bed-ridden Mr. Hanna cranked out the results even before I got home from the match! I am happy to say that I won my division, and that I am trusting my "speed sense" more, and allowing a less than perfect sight picture on targets that I need only see my muzzle.

I skipped the second dp on this one...it just seemed faster.


I had to wait for the swinger to make another pass on this stage, but made up the time whizzing down the cof.


Shot this one particularly well, borrowing the "Fadorsen Leap" technique that I witnessed at the Indiana Sectional ;)


This stage reminded me that I really need to pick up a pair of kneepads. Sunuva was kind enough to lend me his.


When I got home and saw the results, I found myself with more than enough energy to dryfire. I will carry the good vibes from this match with me to the Area 8 Champs thats in two weeks!

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-one hour of cardio

-3 sessions of dryfire

To my dismay, my bullet order still hasn't arrived, so instead of loading up some ammo for practice, I dryfired like a maniac all day! My first two sessions were with my production gun. My main focus was while hitting my pars and A's, seeing what else my gun and body do when I shoot. This proved to be invaluable as I caught several unneeded movements that can be easily fixed.

The third session was with my "Limited" gun. The gun will be completed after Area 8 when I trade a fellow Enos member for his G22 upper...so in the mean time I used my G34 upper. Aside from the significant weight difference and learning the new magwell, I know that I will enjoy (and excell) in Limited.


I have been working on my mental management for Area 8 and Nationals. My best major match this year was the Indiana Sectional when I shot L-10 minor. I walked in there and said "Well, there is only two things that I gotta do to win...shoot all a's and enjoy myself." After the final stage was completed, I had succeeded at both of my goals, and the results showed. I did not impose any pressure upon myself, which made me free to shoot the way I know how to shoot.

I am going to shoot the game that I know I can shoot next weekend;

I am going to have a blast at this match;

I know that there are two keys to my success at Area 8:

-Shoot alot of A's

-Enjoy myself

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-one hour of cardio

-full dryfire session

-2nd day of work!!

I am getting up at 6am now so that I can work out before work, then I dryfire when I get home. I enjoy this routine as it makes my days seem fuller and more productive.

Dryfire went very well this evening, especially since I was distracted the entire time: After a lengthy conversation with my director, I had to make the decision to withdraw from the USPSA Nationals this year. We have an audit that week, and I simply will not have accrued enough payed leave to make the trip to Tulsa. I am rather disappointed with this outcome, but am grateful that I have a job now, and will be routing my friends on from Ohio :)

This change in plan leaves me with three more major matches for the season: Area 8, Ohio Sectional, and the Michigan Sectional. As I reflect on this season, it amazes me the leaps and bounds that I took. I went from a weak C class shooter all the way to the doorstep of Master. I went from "Shoots for fun" to "Shoots to win". I strengthened friendships and picked up sponsorships.

The season isn't quite over yet, and I still have a few goals that I train to achieve every day. When the day comes that I have met these goals, the battle begins anew as I implement the next level and goal of my shooting.

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-Full dryfire session

-one hour of cardio

Saturday I went and shot a club match while on the way to Area 8. I won that match WHILE WEARING CROCS! It's the Indian, guys, not the moccasins ;)




Area 8 was a great match, and the staff did an excellent job with making it all run smoothly. I had 1 mike and 1 D throughout the entire match, and am happy with the points side of my performance.

Where I am getting slaughtered is in my times...again. I know that I have the capability to transition faster, as well as move in and out of positions more aggressively, but it is not yet becoming subconscious in matches.

I move to my new house in 7 days, and look forward to setting up my "Dryfire Dojo" in my new big-assed garage! There I will be able to do much more with barricades, box-to-box drills, and movers. I have every intention to take what I have learned this season and train my ass off during the winter months!

There is still much that I need to learn, and I acknowledge that. I am fortunate to have the opportunity and drive to do what it takes to win at the major level.

I'm still a little upset about my performance at Area 8...but am slowly channeling that emotion into a desire to work harder.

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I had the pleasure of reacquainting myself with some of the best that Indiana has to offer! It was awesome to see you cats again, and I look forward to next month!


I will be the first to admit that I have been a little burned out since Area 8. I skipped a day or two of dryfiring this past week to pack up stuff for the move (We close this Tuesday!!) Looking at the results, I know exactly what I need to improve on, and look forward to the opportunity to practice the f*#k out of it once I get settled into the new home.


I pushed it to 11 rounds to keep myself from making a standing reload on this stage...I told myself that I was going to hit everything that I aimed at in the last position...steel or otherwise ;)


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It was a pleasure seeing you all again, Sorry I Didn’t get to talk to you that much im sure I will have another chance.

Thanks for making the trip.


No problem Robert (You know I live like 20 minutes away, right...?)


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-full dryfire session.

-one hour of cardio

This was the last time that I dryfired at the old townhouse. Tomorrow I am busting ass to get moved into my new home, and you can bet on me searching for the best place to setup a new dryfire COF. I still plan on utilizing the large back yard for box movements and barricade work, and will tap the garage for my stand-and-shoot drills, as well as movement for the cold/rainy days ahead.

The results are in from Sunday's match (you rock Keen!):



Back-to-back club wins while wearing Crocs :)

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