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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


Shawn Knight

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This has to do with an incident at a different forum. You guys and gals have always been good to me! So here goes.

Impressionable new shooters that do not have the experience or resources we do need to be helped no matter how they ask their questions. A simple thread started by a newbie at a different forum simply stating a generic comment like “I have a new pistol. It is fun to shoot. How am I going to pay for all the ammo I will shoot now?” Gets twisted into a fight about what the difference between a pistol and revolver and whose grammar is better. I am not an English teacher, I don’t claim to be an expert in firearms, and I certainly know that reloading is dangerous. I am angry that someone can state that they think something is very hard and when someone else has a very simple explanation which diffuses the fear associated with the difficulty of whatever task is stated, that person is attacked. Personally we are here to learn not to see who has the bigger… bullets. I am not one to slam someone else but I do like information explained properly. Most of us here would flip out if someone made the statement, “Reloading the .45 ACP is very hard!” I understand that here I am a newbie. I also understand that I do not have the credibility here that I have at other forums. That is fine. I like to think of it as going from the minors to the majors. But common knowledge is still common knowledge. Common being something I learned from a book or other credible resource easily obtained and available to whomever wants to seek it out. Until you have established your credibility you can’t just say things without having someone correct you. It will happen. I still get corrected and don’t mind it one bit. I love to learn and I hate people that don’t act like every day is a learning experience. I guess there are just people that want to be trouble makers. Thanks for listening to my rant.

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I'm sure there are other forums where the members actually have met some of the other members, but I suspect we are one of the few. As time goes on, I meet more and more of the good folks on this forum and have yet to be disappointed.

That being said, a lot of people get behind a keyboard and become nine feet tall and bullet-proof. The lose all regard for common courtesy and really become jerks.

The only safeguard a forum has against this is the forum moderator and admin group. They have to be on top of a topic and be quick to close it if necessary and, if warranted, remove someones privileges to the forum.

So, forgive the slight drift. Thanks to our Mods and Admin.

theknightoflight. Good Rant. Get it out of your system and move on. Kinda like water on a duck's back.



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I'm sure there are other forums where the members actually have met some of the other members, but I suspect we are one of the few. As time goes on, I meet more and more of the good folks on this forum and have yet to be disappointed.

That being said, a lot of people get behind a keyboard and become nine feet tall and bullet-proof. The lose all regard for common courtesy and really become jerks.

The only safeguard a forum has against this is the forum moderator and admin group. They have to be on top of a topic and be quick to close it if necessary and, if warranted, remove someones privileges to the forum.

So, forgive the slight drift. Thanks to our Mods and Admin.

theknightoflight. Good Rant. Get it out of your system and move on. Kinda like water on a duck's back.



This forum does have some of the best mods i have seen on many of the forums.

There are other forums? Go figure! :P

I know right? It makes me want to stay here sometimes.

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I think the main difference between this forum and any other is that our knowledge didn't come from the latest gun rag. We actually shoot, at least as much as we type :lol:

While a lot of folks here are very likely to meet at a match one day, it's rare anyone post anything here that could get them punched, but it is a good deterrent ;) Where this mattered to me was after ranting about cooper tunnels and seeing one of the hated things at a local match, I later realized it was a fellow forum member who built the thing and spent time here getting input on it.

Knowing who it was so I could put a face to the avatar was enough to realize I had been ranting like a spoiled brat over a prop that someone had put a lot of time, effort, and thought into in an attempt to make the stage something special, even for spoiled brats :(

I've never seen the cooper tunnel used again, and every time I'd see those nicely painted pieces near that bay made me feel like a piece of dog crap for possibly being the reason why :(

We also have an exceptional group here who require very little moderating. The 1911froum keeps things somewhat polite through heavy moderation, but abuses by the moderators (I was a moderator of the reloading forum until I couldn't stand being a part of that group anymore) make it an uncomfortable place for me.

Brian's rules for this forum can be irritating at times, like when we get excited and want to rant about something political or whatever, but his rules, and the group of posters we have, make this the best site on the web.

I've seen Flexmoney's advice (which is always good) being ridiculed on glocktalk before and felt like reaching through my monitor and ripping someone's head off :angry: I just avoid those forums these days.

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I've seen Flexmoney's advice (which is always good) being ridiculed on glocktalk before and felt like reaching through my monitor and ripping someone's head off :angry: I just avoid those forums these days.

I had to get on one of those people before because I knew him and shot with him regularly. It was satisfying when he realized that some people really know their stuff and they should be respected even if you don't like their advice.

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That being said, a lot of people get behind a keyboard and become nine feet tall and bullet-proof. The lose all regard for common courtesy and really become jerks.

You have to keep in mind that typing takes longer than talking, so thoughts/intentions/ideas get shortened. At the same time, a lot of people read faster than spoken word, so now an already abreviated thought becomes "short" and "rude."

I've re-read some of my posts while searching topics on various places on the www and thought wow, I sure come off like a ***. When at the time I felt as if I was conversing, not trying to be nine-foot tall. IMO, the same number of rude people exist on www as in the real world, but more people come across as rude online due to the nature of shortened/typed thoughts and the lack of vocal/facial/body expressions....... just thoughts. Of course, I'm sure there are people who come out of their shell w/ the anonimity of the internet. who knows. time for beer.


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Every question I have ever asked on this forum was answered very quickly and correctly!

I enjoy the people...they are a blast!

The knoledge base is soooo deep I mostly read and learn..but play with friends too!!!

On occasion I got someone peeved at me...and it was my fault!!!!

We all seem to get a little off the track sometimes.

I dont even read the other forums anymore...The great people and the wealth of knoledge here is all I can ask for.

Thanks to all!


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That being said, a lot of people get behind a keyboard and become nine feet tall and bullet-proof. The lose all regard for common courtesy and really become jerks.

You have to keep in mind that typing takes longer than talking, so thoughts/intentions/ideas get shortened.

time for beer.



There is probably more than a grain of truth in what you say. However, forums aren't chatrooms. No one is sitting there waiting for your rebuttle (at least on this forum.)

Because of that, a person should take time to make sure that his comments convey what he/she is trying to say. I re-read my post a couple of times before I hit the button. There have been many, many times I have deleted the whole thing because I couldn't make the written word convey what I would say in person.

As for the last line, it's a bit early here, but some time today, it will be "time for beer" :D



edited due to my complete lack of literary skills :wacko:

Edited by dajarrel
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Now that I think about it I spend just as much time deleting words in my posting that I would normally say. Being on this forum has made me much more civil and much more willing to stop and think about what I say before I post. I have noticed I end up typing this great big reply and then deleting a huge chunk of it or the entire post completely.

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I completely understand what you are saying. There are two other forums I visit, one of which I helped start with a few friends a while back and the mods do not tolerate and crap. The other is a truck forum so I can learn stuff about my truck. JFD hit it right.


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