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18 procedural penalties...

Ron Ankeny

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I feel your pain!  This past weekend I shot the idpa N.E. Championship, was on the way to a great match when on the second to last stage I got hit with 3 procedurals and lost three of my highest point hits.  I swear I did not hear the RO say limited vickers no makeup shots.  Oh well.   Charles

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 I think I've got ya beat Ron! 1999, Area 1 ; one of the stages had a bucket that you had to "deposit" a large vinyl bank bag into before you engaged the targets. As I neared the bucket with the bag I tossed it into the bucket. Unforunately, it went behind the back edge of  the bucket and fell out of sight. Not seeing it fall behind the bucket I thought it had gone into the bucket and I completed the stage, only to have the RO say: "21 procedurals, one for each shot without the bag in the bucket"!

 Didn't matter really, I broke the 180 two stages later and earned a DQ for my efforts!

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It was fast and furious, though!!  Titandiver doesn't always follow the instructions (but for those of us that know him, that's what makes him so much fun to watch).

Even though he did DQ later, he swears to this day he didn't break the 180.  He practically ripped the no-shoot's head off with the gun.  It was impressive to say the least.  

Titandiver, won't you relate that story so the rest of us won't go ripping apart stages and no-shoots by accident?

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  I'm guessin' right around 100, fifty of 'em from out-of-state already signed up! Gonna be a fun one, you really should try to make it. I've got a couple of cool stages that'll let you run supersonic & think at the same time! Great fun!

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You bet I'll be there.  Titan, are you gonna join me in shooting a G20 in Limited division?

The ladies Limited national champ told me about the match so I suspect she'll be there too.  Gosh I hope she shoots Open class......

Looking fwd to it!

Where's a good place to stay (hotel)?

I'm taking my wife, but I don't think she'll want to hang-out at the range for two days.  There's plenty of shopping in Boise right?

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