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Frozen Dead Guy


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It's here again, the annual Frozen Dead Guy Days here in Nederland, Colorado.

For those of you who don't know what it is... it's pretty bizarre so worth a look at the site. Here's another link : FrozenDeadGuy.com

The days include coffin races, grandpa lookalike, deadguy beer, deadguy ice cream etc. I don't know if it makes me proud or embarrased about being from Norway, but at least it's funny.

Quick background:

Bredo Morstoel, or as he is known around here, Grandpa in the Tuff Shed, was born in Norway in 1900. He stopped breathing in 1989, but is currently awaiting re-animation at some undetermined time in the future. This is the Life Extension Concept: Grandpa is not truly dead, he’s just waiting until they can fix him and bring him back to life.

Grandpa Bredo died in Norway, was cryogenically prepared and frozen in Los Angeles, and currently resides in Nederland, in a Tuff Shed. His grand son Trygve brought him over and was keeping the cryonic facility operating on a shoestring, using dry ice to keep things at a relatively warm—cryonically speaking—but somewhat frosty –109°F.

Trygve ran afoul of the Law. Trygve always felt that he was a citizen of the world and he didn’t have to show them no stinking Green Card. Even this would have probably been tolerated except that every time he could, Trygve would call attention to his plight, using the media and making the INS out to be idiots. You can break their rules, but don’t call them stupid!

It became necessary for INS to do their duty, and this they promptly did by snatching Trygve and hustling his butt off to Norway. ’Nuff said.

Unfortunately, during the media brouhaha surrounding Trygve’s deportation and abandonment of his elderly mother, Aud Morstoel (Bredo’s daughter), she happened to mention to a reporter that she just didn’t know how she was going to take care of the body in the shed. Up until this time, there were probably only a half dozen people in the whole world that had any idea of what was coming into being on the property in Nederland. Certainly none of the media nor the quickly summoned police knew anything at all about cryogenically preserved bodies.

Once the furor had died down and everybody realized there was no crime, the locals decided that it bloody well ought to be a crime to have dead bodies lying about, and decided to fix that little loophole in local ordinances. Thus, Nederland, Colorado has one of the few laws in the books regarding the keeping of corpses on private property. It is strictly verboten, but due to the vagaries of the law, one cannot make a current situation illegal, and therefore Grandpa Bredo was grandfathered in, and is allowed to remain as a resident alien. [One way to get the greencard...]

Psychics have been consulted several times, to try to contact Bredo. Every TV station in the area has done their version of the Grandpa story. Grandpa has been in every local newspaper. He’s been in The National Enquirer. National Geographic Magazine did a portion of a cryonics special on Grandpa. TV personality A. Whitney Brown interviewed Grandpa using psychics for a special news report. Inside Edition, Strange Universe and Globo have all done TV specials. There was even a short documentary feature done by a promising local director.

Grandpa Bredo appears to be more famous dead than most of us ever are alive. But he’s not dead. Really. He’s just awaiting re-animation. It is extremely important to maintain his environment, because if it fails, he will be killed.

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Psychics have been consulted several times, to try to contact Bredo. Every TV station in the area has done their version of the Grandpa story. Grandpa has been in every local newspaper. He’s been in The National Enquirer. National Geographic Magazine did a portion of a cryonics special on Grandpa. TV personality A. Whitney Brown interviewed Grandpa using psychics for a special news report. Inside Edition, Strange Universe and Globo have all done TV specials. There was even a short documentary feature done by a promising local director.

And now..he is on Enos.

Cool story Henning. Made me smile (good timing too). :):)

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I saw a documentary about this a while back... I thought it was some kind of April Fools joke or something. I seem to recall there was a period of time when they couldn't get enough dry-ice and he started to get a little, er... ripe.

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