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Finding Contact Phone Or Email For Someone

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This rarely happens any more, as my online store's security settings are fairly tight. Either the customer's billing address or zip code has to be correct, and the CVV code must be correct as well. But now and then an obvious fraud (a bunch of T-shirts to a country in Africa) order will get approved. So from the order I know either the victim's street address or the zip code (and possibly both). That's about all I know for sure. The cardholder's name may not be correct (it isn't screened for), but it probably is, as the hacker probably has the person's name for the card. It would be nice to contact the cardholder right away, but I'm not clever enough with this stuff to come up with anything. I tried his name on Yahoo's people search but didn't get anything in the same state (as the zip code for the card).

I know there's some dudes lurking around here that are pretty good at this stuff... any ideas?


Slight thread drift... Of course I voided the transaction before it batched. But I don't always have that luxury. If I don't check for fraud orders every day (on Sunday), if one gets approved and actually batches before I can void it, I'm screwed. Because then I have to pay transaction fees for the approved transaction and again to refund the card. Which is really irritating.

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Thanks guys. And I apologize - I should have put the word "free" in my original post. Eventually, it seems like they all roll you to one of about 2 databases, that charge for what I want, which is an email or phone number. I guess if you used it a lot it might be worth it to get on a subscription plan... But I don't think so for me. Maybe I was just being too idealistic - I was thinking with the internet the way it is today and all, I should be able to find a (free) way to contact this guy before he hears it from his bank.


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I have a friend who is in retail business. He has encountered credit card fraud a few times. I do not know the details, but he says the financial institutions (banks, credit card companies, etc.) document and have some information available for detection of fraudulent/stolen cards and that UPS has an investigative branch that can provide some screening info. based on address. He says these resources have saved him a few times....but like I said, I don't know the details.

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Brian, I have tried anywho and just a google search and have had some success. In these transactions that are obviously a fraud I have called the card companies and gave them the info. Visa and master card require you to call the fraud dept and to be honest are less than helpful. Once they thought I was the crook and treated me as such until I got a hold of an investigator with half a brain. Now American Express is more helpful, but we pay dearly for that.

If the info the customer gives doesnt match i always try contacting them and dont ship until I do. In todays world it is imperative that the shipping address matches the address on the credit card. If they frequently ship to work or any alternate address these addresses can be added on your card so it will match. I still have customers providing billing addresses that dont match. They just dont understand how important that is. I dont bill cards immediately when the order is placed so I dont get the benefit of your screening but then again I get to screen orders before I process. I believe its going to come down to the address on the card having to match the actual shipping address with no exceptions. At least the security tools today make it very hard to beat the system, at least beat those who use those tools correctly.

I had an experience once with what I think was a professional ring. Dell called me and wanted to know if I ordered 3500.00 in computer equipment. I said no. It was their security department. Apparently they have a database that ties all the info on an order together and if it doesnt match the order is red flagged. The address given for shipping wasnt mine but they gave my phone. It wasnt my name either. I did get the name and address from the security person at Dell. It was about 10 miles from me. Coincidently that address was served by my UPS man. I asked my UPS man id he was familiar with the address and he said yes, they have been getting tons of boxes and to all different names. I knew what was happening so i called the Sheriff and told what I am telling here. A couple weeks later I asked him what came of it. I was stunned and a little pissed when he said "oh we didnt get any complaints so we didnt do anything" . I felt surely they could have at least got some info on the people since they had just moved into the house. It was evident that it was being used as a drop point for these fraud orders and then they moved shortly afterwards. We had them and the Sheriff dropped the ball.

One problem is there is no effort to fight this problem. I had another situation where my card number was stolen and I did the research and handed all the info to a state trooper. He told me he wouldnt be allowed to spend anytime on it. My brother in law was a trooper and he wasnt allowed to spend time on it. Plenty of time to write speeding tickets to the decent folks though. Bottom line is we have be careful not to get taken by the crooks so we have plenty of money to pay our taxes and tickets!

Sorry I drifted a little.

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