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The Fish


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Off the maintenance plan for lifting. Shoulder's about as good as it's gonna get, still a bit tender after lifting, but it's very tolerable.

Started 2nd week of the program today - interesting to note that my squats, deadlifts, and rows didn't suffer badly at all during the last month of just a maintenance system but my bench and OHP feel like they suffered poorly.

Dry fire is going according to plan and now if only the freaking rain would ever let up I can get some live fire in. Either that, or I start bribing Mick with donuts to get me into the Police range....

I guess the good point is that my ammo bill for the last month is massively down. :rolleyes:

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You have paid your registration fee for the LTDPRODREV nationals on 7/03/07, and are registered for that match unless you have contacted USPSA HQ to withdraw

Looks like I'm in!! Can't wait to experience my first USPSA nats. :cheers:

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Fun match at Double Tap today. Was the only one shooting Single Stack <_< so I was out there competing with everyone else for the overall. Pleased, shot well, no big bobbles, mistakes or the like, just shot another smooth match. Need to kick it up a notch in places, but that's just being nitpicky on my part. :ph34r: Finished 7th of 23 overall, @ 82% of Mick (Mr. Old Man GM....) which I'll take. Hell, there's been times I've finished 82% of him shooting a damn limited gun!!

Match vids for your entertainment

First stage of the day, hard set on two smallish falling plates downrange. Gun needed to be up a touch quicker in the first port. Pleased with my movement through the second array and my cadence and reloads on the 3rd and 4th array.

Third stage shot, we didn't film the classifer... leftover teeter totter stage from the DTC match this spring. Basically 6 targets on each side of the bay with a wall in the middle. Made it interesting shooting single stack... I figured it would be easier to step on the gizmo with my left foot, leaving my right foot and pistol anchored while I was drawing the gun rather than having to step up and draw on the same foot... Can anyone argue with that logic?

Fun movement type stage with lots of downrange and side to side moving. Target selection at the end made for a fun plan to engage the last two arrays. Shot a mike :ph34r: on the middle target in the last array - got in a hurry - and it was the only hurried shot of the entire day. I'm sure there's a lesson there somewhere... :unsure:

5th of the day here - very awkward start position. Had us running back uprange to engage two targets behind the wall. Very very easy to do something bad here... :ph34r: I'll nitpick my movement on the last two targets in the first array - kinda loafed to the wall before hitting the jets. There were 4 targets hiding in the sunflowers at the back of the bay - made for some "other" than perfect sight pictures, but I only dropped a couple of Charlies on 'em which I'll take. Other than loafing at the front, pleased with this stage.

Last stage of the day here. Finished smoothly. Got a little bit of happy feet going after the door, but I'm really pleased with my footwork between the last two ports. :D Gun could have come up a tad quicker on the second port, but overall I'm happy to have shot well and had fun with my buds!!

Big lesson here for the match was a similar one to when I was autocrossing. In autoX, the course designer would inlcude corners that were to be taken fast and corners that were to be taken slow. Too many people, myself included, always tried to take the slow corners fast. This match was similar in that most of the targets could have been engaged quickly. Others, like the small steel, or the targets in the weeds, or the one far off target on the last stage, were slow targets and were designed to be shot slowly. I was pleased in that I shot the fast targets fast and the slow targets slow.

FUN!! :cheers:

Edited by Catfish
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My shoulder is still on the mend, so a day of ice and anti-inflammatories for me. Orthopedic surgeon warned me to not over do it, and obviously I must have, since I'm hurting again. Maybe we'll get to come play next weekend. :)

Looking good with the SS gun. Spartan or Tigger?


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You had some pretty solid runs with that tiger striped CAMOFLAGED SS pistol.

Your shooting was good, it's those stinking reloads from the middle of the back that hurt....I can't reach that far back!

Since you have the CAMOFLAGE gun, I guess I'll paint mine PINK!

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Good workout at gym today - started week #3. Lifted heavy with Squats and OHP and light speed work on bench. Squats are coming along nicely, but I'm still a little behind the curve on OHP. Lifted 185 today, heaviest since I hurt my shoulder earlier this summer and it was a struggle to get it up, but I did with good form X 2. Hopefully in the next 4 weeks I'll be able to build my max back up to where it was....

Added some ab work today since I had plenty of time to work out. 3 sets of floorsweepers x 10. This is a new one for me where you hold a bar and wieght like you're bench pressing up - and then lift your feet together to either side of the bar, down, and then go to the other side. Interesting work. Finished with 3 x 40 SEAL kicks and that was really all I wanted ab-wise today... :blink:

Prep work for Texas Limited going well!! Just hope that it's not totally crapped out at the hotels in Breckenridge from the floodwaters that his 'em last week....

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shot IDPA tonight as it gave me a chance to run with my single stack. I shot a LOT of A's tonight. Problem was, I was shootin' IDPA and not USPSA and A's don't necessarily = zeros. :surprise:

Most important thing was I had a great time with my friends and it didn't freaking rain. :ph34r:

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Shot steel match today at DPC, got washed out of the uspsa match yesterday and today, so steel was my only option.

Couldn't hit squat first 3 runs on stage 1. Just wasn't watching the pesky thing on the front of the slide. Settled down and had a decent-ish match the rest of the day. I just couldn't bring myself to focus on the little short, 5 shot stages with no movement. The little short stages are continuing to be a focal problem for me this year; I've GOT to start working them better.

Was good to get some trigger time, and as usual, the laughs with my friends. :cheers:

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Joined a new gym today - basically outgrew the other one and have unlimited weights and don't have to rely on the smith machine anymore... :cheers: But wow. I knew I was going to take a hit in poundage lifting completely free of a machine but it was very obvious doing OHP today. So much more core work to balance out. It's all good, but sheesh, I need to do some more work!! :blink:

Light cardio at lunch (worked out with weights in the AM), and I'm ready for bed!

Easy day with the gun tonight, set up some table reloads and watched the tour recap and worked reloads for about 30 minutes or until my wife started to get grouchy listening to the noise; whichever came first... :ph34r:

In a heavy cycle right now - I've got 3 more weeks hitting the gym and the gun hard. Taper starts on week 4 and then it's rest and some speedwork to get ready for Texas Limited for a week.

After Texas Limited, I've got 2 weeks of a maintenance cycle with the weights, and a good strong set of footwork and speed drills, then only ONE week till Nats!! Basically trying to stay sharp physically between TSL and Limited Nats, without wearing myself out.

Looking forward to it, this is what I've been training all season for! B)

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No gym today, rest day. I figure between two a days Mon and Tuesday and Thursday and Friday, I can take a day off. :blink:

IDPA tonight, a much more consistent match than last week. Still dropping too many points for IDPA land, but happily part of me knows that the bulk of them would have been A's... don't know how the match turned out, but I shot 4 pretty good stages and I'm pleased that my brain worked and my equipment worked. If I got beat it's just because someone else shot better than me tonight, and that's the way it oughta be.

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Got a good solid workout at the gym this morning, did my set of deadlifts + box jumps and finished in 5 minutes even. Not the fastest I've ever done it, but not the slowest either. Just as painful, so it's all good. Cleansing.... kinda. :blink:

Dry fire with draws and reloads tonight. About 30 minutes of table loads, I started counting but lost count somewhere in the middle.

Looking forward to Waco and then our DAPS match this weekend. Fingers crossed for no more rain!

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Looked pretty sketchy on the radar but risked it and drove down to Waco and had a fun 5 stage match. A lot to talk about....

To start with, I had an absolutely horrid stage 1. I was VERY jacked up to shoot and very exicted, yet very worried. I went 5th or 6th, and every single shooter in front of me either got DQ'd, crashed, burned, killed all the brown guys and most of the white guys, left steel, shot 16 rounds with one foot out of the box/zero'd the stage and was just plain ugly. On top of that, the side berm was under a big honeysuckle (?) tree. I was taping targets and heard some incredibly loud buzzing in my electric ears. I thought for sure something was wrong with them until I looked up and that tree was damn full of bees. :surprise: b Since I'm getting more and more allergic to them, and had neglected to put benedryl in my bag, I was totally cranked up from that. So between the bees and then watching everyone else shoot, and being a bit hyper myself, I shot two good guys, dropped a reload and generally stunk it up.

I had a feeling during the stage as if I were shooting in mud. On top of all my isues, I felt dreadfully slow. But when I heard Stockton's time after he shot, he'd only beaten me by a second and change - and with me shooting single stack, tanking a reload, and having to do 3 to his one on a stage with no movement at all - it hit me that maybe I didn't do so bad after all. :mellow:

Second stage shot better than the 1st, third better than the 2nd, 4th better than the 3rd, and tore the sh!t out of the classifier - finishing second overall for the entire 42 person match. :cheers: Damn Shred was the only one to put it to me on the classifier.... :rolleyes:

This match had some interesting points. I tagged every piece of steel, first shot, every stage. Nice. I was fighting trying to find my "speed". Been shooting IDPA lately because there's no USPSA to shoot as all the matches have been cancelled. The speeds for both sports are drastically different. Again, part of the problem I had on the first stage was just trying to find the rythm. Second thing of note was that I can clearly feel the effects of the 4 weeks I've been in the gym, with 2 more weeks to go.... My shoulders, lats and delts were quite fatigued by the end of the match. I will definately reap the benefits of a week off before the TSL!!!

Gun worked, gear worked and it was a mucho fun day at the range. :cheers:

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