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The Fish


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Dry fire at home. Still getting used to a single stack platform, different sights, yada yada yada.

Going well!! Ran through mostly reloads and near the end they actually started to have that "float in" feeling. My arms are totally dead from the gym today and I really couldn't do many reps or suffer poor form. Got about 50 in and that was all she wrote.... :huh:

No solid word on the Limited gun yet.... But I'm hoping!! :ph34r:

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Probably the strongest at the gym today that I've felt in a few weeks. Heavy wieght seemed pretty dang light!! I love it when that happens!! Bench, OHP, rows, leg press/curl. Typical Friday at the gym. Felt good!!

Talked with the 'smith today. Looks like my trigger parts have given up the ghost and are being completely replaced. The weapon's malfunctions were totally my fault. I figured springs are gonna wear out, but didnt' really break it down to the rest of the components of the pistol. I did some rough estimates, and I've had the frame of the pistol since '01. At a conservative estimate of 15K rounds a year, and another conservative estimate of 10 dry fires to every live fire trigger pull - that's about 900,000 times I've pulled the trigger on that pistol. :blink:

Duh, no wonder my trigger group broke.... Anyway, I will from now on be replacing the trigger components every coupla years and will add that to my list of regular maintenance.

Got in some more work with the SS tonight. Some draws, but mostly reloads. I had what I'd call a 'formal' session for about 30 minutes and have been just messing around with the pistol most of the rest of the night. Worked in some transitional drills, working mainly on shooting while my torso is twisted to the right or left while my feet and hips keep going straight. That will become a strength!

Edited for crappy spelling!

Edited by Catfish
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More reload work this morning!

I can't help but think that all this reloading on a SS is going to help my reloading on my Limited gun. I've got to focus a lot harder on twisting my wrist to expose the bottom of the mag well - easy to get lazy with the Limited gun and not do that 100%. A couple more weeks of this and it'll be auto-matic, baby!

This month is going to be a strange month of live fire for me - I'm really going to have to make time to get to the range and work because I'm either working weekends, or matches have been cancelled because of range conflicts. :wacko:

But, that's ok. I want it bad enough that I'll make time. ;)

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Went out of town yesterday and worked some reloads in before bed time last night.

More reloads this morning before coming home; as long as I'm focused on turning my wrist to fully expose the mag well, they're starting to drop right in there. :)

Going to try and get out and practice live fire on Tuesday night, shoot IDPA Wednesday night, Johnson County USPSA Saturday, DAPS IDPA Sunday with a full practice after the DAPS match.

Will have to get my rear in gear and get some new parts from Dillon so I can make some more ammo for the .45 because I suspect I'm gonna be out soon! B)

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I had an outstanding session at the gym today. Two people asked if I was ok as they were checking to see if I'd died after one group of exercises. :lol:

Went for max today on squats and OHP. Squats went up about 25 pounds. OHP stayed the same, which I'm ok with as I changed from doing them sitting down to standing up. Next go round I'll pack some more wieght on there. Decline bench for speed, then hit one of the Gym Jones drills for the second time - 10 deadlifts, 25 boxjumps X 3 with no rest. Took 1:17 off my time last week. And it still was massively painful. :ph34r:

Finished up with ab work - a set of gym jones' abs @ 3x20, hangers 3x10, and finished with SEAL kicks, 3x40. I'm toasted!! :D

I have the rest of the day to myself, I see some dry fire very soon in my future...... ;)

For my shooting, I have a new goal to add - I think as Xre pointed out on one of my DTC stages, I was really searching out the sights when I didn't have to. So, new goal is to shoot perfect when it's needed - tight or long shots, etc; and good enough the rest of the time - close in, hoser type stuff. I'm taking 35 yard sight pictures on 5 yard targets and it's slowing me down.

I focus on every shot, every stage

I agressively attack every portion of each stage, on every shot

I am fast and smooth

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390, General.

Yes, on local match weekends there are times I'm pretty wiped out at the match - tired/sore, etc.

However, at the DTC, I worked out pretty hard the week before the week of the match, and then the week of the match was actually pretty easy. No extra sets or anything like that. And, instead of working out Monday-Friday, I took my optional day off and worked out Monday-Thursday. Rested Friday and was 100% at the DTC.

Good dryfire session tonight. Lots and lots and lots of reloads. Sped things up and ended up sending a few mags across the room... B) Toned it back down to comfort zone level and they just fell right in. Worked on movement - set up targets at close/far distances and moved through them - working on speeding up between and slowing down for the shot. Could feel this afternoon's workout for sure!! Also kept working on "good enough" sight pictures for the point blank targets.

I focus on every shot, every stage

I agressively attack every portion of each stage, on every shot

I am fast and smooth

edited for fat fingers!

Edited by Catfish
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Damn Fish.................................

You'd better quit this practice, get fit, and other B.S. or I may just have to go back to Revo for the Arkansas match!!!! ;)

Good work, See you in a few weeks. :)


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Thanks guys!

Hop - hopefully I can make Arkansas. I have a feeling that the money I was going to use for that trip is going to fund new gun parts. :)

Cardio day at the gym today; one more day next week and then it's back to arms... 30 pretty intense minutes on the elliptical doing intervals, and as a sign of my improved fitness level, what was kicking my ass and sending me over the top is no longer doing so. Will have to add another degree of intensity next week to make sure I'm pipping up against or over my max. Ab work today as well - two of the Gym Jones ab programs - one of them not really isolating the abs, but more a total body deal - the floorsweeper. The gym I work out at ordered some of the kettle balls and damn that exercise is tough!!

Draws and reloads tonight - both stationary and on the move. Working my reload speed back really close to where it is with the limited gun, just gotta get that left arm moving quicker to the mag. A good night of practice, only messed up one reload, the rest of them were pretty smooth and straight in.

The saga continues tomorrow!

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Shot IDPA tonight - day off at the gym.

Shot the first stage about as well as it could be shot. Far as I know, took everyone by at least a couple of seconds on the stage. Had everything I like - targets on the move, distance, etc. And then stage 2 - lost focus.... A good buddy I haven't seen in years shows up and all of a sudden shooting wasn't what I was there for any more and I shot a sub-par 3rd stage and dropped two head shots the last stage. Massive lack of focus, and it showed!! :ph34r:

My old nemesis of not focusing on short, quick stages reared its ugly head tonight and that's just something I've got to get under control.

Will do a better job of focusing this weekend!

Edited to correct AD on the "submit" button caused by a lonely Labrador who wanted some attention and jumped up in my lap... :rolleyes:

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Strong day at the gym, added 20 lbs to both my deadlift and my shrug max. Flat wore me out and I'm taking a break from shooting/dry fire tonight. I've got tomorrow off, however, so I can more than make up for lost time.

But tonight, I'm pooped! :lol:

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Final day of max week at the gym, added 10 pounds to my max bench weight and couldn't have done 1 pound more!

Was planning to shoot tomorrow, but considering the cold temps and the chance of rain and maybe even snow :o I think I'm going to stay in. Frankly I'm tired, sore, and need some rest.

My intentions of getting in lots of dry fire today were sabotaged by a computer that's all of a sudden being a giant pain in the arse. I've been fighting viruses and computer probs most of the day and hopefully am starting to get them under control - thanks Mike for the help!!

I have worked some reload practice in and will do so for a bit before I hit the sack, which won't be long in coming tonight. ;)

Good news on the Limited gun front, should have my baby back Tuesday.

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Reloads, reloads and more reloads today! Been working reloads pretty much all day. Between you and me, I think I'm starting to drive my wife a little nuts... ;)

Slept in and feel much better than last night. I've got some soreness in my arms and shoulders that hopefully another good night of rest will cure...

Will shoot IDPA tomorrow and some live fire practice after, will set up some movement drills, getting in and out of position quickly, and while shooting.

Hopefully, it won't be snowing... :ph34r:

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IDPA match today - got in 7 stages of fun times. Weird weather - cold, warm, cold, and then cold and windy.... Shot 7 stages, and saw my sights on 6 of them - thought I'd seen them on all 7, but apparently looking at the scores it would appear not!! :lol:

There were pretty much 5 stand and deliver stages and 2 movers and I shot the movers very well and was able to focus on the stand and shoots, which was my goal for today's match.

Got in about 200 rounds of practice after the match - everything on the move. Bill drills moving forward and backwards; set up 4 targets and shot moving laterally across going both ways - set up at 3 yards to about 20 yards. Really pushed my comfort zone back about 10 yards from where I would attempt shooting and moving. It was a good confidence builder as I got all my hits, even back at 20. I'll likely be doing this again!

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1st day of the new 7 week cycle today at the gym and it was one of my better efforts. Heavy lifts in squats and OHP and I was really proud of myself today because I really didn't feel like working out at all. I'd have rather been eating a pizza somewhere!!

Hit all my lifts and finished the program on time and on scheduled weight.

Day off from working with the gun; I'm sore from the gym this afternoon and I must have done something to my left wrist because it hurts like hell today. So, I may do some generic pistola fondling later on, but nothing really specific.

Limited gun gets here Wednesday!! Woo Hoo!!

I move smooth and fast

I attack each shot and each stage agressively

I focus on every shot, every stage

I train and shoot like a champion

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Ok, the more I thought about one of my affirmations - I shoot and train like a champion - the more I thought I'd better practice some reloads last night; even after I decided I wasn't really in the mood. :)

Will practice some more tonight, but I'll admit it will be somewhat halfhearted since I know the Limited gun will be back tomorrow....

Good cardio and abs day at the gym - will start on my 3 week arms cycle next week; my arms finally are feeling good again.

Everything else is feeling 'heavy'. I'm lifting my scheduled weights, but they feel really heavy; I think I'm hitting one of those periods in my weight training where I'm just flat. Based on my earlier life experiences as a bike racer I know the best thing to do is just suck it up and deal with it and before you know it, I'll start hitting the next peak in my training. Making sure I'm getting good sleep and taking my vitamins and just putting one foot in front of the other.

Like I said earlier, I'll hit some reloads tonight and just dream of reloading to a fat mag well! :lol:

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Since I'm feeling flat physically right now, I took my option day at the gym off. Went home and dry fired instead. :D

Got the Limited blaster back, and set it up with the new holster I won off the DTC prize table. Did about an hour of draws, getting used to the gun and the holster. This will continue hard core till next weekend's Space City match.

Lots of shooting to come in the next week - steel on Sunday, practice Monday, and at least one more day of shooting before next weekend. Looks like I'll be busy making bullets! :lol:

More work in the morning, leaving my gun belt on my pants so all I have to do is slip them on and get to work.... ;)

I move smooth and fast

I attack each shot and each stage agressively

I focus on every shot, every stage

I train and shoot like a champion

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Got in a good 30 minutes on draws this morning. Not nearly ready yet, but getting there. ;)

I move smooth and fast

I attack each shot and each stage agressively

I focus on every shot, every stage

I train and shoot like a champion

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Strong strong session at the gym today. Deadlifts, shrugs, rows and the dreaded pull ups. Pull ups are definately kicking my ass. Which is why I've made it one of my missions in the gym to actually be able to press out a bunch. Right now I'm doing 3 sets of 5 on the gravity assisted gizmo - dropped more weight off it this week which means it got harder. It is somewhat frustrating to look at all the wieght I can lift or press and I can't do a set of(&*#@*#()$_)%$@@!!! pull ups worth a damn.

But I'm working on it. ;)

40 minutes of dry fire tonight. Draws and reloads. Started stationary and added movement. Reloads straight on, as well as to the right and left, with movement.

It is my suspicion that by tomorrow night, the new holster will not be an issue. Was about 95% there tonight and tomorrow will be better than tonight was.

Not ready for Space City yet, but I'm getting there. My BIG goal for Space City is to not strive for perfection on every shot but to strive for good enough for an A hit on every shot. I will not be taking any 35 yard sight pictures on a 5 yard target. :lol:

I move smooth and fast

I attack each shot and each stage agressively

I focus on every shot, every stage

I train and shoot like a champion

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Short session this morning; overslept a tad but got a good face licking from my lab, which made up for it. ;)

Draws and reloads, everything with a sight picture to the upper A/B zone. Groving the holster now and compared to the SS reloads I was working at the last two weeks, these just fell in the gun.

I move smooth and fast

I attack each shot and each stage agressively

I focus on every shot, every stage

I train and shoot like a champion

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Had a GREAT workout today.

The heavy wieghts felt appropriately heavy today, and not overwhelming like they have the last week or two. I think the guys/gals who hit the gym hard will understand that because now that I've re-read what I've written it doesn't make much sense, but regardless, gym work felt really good today.

A lot of the little aches and pains are less problematic today and all in all very pleased. ;)

Will get in some more dry fire this evening, and looks like I'll be making a load of bullets today/tomorrow...

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Good 35-40 minute session tonight. Draws - stationary, moving frontwards and backwards, turning, and at surrender. Reloads - stationary, to the right, to the left, and off the table.

All good stuff. Arms a bit tired, but they don't feel deflated, just well used. :lol:

I move smooth and fast

I attack each shot and each stage agressively

I focus on every shot, every stage

I train and shoot like a champion

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