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This is not supposed to point fingers, or say its wrong. I just wonder why we have so many different matches, that use modified IMGA rules? If IMGA is an actual association, like USPSA, why does it allow its rules to be modified?

SMM3G, changed the rules for Heavy Metal, they also utilize scoring differences,(one upper a/B) is a neutralized target. Yet, I believe they operate under the auspices of IMGA, am I incorrect?

I bring this up because I was operating on the assumption that SMM3G, was in fact using IMGA rules, to the letter. I have been informed, that I was wrong. This made me try and find IMGA rules, the version I found on 3gunrules website, is revised as of 9-25-03, is there a more recent version available? I would like to know the correct and most current version.

My opinion, is that if we want multi gun to flourish, we need to utilize standardized rules, and not adjust them for certain matches, because we don't agree with them or we like our own version better, if in fact IMGA is an actual association, then someone should annually look at new rule suggestions and act accordingly.

If IMGA is not an association, then what good is it, and why do matches refer to the rules laid down by them?


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For the Fort Benning match, I found 'modified' IMGA rules on the website of a major 3 gun match out west. We substituted our match name & posted them in May. After an extended Internet search, I never found basic IMGA rules other than those on the 3gunrules website. Every major match that used IMGA rules is using a 'modified' version (as nearly as I can tell).

At Ft Benning's match, I guess we are 'guilty' too, because we have made 4 modifications to those rules (all changes are detailed in the Ft Benning thread on this forum & were sent by email to all shooters & staff).

If there is an organization to IMGA, they are certainly difficult to find.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 Ft Benning 3 Gun Match Statistician

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I first heard of the IMG rules when I shot a 3gun match in Reno that used them way back in 1992. Previous to that all the 3gun matches I attended had used a modified set of USPSA derived rules and were usually scored using USPSA style hit factor scoring.

I have never heard the full backstory on who started it up, but I gather from bits and pieces over the years that there was an actual organization at one time, run by one person who tried mightily for a couple years to get support and then faded out. It has not been in existence for over almost 10 years if what I remember hearing is correct.

The interesting thing about IMG rules is that the safety section is lifted almost intact from USPSA/IPSC safety rules ;-)

The set of basic IMG rules (2003 version) I keep posted on 3gunrules.com is a set I found on the internet a few years back that was fairly standard and covered HM which older ones did not. I have yet to find any that claim to be, or really are "The Original Set". That is a holy grail that I searched for a while but, but got no further than the MGM, SMM3G, RM3G versions and the dozens of variants posted at dozens of gun club websites and settled on the sets I have posted as a good enough representation for the moment ;-)

Anyboby have any better/older/different sets, send to me and I will post them in the 3gunrules archives.


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Linda, please note that I was not saying that modifying them was a wrong thing. It was just that after you notifying me that there were in fact different versions, that I became curious as to why. It now seems clear that if there is no formal association, the rules have simply been modified to meet the times, and no organizations(matches) are required to recognize the changes made by other organizations. Thus we have different versions, for each region or match. If the latest IMG version is from 2003, then obviously changes had to be made, and the different matches did just that.


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I believe, if memory serves me right, the IMGA rules were made by Dan Furby and company and may have come out of the SOF matches. And they are a set of evolving rules.

I used those rules for the very first Tri-Gun Challenge and massaged them a little so that it was a little more USPSA 3gun Equipment friendly. My take was, as long as they were not changed drastically, there was not a problem for the competitors and allowed less changing of euipment between the USPSA shooters and the hard core 3 gun crowd.

The is no one cover for these matches.....everyone seems to use the rules and massage them to their own needs....which can be good and bad.

I do like what Linda and co. did with their minor changes to the rules this year. Separating tac iron and tac scope is a good thing IMHO....the Tri-Gun has been going that since their begining.

I personally would like to see the day when all of this is under a covering, atleast for equipment. I do belive letting each MD/RM massage the scoring to fit there needs is a good thing too as long as it makes since.

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For me at least it just seems confusing when you readthat a match will use "IMGA type" rules only to find out that there are little subtle rule changes, especially to equipment.

Something I read in the Benning rules last night, that I hope everyone except me knew, for Tact. Shotgun, the shotgun can only HOLD 9 rounds. I know some of us have Benelli's and Beretta's that HOLD 10 or 11????? If I am misreading this I will be relieved, otherwise I need to make a 1 round plug.

I am not trying to pick on any one match, or anyone for that matter. As I said in the beginning, it just seems confusing, to me at least.

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