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Wife Lost Her Job


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My wife's employer just gave her the boot today. Really pisses me off. She worked her ass off for these people. She was a receptionist, but she did just about everything around there, mostly all the crap work that others would dump on her. Things went south a few months ago when a new suit stepped in to manage the place and for whatever reason, he didn't like my wife. She started getting written up for stupid crap like the phones not getting answered, when they are constantly sending her on errands to pick up lunch, supplies, whatever or giving her assignments that took her away from the main phones! She would get conflicting requests from higher-ups and get bitched at or written up when someone didn't like the way things were done, even though she was just following orders. They built a total B.S. list of reasons to let her go, that are probably good grounds for a law suit, but it just ain't worth it. She's upset, of course, but it's probably for the best that she's out of there. Gonna put the crimp on our fun spending, including shooting, until she finds something else. Money isn't worth misery though. I hate the way she was treated and I hope that company goes down in flames. Bastards!

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just remember things happen for a reason. think about when you met your wife, i'll bet everyone here will say "if this hadn't happened to me we would of never met"

i'm sure she'll find another job and a better one at that. think positive, good things come to good people.

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That sucks. Bad things happen to good people. My wife experienced a unexpected job loss about 10 years ago. She decided that it was time to work for herself. She did. It was tough at the beginning. We had to adjust much of our lifestyles. It payed off. Treat this more as an opportunity than a problem. Best of luck!

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As an intermittent receptionist (but not any longer) and an analytical, I'm-gonna-bust-you-for-this-s**t type of person, I've occupied positions of this sort both permanently and temporarily and conducted detailed, self-generated surveys on workloads, impact of phone calls on task sets, nature of phone calls/time spent, and task set (in-)compatibility issues. In all cases the employer was floored to find out just exactly what was entailed in the task sets of their receptionist position and the pressures of positions of this genre. In most cases, the elaborate data and statistics I presented (in concrete reports, graphs and drafts covering distinct periods of time) precipitated clear changes in the nature of the job and forced a few issues regarding stupid assumptions about the tasks involved. :angry:

In a nutshell, most employers and co-workers of The Receptionist have little or NO clue how elaborate and critical the job can be nor how demanding or lopsided the job can get. It can be one of the more important jobs in any office and sometimes one of the most critical. But only another "receptionist" may be privy to that fact. <_<

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My wife's employer just gave her the boot today. Really pisses me off. She worked her ass off for these people. She was a receptionist, but she did just about everything around there, mostly all the crap work that others would dump on her. Things went south a few months ago when a new suit stepped in to manage the place and for whatever reason, he didn't like my wife. She started getting written up for stupid crap like the phones not getting answered, when they are constantly sending her on errands to pick up lunch, supplies, whatever or giving her assignments that took her away from the main phones! She would get conflicting requests from higher-ups and get bitched at or written up when someone didn't like the way things were done, even though she was just following orders. They built a total B.S. list of reasons to let her go, that are probably good grounds for a law suit, but it just ain't worth it. She's upset, of course, but it's probably for the best that she's out of there. Gonna put the crimp on our fun spending, including shooting, until she finds something else. Money isn't worth misery though. I hate the way she was treated and I hope that company goes down in flames. Bastards!

Make sure to file for unemployment RIGHT AWAY. They will tell her she is not eligible if she was 'fired for cause", but it's total crap. File and demand a hearing and they will have to pay anyway.

She also has a cause of action since she was being required to do work she was not hired to do.

Sorry she got reamed, it's happened to me before.

Well...ya gots two choices:

- Stew over it


- Make it the best thing that ever happened ;)

But make them pay first.

Edited by bountyhunter
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