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When To Dryfire?


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Vlad I know you don't want to hear from me... (I don't have to work at any specific time) but I'm going try to help anyway.

If you aren't as alert before the workout I wouls suggest stretching and warming up a little before you start dryfiring. I would not reccomend dryfiring after a good workout because in my personal experience I'm way too fatigued to get my muscles to work with propper finess.

Also a word on Distractions. I felt a huge difference in the speed of my progress when I turned off the TV and other distractions and focused on what my body was feeling during dry-fire.

AS for a set time of day.. morning is great. but try to handle a gun as often as possible through out the day. I like to be able to littlerally remember what my gun feels like in my hand just by a thought. Being one with my gun is very important to me.

I do also agree that you need to vary your times, especially live fire. Practice in the rain, practice at sun set with the sun in your eyes... because sooner or later it will happen in a match.

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Vlad I know you don't want to hear from me... (I don't have to work at any specific time) but I'm going try to help anyway.


I do also agree that you need to vary your times, especially live fire. Practice in the rain, practice at sun set with the sun in your eyes... because sooner or later it will happen in a match.

I get what you and the Grrl are saying about that. I guess it depends more on what I expect dryfire to do for me. I shoot 2 outdoor matches and 2 indoor matches every month, year around. The outdoor matches are both morning to afternoon type afairs, for which I wake up early and I show up 1 or 2 hours before the start because I help setup and so on. Basically I start those matches like I just had a workout. We don't shoot in monsoons, but lite rain, snow, killer heat don't stop the matches. The indoor matches are on friday nights, 7pm to 11pm or so.

I'm kind of thinking the matches are the things that let me get used to various conditions, where dryfiring is what allows me to learn and practice basic skills. At least to me , right now, dryfire is about learning, noticing things and studying myself and the physics of various shooting related issues. My thinking is that I want to be as fresh and as alert as possible for that so I can observe things more clearly.

I guess that can be a whole new thread, which is what do people expect to get from dryfire?

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Dryfire is about 2 things:

Committing the conscious to the subconscious

training the body to obey the eyes.

It doesn't matter when you do it, just do it.

Some of my best improvements have come when I didn't want to be practicing, probably because I was thinking less.

This is not to say that you shouldn't think while dry firing, but it's not really the point of it.

What I'm thinking is that Kathy's new tagline is hilarious. :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

i dry fire 1 hr in the morning and 1 hr at night some times 2.5 hrs at night. if i dont, i know some one else is doing it better and harder than i'm.. and that is the person that will beat me on the weekend match. most important is to call shots everytime...train your subconcious...subconcious kicks in when the buzzer goes off. Some day

i will beat that guy name JJ Racaza.

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This is the easiest question ever on the forums.

When to dry fire? ALWAYS!


When I saw this thread's title - that was my answer too.

Then as I was reading the answers I realized the influence of one's personality. I was never motivated to get up extra early to dry fire. I got up, went to work, came home, ate dinner and did family things, then dry fired forever.


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