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People Who Defy Logic


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Just got an email from a friend of mine who is a Baptist Minister...(yes, I know a couple)...and he asked me what is going on in the Mid East...

Well, it just burns me up that some folks can't stand what we have or the way we live...all they know is that if they don;t understand it, then they need to blow us up along with themselves, in the ultimate protest of what we have and they do not..The irony is that they could have it, but they refuse to do what it takes to obtain it...

This may get locked down in a midget second, but I HATE that good men and women are dying because they have turned that military action into a political mess, just like Nam was...either do what needs to be done, as in NUKE their sorry ass, or leave them to their just internal rewards...I vote for the first action...No excuse to let it go on much longer...

Yep, take their oil and let them have the rest of that wasteland...serves them right...

WOW, now I feel better... :P If I was just a little more right wing, I could become a Eagle, now I am just a sparrow hawk... :lol:;):P

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Maybe we need a political topic just to vent...sometimes it just gets too much..especially having worked there for a long time...I learned it is difficult to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys.. :D

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I hate it that all you self righteous, right wing, war mongering fascists just don't get it. If you would just wake up and realize all we need is a little reasonable bomb control there would not be all this killing in the Mid East. I'm not saying you can not have your RPG for legitimate fishing purposes but no one needs an IED or a suicide bombers jacket!

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I hate it that all you self righteous, right wing, war mongering fascists just don't get it. If you would just wake up and realize all we need is a little reasonable bomb control there would not be all this killing in the Mid East. I'm not saying you can not have your RPG for legitimate fishing purposes but no one needs an IED or a suicide bombers jacket!

I hate that I need a new monitor. Note to self: don't read BE while eating cereal...milk does NOT come off LCD monitors...

I also hate that while 99% of the folks over here in the Middle East like us just fine, the 1% gets all the press.


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sometimes ago I wrote the following, but never got the chance to make it public.

Maybe this can be the right time.

It's an imaginary dialogue between a very active pacifist and a veteran soldier.

They meet on a parkbench, and after some chit chatting, the differences start to come out.

"I want peace on the earth!" proclaims the pacifist.

"Me too", quietly answers the veteran.

"You don't understand, I want all people living in peace all over the world!" replies the pacifist.

"Me too", answers again the veteran.

"We're not talking about the same thing! I want no more wars, I want peace!" hysterically says the pacifist.

"I wish it too", replies the veteran.

"You don't understand I want..." starts the pacifist, but at this point the veteran firmly interrupts him: "Listen son, I've already stated it: in the end we both want the same thing. The only difference between us is that I am ready to work my butt and possibly offer my life to gain and preserve what you can only shout and cry for, but let others do it for you!".

Edited by Skywalker
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either do what needs to be done, as in NUKE their sorry ass

We'd love to hear the solution if you have one.

"Nuke 'em all and let God sort them out" is not really a productive suggestion..... however, it is the exact mindest that the Islamic terrorists operate under with regards to others who believe differently from themselves.

but I HATE that good men and women are dying because they have turned that military action into a political mess, just like Nam was

Now, there is something we agree on completely.

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In war, there is going to be colaterial damage, as in peaceful citizens getting killed...and this kind of war we are fighting now is difficult because the bad guys look like the peaceful civilians...

We went in there to prevent WMD and to help them have democratic elections..well there turned out to be no WMD and they have had there elections..

So, if we can't tell the good ones from the bad ones, get away from there now..if we as a nation aren't committed to winning in the traditional sense, and are willing to do whatever it takes to get there, as in Nuke them, then come on home...

It is all about wanting to be the World Policeman...something we should not try to be..Harken back to the T Roosevelt days and mind your own business till they screw with you then beat them till they can't get up...that is winning in the traditional sense..

the politicians want to stop the bad acts and then impose our political will on that country..problem with that is you can';t do that if that country has any ability to fight back and is not totally defeated, as in Nam and Iraq...if you don;t pull all the legs off the roach it will stil crawl around and cause problems...this is the same type of situation that Nam was..started off with good intentions and now that we find out we not only did not win the war, we are stuck there without an exit strategy...

We haven't fought a real win/loose war since WWII...and doubt we ever will again...so...the answer is mind our own business till they fly into the towers or something like that then turn that desert into a sheet of glass with several nukes...collaterial damage aside...that is how you win...No, you don;t look good to the rest of the world, or lots of folks at home, but it sure is a deterrant to those who would think about waging war on us..

I know this is not a popular stance...but from the view point of an old Vet who has seen this same thing b4, take my word for it...it would keep them off our ass and we would not have to worry about something like the towers again..

Your complaint against my "solution" is that it is like their idea of killing the infidels...well we did not send anyone over there to terrorize, bomb, or try to injure their innocent citizens for no other reason than they hate our way of life...so GET OVER your namby, pamby, pacifist, lets educate them, left wing, can't we all just get along attitude and stomp a little butt and see if that doesn't help the situation just a hell of a lot...

Now I think I will light up a good cigar, pour a couple of fingers of good single malt scotch and set my mind to solving the world banking crisis, since I have this war thing figured out..

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