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What Division...i'm New...


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Hi Everybody,

I'm new, I wanted to say hi :D and I do have a couple of questions....

I've been shooting for a while I would say I'm an accurate shot but I never really practiced shooting fast.

I wanna get into competition shooting...IPSC would be my pick.

So I have a Kimber Team Match II .45 [1911, full size, single stack, target sights, mag well basically bone stock] what I could use as a competition gun, I know my 1911 .22LR just won't qualify but it's been a cheap training tool. B)

So which division with this gun? (.45 1911)

If I got it right Limited 10.


I assume I should start eye balling lighter loads like 185 gr cause the 230 gr hardball what I usually shoot does not really make me a fast shooter. I know good techniques will help too.

I already ordered a Blade-Tech DOH Dropped & Offset Holster if I'm right I can use that (IPSC legal)

So how does this whole IPSC thing works? I just buy a gun and I can start shooting the division it belongs to? I'm confused.

9mm - Somebody please educate me about how to pick a caliber...I'd like to get a 9mm gun mainly because of the cheap ammo prices. I don't reload.

Well I also ordered 3 target stands for those IPSC targets ...fun times are coming. :)

Brian Enos- excellent book.

Steve Anderson- Now you keep me busy since I got your book

Edited by TheHun
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With the Kimber you would likely go to Limited 10 or the new Single Stack class - your choice.

The holster you ordered would be fine for either one. Now all you need is some magazines and some magazine pouches. But before buying anything else you might consider getting in touch with some of the clubs in your area that shoot this game. Go out and watch and meet the people. There are some good shooters and good matches in your area.

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I would say single stack. If you go Limited 10 you mine as well use a high cap loaded down to 10 rounds and be able to go up to Limited with many more bullets. You will get fast with time and then you will want to go faster:P On the caliber choice...9mm is a great cheap shooter but it puts you at minor scoring or into production (with an approved gun). 40 S&W would be my choice...almost as cheap. BUT you will buy a reloader sooner or later.....your about to get hooked. You will see why after your first match. Shoot what you have and get ready....and what ever you do resist the urge to buy too much too fast. Always come to the forum to ask your questions...we can save you time, money and sanity.

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Welcome! I have been browsing the Beginner's Topics and I must say it's been very educational. People are extraordinarily helpful and willing to assist, and I would agree with the comment by chmerr that asking here will save you money. I had a question about mags and saved about $60 just on a source for my Glock. Got advice for a belt and mag holders, too, and so far everything has turned out great. Plus it seems that a sense of humor is pretty universal here; wonder if it's a prerequisite or maybe we all just self-select? Masochists, all of us... anyway, come in and have a good time - we are!

Jeff Edwards

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Because you all ready own a single stack 45, I would recommend you shoot that. (Get an S&A mag well)

Edited to add: also unless your independently wealthy start looking into reloading now.

You can shoot it in open, limited, L10 or Single stack, but as others have mentioned it is really only competitive in L10 & Single Stack. But you may want to pick a division that has a lot of participation locally, even if it’s not the ideal division for your equipment.

Shooting in an empty division is no fun.

Locally( Florida) L10 and Production are large, growing divisions, the New Single Stack division is not doing too well yet, but Production had a slow start too so I remain hopeful.

As a rule heaver bullets shoot softer and are preferred by most (but not all) shooters of non compensated guns, IMHO in .45 caliber 230 is the way to go.

Edited by AK74
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OK Guys let's talk about rules again.

I was checking the IPSC rule book but I'm not sure what division's rules should apply for the Single Stack. It's not clear for me.

Open-Standard-Modified-Production-Revolver are the divisions mentioned.

My guess would be Standard...am I right.

Just trying to find out what rules should I go by before I start buying things and post useless threads.

magazine - pouch questions:

I have 3 eight rounders...I assume (I'm still have not found the answer [above]) they will be fine in SS division.

If Limited 10 then I can get some 10 rounders if I'm right.

I don't know where to look for pouches now cause you know the rules....

I have this one for now from Comp-tac.com I'm sure it's IPSC legal but not really fast, hard to grab the magazine cause it's close to the body. single_pouch_on_1.jpg

SS for now, hi-cap something later?

And you will need one of those blue things BE sells soon!

That blue thing what Brian sells....well no money now so I just shoot my .22 (1911) mainly and my .45 like every other week.

Guys, thank you for those who took their time to answer some of my questions appreciate it.

And yes in the mean time I do a couple of searches on Limited 10 and Single Stack.

Edited by TheHun
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Stick with L-10 and you'll actually get classified.

Stick with L-10 and you won't have to ask "is this legal" (within reason), or otherwise deal with overly restrictive equipment rules.

From what I've seen locally, you'll be shooting against yourself or 1 other shooter if you go with the 1911 division.

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