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Ice Magwell On Brazos Open Gun Question


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I have a Brazos Pro SC Open gun with their Bigmouth magwell. It has started to become scratched/dented etc. from use and I was thinking about replacing it with an ICE magwell. I like the idea of the plastic insert.

Will the ICE just "drop and fit" on my Brazos or will the grip need to be tapered to have a smooth transition?

Has anyone put an ICE on a Brazos open gun? How do you like it? Thanks for th input.

Edited by nhglyn
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I say wear your old nasty dinged up magwell as a symbol

of pride, it takes WORK to ding it and why cover it?

Your point is well-taken but on the flip side, the rest of the gun is so dang purdy, it's almost a crime to have a beat up magwell on it.

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I went with the Ice mag well becuase my SS hard crome magwell had dents in the inside from the mag hitting it. That could not be good for my mags and could be why I am having problems with the mags. As to a Brozos ? 'You Can Do It'

Edited by AlamoShooter
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The Ice is a very good choice. Great visual cues from the black outside/white insert model, that's the one I got for my STI.

Depending on your build, you might get really good support on the heels of both hands all the way around from the Ice. I used to build up really wild custom epoxy-grips to get a solid contact between my hands and my Open guns [EAA and Caspian Hicap] but with the Ice + STI, I don't need it. Just some skateboard tape on the top half of the left grip, that's it.

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