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OK, this sucks. Who do I call or e-mail to get my entry fee back? Won't plan to shoot Area 4 again. :angry:

Double check that you check was actually cashed...mine never did...

My checks haven't cleared the bank either, but I wouldn't want there to be a misunderstanding and see them go through now. I would like to get them back or receive iron-clad assurances that they have been destroyed there along with the entry forms.

If and when Area 4 is rescheduled, I'll decide at that time if it fits in with my plans.

Edited by Waltermitty
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I don't know whether the postponement was a good or bad decision, and I certainly feel for everyone who's lost money in travel or lodging. But I hope everyone will give Ken a break. He gives a lot of his time to make sure we're represented with USPSA, and that we have an Area match.

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That's an unfortunate situation and one that should not have occurred. If it is true that the JW convention has been in town before, that should have been a clue. If you're going to site a major match you need to check for conflicting events. Match hotels should have been sorted out long before 6 weeks before the match. Between this and Area 8 this year threatening to cancel it makes me really glad that I live in Area 1 where we have lots of clubs that want to put on Area matches.

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Well, I feel for both sides on this. The shooters who are out money and vacation time certainly get a raw deal this time.

On the other hand, the volunteers like Ken who work hard every year to provide a fun match now take a beating from everyone for making what had to be a pretty tough call. When you think about the amount of work involved in being an RO for a big match, just about any sane person out there would rather pay the hundred bucks and just be a shooter. To be on the organization/administrations side of things is an even bigger commitment, one very few people are willing to take on. It's easy to look at things in hindsight and say "well, he should have anticipated and checked for conflicts" but that's a bunch of bull. With everything happening like it apparently was (hotels filling up, all of the Clarks committed to doing STC that same weekend?, etc.) I think he made what he thought was the best decision for everyone and we should probably cut him a little slack.


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Sorry John but I have to disagree. This is an elected slot you have to ask for it and if you want to take on the duties then you should do the job. The Clarks know when the match is and they don't have to be there for the range to be used. The hotels could have been worked out 6 months ago ( or even at last years match). The match has been on the same weekend for quite a while so you have to start early planning a match this large. When you have an Area Director that can't even answer emails this is a problem. I helped with an Area four match many years ago so I know how much work it is. I don't have the same problems like others with vacation time and money out of pocket, but it still bothers me because our group plan for this match every year and it's very dissapointing

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"Bull"?? Not really. For the most part it takes a 10 minute call to the local chamber of commerce. Do you have anything going on this weekend? It's also pretty easy to get blocks of hotel rooms for events like this. If they're full up, that's a clue that you should pick up on a lot more than 6 weeks before the match. The lack of communication is also surprising. It sounds like nobody has had any difficulty finding hotel rooms. Where did the AD get the info that hotels were hard to come by.

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Am I hearing this right, hardly anyone here on this forum has had Hotel troubles? Angus told me the other day that our hotel was already secured.

Well, right, but the issue probably never was about any of us as individuals finding a room, the whole area was sold out last year due to storm damages in the surrounding areas. IIRC I had a room to myself and I took in another shooter (or two?) because hotels were full.

The issue *possibly* is more about the fact that it's too close to the event date to get a 50 room block reserved at the EconoLodge or one of the other "Budget" hotels for the staff and crew.

But that's just a WAG.

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Obviously I'm not going to be able to convince everyone but I can't seem to make myself quit arguing either. I don't know Ken, woudn't recognize him on the street, so I don't really have a stake in this other than I just see a guy getting picked on and I've yet to see any real evidence other than conjecture. Maybe that is a problem. If there is a history of poor communication then that may be a real issue but it seems like Ken has been the A4 Director for some time now and from reviewing this thread it seems like everyone knew going in that he was bad about responding to e-mail. I do note that he gives out his home, work, cell, and fax numbers in addition to his e-mail so I don't think he's really trying to hide.

Just a few points in random order as they come to me:

1. You can't book rooms too early because in some cases the hotels won't let you. Some let you do it a year in advance, some six months.

2. I may know I have 150 shooters coming to my match but hotels don't want to give you blocks of 150 rooms or even 75. They give you maybe 30 at the discount rate hoping that the others will stay there to be w/ their friends even at a higher rate. As a MD you have to just count on the hope that your other shooters will be able to find rooms once the block fills.

3. Sounds like even though this match has been on the same weekend every year for the last five years, Ken was still trying to find a new home for it (maybe something more central for the Area) so he couldn't book blocks too early until he knew the location.

4. If I was trying to hold a match as big as A4 always is at the Clark range, I sure would want to have the Clark's/Miculek's there. Jerry, Kay, Renee, the green gator cart, etc. add an awful lot to that match and would be hard to do w/out.

5. A quick check of the Shreveport-Bossier Convention and Visitor's Bureau website shows no mention of any JW conference in town.

Look, I'm not saying the right call was made. Given the number of people who say they were able to find rooms, it's entirely possible the wrong call was made. Maybe we're back to the communication thing because until the folks involved explain their reasoning a little better I just can't make a judgement.


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Still plenty of hotel space avail (or already reserved by shooters) in the local area if you count Shreveport, Minden, and a 30 or 40 minute radius. (maybe the specific desired cut-rate "match hotel" filled up?)

Ken is awfully hard to get by email or anything computer related.

Lots of Area 4 resources/attention are being diverted to focus on Tulsa Nationals.

The owners of the home range for Area 4 have evidently decided their time was best spent elsewhere that weekend promoting STC and their .22 rifles and pistols that they get a good bit of business on. Business decison. Can't blame them, its just bad timing.

For the most part, there IS no "home" IPSC club to speak of any consequence at that range anymore. Not saying there isn't plenty of people that help around, but ever since BPPS kinda died off, the Clarks are about it at that range.


All that combined has led to the cancellation/postponement of the Area 4 match.... it has taken back seat to some other activities this year, it appears. IMHO.

Edited by sfinney
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