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Western States Single Stack Championship

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Basically yes,

I would like everyone to shoot about 7 or 8 stages on Sat. and finish up on Sunday.......I will make a few exceptions for people to shoot all on Sat if they must, but I am feeding all shooters lunch on Sat, and breakfast on Sunday..........we will do awards 1 hour after the last score is in.

Open squadding is set up for groups to get together and shoot with friends and shoot the stages as time permits. With only 100 shooters, it goes pretty quick.


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Open squadding is set up for groups to get together and shoot with friends and shoot the stages as time permits. With only 100 shooters, it goes pretty quick.


I REALLY liked the open squading format from past matches. All of us PNW shooters formed our own squad and because of the "open" format, we were able to shoot stages in any order we wanted at any time we wanted.

Last year the weather on Saturday was "less than spectacular" and when the skies opened up we decided to save the last 4 stages for Sunday. It was nice in that we had that choice rather than being forced to shoot in the rain. While we PNW shooters are used to shooting in the rain....it was the local tornado that had us a bit concerned! :)

Typically we save 3 or 4 stages for Sunday and shoot the rest on Saturday.

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Thanks for the replies!

This sounds like a good mid-winter get-away for us Wyoming folks. I sailed the idea of "going to Phoenix in late January" past my sponsor last night. She seemed genuinely pleased for a couple of seconds, then asked me what kind of match it was.

If there are still some slots left by Christmas, I may sign up.

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I am just over half full, I have a 100 shooter limit, but it is not a hard limit, we may allow a few over..........


Hey stevie you need to change rio's web page about the changes you made to the match!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

As of today, Dec. 19th, we have over 80 shooters signed up for the match, the stage design team advised me that we will have 11 stages, with round count right at 300 rounds. We are going to limit the total shooters to 100........it will be a soft 100, so if we have 110 or so that will be fine. If you are thinking about shooting sign up soon. Also, If you have not signed up by Jan. 10th, you will not be getting the match T-shirt, as I need to have the printer start on the 11th. Feel free to send me an note, but I anticipate that the match will fill up soon.

Thanks, Steve

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Sorry for not being on the board, I was out of town for the holidays, and got back and had to work all weekend...........

We will have a box, that is of the USPSA dimensions........and will chrono. The match is close to being full, if you have talked to me in the last few days, you are still good to get in. If you have not, please send me a note, or call me at my listed number or e-mail that is on the

www.riopractical.com website

I still have some people to contact that have sent me questions............please respond if you have any questions, I atticipate the match filling up by the end of the weekend.


Robert M,

give me a call...........


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  • 2 weeks later...

The match is now full, and we are over my 100 shooter limit. If you are interested in shooting the match, you need to contact me personally. We cannot accpet any more shooters after Sat.

The total round count is just under 300 rounds, right around 270 for 10 stages. We will be having a shoot off on Sunday, that will be a single elimination format.

The RO's will be shooting Friday, you are welcome to come out and look at the stages then if you like, but please do not interfear with them shooting. We will finishing set up as well, I am sure.

The shooters meeting will be on Sat. morning at 0730 hrs, and shooting will start as close to 0800., as possible. You will be fed lunch on Sat. so you will not have to leave to get food, as well as breakfast on Sunday.

You will get your score sheets and T-shirt right after the shooter meeting. If you have any questions, please let me know.


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We will be having a shoot off on Sunday, that will be a single elimination format.

WAY Cool! I've never done a head-to-head shoot off before so hopefully I make the cut and get into the shoot-offs....but it will be an uphill battle if it happens.

[Nigel Tufnel quote: I'm a professional....I'll rise above it!]

My dream would be to face TGO in the shootoffs....and I wouldn't even care if I beat him! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

The match is coming along as planned, some of you that have signed up did not provide an e-mail, or did provide one, but I could not read it, so anyway, I wanted to send out one last note with info.

Shooter briefing will start at 0730 on Sat. morning at Rio Salado. If you have any questions, please let me know ASAP.. I will check BE's site tomorrow, but that will be it, if you have my e-mail address and a ? send it to me. Total round count is somewhere around 270 for 11 stages. There will be a shoot off on Sunday, for the top 16 who are still there.

There will be an IPSC box, so please make sure your gun fits........

There will also be an informal equipment inspection, so if you have questions about your gear, let me know, or check USPSA.com I have sent out the provisional rules to everyone I had e-mail addresses for.

I look forward to seeing everyone, and this is by far the largest WSSSC match to date.


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Always the bridesmaid at any single stack match ...........

And the shootoffs ...............

But TGO was unable to shoot a time of 19.11 (please see Stage 6 for the ultimate possible time to post at a Single Stack match :D ).

It was an excellent match with challenging shots and field courses that could be tackled by more than one strategy.


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Kelly whats up with getting beat by a C class shooter on stage 1? HaHa! Kidding but true.

Always the bridesmaid at any single stack match ...........

And the shootoffs ...............

But TGO was unable to shoot a time of 19.11 (please see Stage 6 for the ultimate possible time to post at a Single Stack match :D ).

It was an excellent match with challenging shots and field courses that could be tackled by more than one strategy.


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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say a quick thanks to Steve, Roger and the rest of the crew for putting on a great match. I am a long time IDPA shooter and this was my second ever USPSA match. I was in the same squad as Kelly and Angus and we were one squad behind Rob's squad. Just wanted to give a public thanks for the class act that Kelly is. Always answered my and my fellow IDPA shooters stupid USPSA questions and it was truly a joy to watch and learn from all of them on how to read a stage and shoot it in different ways. Best $75.00 match fee/learning experience one could ask for :-)


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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say a quick thanks to Steve, Roger and the rest of the crew for putting on a great match. I am a long time IDPA shooter and this was my second ever USPSA match. I was in the same squad as Kelly and Angus and we were one squad behind Rob's squad. Just wanted to give a public thanks for the class act that Kelly is. Always answered my and my fellow IDPA shooters stupid USPSA questions and it was truly a joy to watch and learn from all of them on how to read a stage and shoot it in different ways. Best $75.00 match fee/learning experience one could ask for :-)



I noticed there were a bunch of the Phoenix IDPA crowd at the single stack. Hopefully you guys will be regulars from now on. I always liked IDPA because I could run with a "carry" 1911 and be competative. Now with USPSA recognizining single stacks, we have two sports to compete in.

You know what I heard at the match? I heard that when Chuck Norris goes to sleep at night he checks under his bed for Kelly Neal! :D

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Many thanks to the people involved in putting on an awesome match!! The stages were fun, the RO's were really great, and the food and shirts were icing on the cake!! and...I discovered that I really suck with a single stack!! Practice? lol

Thanks Again

Cheryl :)

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My dream would be to face TGO in the shootoffs....

Careful what you wish for...you might just get it!


...anyone need lottery numbers picked? :)

Great match as usual Steve!

Edited by SteveZ
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Thanks to everyone that came and shot the match. With the exception of having to throw out stage 9 (actually 8, but we all knew it as 9), everything ran smooth. Since this was a change in scoring and rules from the previous matches, to USPSA scoring we had some growing pains. We will make next year's match even better.

Steve, it was great to see you again, make sure you rub it in to Rick B. how nice the weather was..........I remember Rick from the match a few years ago. I am glad you made it to the shoot offs, it was luck of the draw (good and bad). I really like that format for the shoot off, I will probably do it that way next year.

My hats go off to Roger F., Polle and Rich M. for helping me with the match, and to all the other RO's and crew that were there all weekend........we can not do it with out you.

I am truly hope that you all had a great time.


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