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Open DVC cmore mount screw


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It depends on your gun and how close to spec the holes were drilled and tapped.  I've had two that wouldn't hold except with red Loctite and one (higher-end gun) that holds with blue.  Loctite primer is a good idea either way, especially if the metals are dissimilar.  Stainless set screws have a reputation for breaking, so I use regular steel screws.  


Best of luck! ?

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Usually recommended that one use Red Loc-Tite, might have to apply slight heat to remove.  Blue may work but usually the mounts don't need to come off.

Don't use anything stronger than Red though.  If you take the mount off, remember to clean any Loc-Tite that seeped out up, sometimes you will see a thin sheet of it that looks like glazing.

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2 hours ago, glocklover said:

So, I have a missing cmore mount screw on my STI DVC. It is one of the screws that holds the mount to the frame. I order screws to replace it. My question is do I use blue or red loctite?

Mount to frame use red. Sight to mount use blue.

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